
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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atmosphere.jl (8067B)

      1 using Test
      2 using LinearAlgebra
      4 export createEmptyAtmosphere
      5 "Returns empty ocean type for initialization purposes."
      6 function createEmptyAtmosphere()
      7     return Atmosphere(false,
      9                       zeros(1),
     11                       zeros(1,1),
     12                       zeros(1,1),
     13                       zeros(1,1),
     14                       zeros(1,1),
     16                       zeros(1),
     18                       zeros(1,1,1,1),
     19                       zeros(1,1,1,1),
     21                       Array{Vector{Int}}(undef, 1, 1),
     22                       zeros(1,1),
     24                       1, 1, 1, 1,
     26                       false,
     28                       false, [0.,0.,0.], [1.,1.,1.], [1,1,1], [1.,1.,1.])
     29 end
     31 export interpolateAtmosphereState
     32 """
     33 Atmosphere data is containted in `Atmosphere` type at discrete times 
     34 (`Atmosphere.time`).  This function performs linear interpolation between time 
     35 steps to get the approximate atmosphere state at any point in time.  If the 
     36 `Atmosphere` data set only contains a single time step, values from that time 
     37 are returned.
     38 """
     39 function interpolateAtmosphereState(atmosphere::Atmosphere, t::Float64)
     40     if length(atmosphere.time) == 1
     41         return atmosphere.u, atmosphere.v
     42     elseif t < atmosphere.time[1] || t > atmosphere.time[end]
     43         error("selected time (t = $(t)) is outside the range of " *
     44               "time steps in the atmosphere data")
     45     end
     46 end
     48 export createRegularAtmosphereGrid
     49 """
     50     createRegularAtmosphereGrid(n, L[, origo, time, name,
     51                                 bc_west, bc_south, bc_east, bc_north])
     53 Initialize and return a regular, Cartesian `Atmosphere` grid with `n[1]` by
     54 `n[2]` cells in the horizontal dimension, and `n[3]` vertical cells.  The cell
     55 corner and center coordinates will be set according to the grid spatial
     56 dimensions `L[1]`, `L[2]`, and `L[3]`.  The grid `u`, `v`, `h`, and `e` fields
     57 will contain one 4-th dimension matrix per `time` step.  Sea surface will be at
     58 `z=0.` with the atmosphere spanning `z<0.`.  Vertical indexing starts with `k=0`
     59 at the sea surface, and increases downwards.
     61 # Arguments
     62 * `n::Vector{Int}`: number of cells along each dimension [-].
     63 * `L::Vector{Float64}`: domain length along each dimension [m].
     64 * `origo::Vector{Float64}`: domain offset in each dimension [m] (default =
     65     `[0.0, 0.0]`).
     66 * `time::Vector{Float64}`: vector of time stamps for the grid [s].
     67 * `name::String`: grid name (default = `"unnamed"`).
     68 * `bc_west::Integer`: grid boundary condition for the grains.
     69 * `bc_south::Integer`: grid boundary condition for the grains.
     70 * `bc_east::Integer`: grid boundary condition for the grains.
     71 * `bc_north::Integer`: grid boundary condition for the grains.
     72 """
     73 function createRegularAtmosphereGrid(n::Vector{Int},
     74                                      L::Vector{Float64};
     75                                      origo::Vector{Float64} = zeros(2),
     76                                      time::Array{Float64, 1} = zeros(1),
     77                                      name::String = "unnamed",
     78                                      bc_west::Integer = 1,
     79                                      bc_south::Integer = 1,
     80                                      bc_east::Integer = 1,
     81                                      bc_north::Integer = 1)
     83     xq = repeat(range(origo[1], stop=origo[1] + L[1], length=n[1] + 1),
     84                 outer=[1, n[2] + 1])
     85     yq = repeat(range(origo[2], stop=origo[2] + L[2], length=n[2] + 1)',
     86                 outer=[n[1] + 1, 1])
     88     dx = L./n
     89     xh = repeat(range(origo[1] + .5*dx[1],
     90                       stop=origo[1] + L[1] - .5*dx[1],
     91                       length=n[1]),
     92                 outer=[1, n[2]])
     93     yh = repeat(range(origo[2] + .5*dx[2],
     94                       stop=origo[1] + L[2] - .5*dx[2],
     95                       length=n[2])',
     96                 outer=[n[1], 1])
     98     zl = -range(.5*dx[3], stop=L[3] - .5*dx[3], length=n[3])
    100     u = zeros(n[1] + 1, n[2] + 1, n[3], length(time))
    101     v = zeros(n[1] + 1, n[2] + 1, n[3], length(time))
    103     return Atmosphere(name,
    104                  time,
    105                  xq, yq,
    106                  xh, yh,
    107                  zl,
    108                  u, v,
    109                  Array{Array{Int, 1}}(undef, size(xh, 1), size(xh, 2)),
    110                  zeros(size(xh)),
    111                  bc_west, bc_south, bc_east, bc_north,
    112                  false,
    113                  true, origo, L, n, dx)
    114 end
    116 export addAtmosphereDrag!
    117 """
    118 Add drag from linear and angular velocity difference between atmosphere and all 
    119 grains.
    120 """
    121 function addAtmosphereDrag!(simulation::Simulation)
    122     if typeof(simulation.atmosphere.input_file) == Bool
    123         error("no atmosphere data read")
    124     end
    126     u, v = interpolateAtmosphereState(simulation.atmosphere, simulation.time)
    127     uv_interp = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    128     sw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    129     se = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    130     ne = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    131     nw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    133     for grain in simulation.grains
    135         if !grain.enabled
    136             continue
    137         end
    139         i, j = grain.atmosphere_grid_pos
    140         k = 1
    142         x_tilde, y_tilde = getNonDimensionalCellCoordinates(simulation.
    143                                                             atmosphere,
    144                                                             i, j,
    145                                                             grain.lin_pos)
    146         x_tilde = clamp(x_tilde, 0., 1.)
    147         y_tilde = clamp(y_tilde, 0., 1.)
    149         bilinearInterpolation!(uv_interp, u, v, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, 1)
    150         applyAtmosphereDragToGrain!(grain, uv_interp[1], uv_interp[2])
    151         applyAtmosphereVorticityToGrain!(grain,
    152                                       curl(simulation.atmosphere,
    153                                            x_tilde, y_tilde,
    154                                            i, j, k, 1, sw, se, ne, nw))
    155     end
    156     nothing
    157 end
    159 export applyAtmosphereDragToGrain!
    160 """
    161 Add Stokes-type drag from velocity difference between atmosphere and a single 
    162 grain.
    163 """
    164 function applyAtmosphereDragToGrain!(grain::GrainCylindrical,
    165                                   u::Float64, v::Float64)
    166     ρ_a = 1.2754   # atmosphere density
    168     drag_force = ρ_a * π * 
    169     (2.0*grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert*grain.areal_radius*.1*grain.thickness + 
    170      grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz*grain.areal_radius^2.0) *
    171         ([u, v] - grain.lin_vel[1:2])*norm([u, v] - grain.lin_vel[1:2])
    173     grain.force += vecTo3d(drag_force)
    174     grain.atmosphere_stress = vecTo3d(drag_force/grain.horizontal_surface_area)
    175     nothing
    176 end
    178 export applyAtmosphereVorticityToGrain!
    179 """
    180 Add Stokes-type torque from angular velocity difference between atmosphere and a 
    181 single grain.  See Eq. 9.28 in "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics" by Nakayama 
    182 and Boucher, 1999.
    183 """
    184 function applyAtmosphereVorticityToGrain!(grain::GrainCylindrical, 
    185                                             atmosphere_curl::Float64)
    186     ρ_a = 1.2754   # atmosphere density
    188     grain.torque[3] +=
    189         π * grain.areal_radius^4. * ρ_a * 
    190         (grain.areal_radius / 5. * grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz + 
    191         .1 * grain.thickness * grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert) * 
    192         norm(.5 * atmosphere_curl - grain.ang_vel[3]) * 
    193         (.5 * atmosphere_curl - grain.ang_vel[3])
    194     nothing
    195 end
    197 export compareAtmospheres
    198 """
    199     compareAtmospheres(atmosphere1::atmosphere, atmosphere2::atmosphere)
    201 Compare values of two `atmosphere` objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
    202 """
    203 function compareAtmospheres(atmosphere1::Atmosphere, atmosphere2::Atmosphere)
    205     @test atmosphere1.input_file == atmosphere2.input_file
    206     @test atmosphere1.time ≈ atmosphere2.time
    208     @test atmosphere1.xq ≈ atmosphere2.xq
    209     @test atmosphere1.yq ≈ atmosphere2.yq
    211     @test atmosphere1.xh ≈ atmosphere2.xh
    212     @test atmosphere1.yh ≈ atmosphere2.yh
    214     @test atmosphere1.zl ≈ atmosphere2.zl
    216     @test atmosphere1.u ≈ atmosphere2.u
    217     @test atmosphere1.v ≈ atmosphere2.v
    219     if isassigned(atmosphere1.grain_list, 1)
    220         @test atmosphere1.grain_list == atmosphere2.grain_list
    221     end
    222     nothing
    223 end