
continuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics
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Makefile (3737B)

      1 BIN = ../1d_fd_simple_shear
      3 plots: 1d_fd_simple_shear.png \
      4 	1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png \
      5 	1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png \
      6 	1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png \
      7 	1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png \
      8 	diurnal.timeseries.pdf
     10 diurnal.mp4: diurnal.output00000.txt.png
     11 	ffmpeg -i diurnal.output%05d.txt.png -y diurnal.mp4
     13 diurnal.output00000.txt.png: 1d_fd_simple_shear_fluid.gp diurnal.output00000.txt
     14 	/bin/sh -c '\
     15 	for f in diurnal.output*.txt; do \
     16 		gnuplot -e "filename=\"$$f\"; p_min=\"0\"; p_max=\"100e3\"" \
     17 			1d_fd_simple_shear_fluid.gp > $$f.png; \
     18 	done'
     20 diurnal.output00000.txt: $(BIN)
     21 	/bin/sh -c '\
     22 	./$(BIN) --length 8.0 --normal-stress 150e3 \
     23 	--fluid --fluid-permeability 2e-17 \
     24 	--fluid-pressure-top 50e3 --fluid-pressure-ampl 100e3 \
     25 	--fluid-pressure-freq $$( echo "1.0/(3600*24)" | bc -l ) \
     26 	--file-interval $$( echo "60*10" | bc -l ) \
     27 	--time-end $$( echo "3600*24*7" | bc -l ) diurnal'
     29 diurnal.timeseries.txt: diurnal.output00000.txt
     30 	/bin/sh -c '\
     31 	for f in diurnal.output*.txt; do \
     32 		tail -n 1 "$$f" | cut -f2- >> $@; \
     33 	done'
     35 diurnal.timeseries.pdf: diurnal.timeseries.gp diurnal.timeseries.txt
     36 	gnuplot diurnal.timeseries.gp > $@
     38 diurnal.gif: diurnal.mp4
     39 	convert diurnal.output*.txt.png \
     40 		-delay 1 -loop 0 -fuzz 10% -layers Optimize $@
     42 1d_fd_simple_shear.png: $(BIN) 1d_fd_simple_shear.gp
     43 	/bin/sh -c '\
     44 	for P in 10 20 40 60 80 120; do \
     45 		./$(BIN) --stress-ratio 0.44 -o 0.03 -L 0.64 -P $${P}e3 -N \
     46 			> 1d_fd_simple_shear_P$${P}kPa.txt; \
     47 	done'
     48 	gnuplot 1d_fd_simple_shear.gp > $@
     50 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.png: $(BIN) 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.gp
     51 	/bin/sh -c '\
     52 	for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 5 0.20 1.00); do \
     53 		out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}.txt"; \
     54 		rm -f "$$out"; \
     55 		for t in $$(jot 80 0.01 0.80); do \
     56 			printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
     57 			./$(BIN) -P 20e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
     58 			tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
     59 	done; done'
     60 	gnuplot 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology.gp > $@
     62 # 1 bar is equal to 100 kPa
     63 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.png: $(BIN) 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.gp Makefile
     64 	/bin/sh -c '\
     65 	for b in 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.94; do \
     66 		out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_kamb.txt"; \
     67 		rm -f "$$out"; \
     68 		for t in $$(jot 200 0.01 2.0); do \
     69 			printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
     70 			./$(BIN) -f 0.443 -C 1.0e3 -P 1.7e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
     71 			tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
     72 	done; done'
     73 	gnuplot 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_kamb.gp > $@
     75 # shear-strain rate from 10^1 to 10^6 m/a
     76 # friction around 0.55
     77 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.png: $(BIN) 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.gp
     78 	/bin/sh -c '\
     79 	for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 8 0.20 0.90) 0.94; do \
     80 		out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_iverson.txt"; \
     81 		rm -f "$$out"; \
     82 		for t in $$(jot 50 0.0001 1.0); do \
     83 			printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
     84 			./$(BIN) -f 0.55 -P 100e3 -L 1.0 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
     85 			tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
     86 	done; done'
     87 	gnuplot 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_iverson.gp > $@
     89 # shear velocity rate from 0.1 m/h to 100 m/h
     90 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.png: $(BIN) 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.gp
     91 	/bin/sh -c '\
     92 	for b in $$(printf "0.01\n0.10\n"; jot 8 0.20 1.0) 0.94; do \
     93 		out="1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_b$${b}_tulaczyk.txt"; \
     94 		rm -f "$$out"; \
     95 		for t in $$(jot 50 0.1000 0.9); do \
     96 			printf "$$t\t" >> "$$out"; \
     97 			./$(BIN) -f 0.5 -P 10e3 --stress-ratio $$t -b $$b | \
     98 			tail -n 1 | cut -f2 >> "$$out"; \
     99 	done; done'
    100 	gnuplot 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology_tulaczyk.gp > $@
    102 $(BIN):
    103 	make -C ..
    105 clean:
    106 	rm -f *.txt
    107 	rm -f *.png
    108 	rm -f *.gif
    109 	rm -f *.mp4
    110 	rm -f *.pdf
    111 	rm -f *.o
    112 	rm -f 1d_fd_simple_shear.png
    113 	rm -f 1d_fd_simple_shear_rheology*.png
    115 .PHONY: plots clean