
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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grain.jl (39136B)

      1 ## Manage grains in the model
      3 using Test
      4 using LinearAlgebra
      6 export addGrainCylindrical!
      7 """
      8     function addGrainCylindrical!(simulation, lin_pos, contact_radius,
      9                                     thickness[, areal_radius, lin_vel, lin_acc,
     10                                     force, ang_pos, ang_vel, ang_acc, torque,
     11                                     density, contact_stiffness_normal,
     12                                     contact_stiffness_tangential,
     13                                     contact_viscosity_normal,
     14                                     contact_viscosity_tangential,
     15                                     contact_static_friction,
     16                                     contact_dynamic_friction,
     17                                     youngs_modulus, poissons_ratio,
     18                                     tensile_strength, shear_strength,
     19                                     strength_heal_rate,
     20                                     fracture_toughness,
     21                                     ocean_drag_coeff_vert,
     22                                     ocean_drag_coeff_horiz,
     23                                     atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert,
     24                                     atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz,
     25                                     pressure, fixed,
     26                                     allow_x_acc, allow_y_acc, allow_z_acc,
     27                                     rotating, enabled, verbose,
     28                                     ocean_grid_pos, atmosphere_grid_pos,
     29                                     n_contact, granular_stress, ocean_stress,
     30                                     atmosphere_stress,
     31                                     thermal_energy,
     32                                     color])
     34 Creates and adds a cylindrical grain to a simulation. Most of the arguments 
     35 are optional, and come with default values.  The only required arguments are 
     36 `simulation`, `lin_pos`, `contact_radius`, and `thickness`.
     38 # Arguments
     39 * `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object where the grain should be
     40     added to.
     41 * `lin_pos::Vector{Float64}`: linear position of grain center [m]. If a
     42     two-component vector is used, the values will be mapped to *x* and *y*, and
     43     the *z* component will be set to zero.
     44 * `contact_radius::Float64`: grain radius for granular interaction [m].
     45 * `thickness::Float64`: grain thickness [m].
     46 * `areal_radius = false`: grain radius for determining sea-ice concentration
     47     [m].
     48 * `lin_vel::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: linear velocity [m/s]. If a
     49     two-component vector is used, the values will be mapped to *x* and *y*, and
     50     the *z* component will be set to zero.
     51 * `lin_acc::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: linear acceleration [m/s^2]. If a
     52     two-component vector is used, the values will be mapped to *x* and *y*, and
     53     the *z* component will be set to zero.
     54 * `force::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: linear force balance [N]. If a
     55     two-component vector is used, the values will be mapped to *x* and *y*, and
     56     the *z* component will be set to zero.
     57 * `ang_pos::Float64 = [0., 0., 0.]`: angular position around its center vertical
     58     axis [rad]. If a scalar is used, the value will be mapped to *z*, and the
     59     *x* and *y* components will be set to zero.
     60 * `ang_vel::Float64 = [0., 0., 0.]`: angular velocity around its center vertical
     61     axis [rad/s]. If a scalar is used, the value will be mapped to *z*, and the
     62     *x* and *y* components will be set to zero.
     63 * `ang_acc::Float64 = [0., 0., 0.]`: angular acceleration around its center
     64     vertical axis [rad/s^2]. If a scalar is used, the value will be mapped to
     65     *z*, and the *x* and *y* components will be set to zero.
     66 * `torque::Float64 = [0., 0., 0.]`: torque around its center vertical axis
     67     [N*m]. If a scalar is used, the value will be mapped to *z*, and the *x* and
     68     *y* components will be set to zero.
     69 * `density::Float64 = 934.`: grain mean density [kg/m^3].
     70 * `contact_stiffness_normal::Float64 = 1e7`: contact-normal stiffness [N/m];
     71     overridden if `youngs_modulus` is set to a positive value.
     72 * `contact_stiffness_tangential::Float64 = 0.`: contact-tangential stiffness
     73     [N/m]; overridden if `youngs_modulus` is set to a positive value.
     74 * `contact_viscosity_normal::Float64 = 0.`: contact-normal viscosity [N/m/s].
     75 * `contact_viscosity_tangential::Float64 = 0.`: contact-tangential viscosity
     76     [N/m/s].
     77 * `contact_static_friction::Float64 = 0.4`: contact static Coulomb frictional
     78     coefficient [-].
     79 * `contact_dynamic_friction::Float64 = 0.4`: contact dynamic Coulomb frictional
     80     coefficient [-].
     81 * `youngs_modulus::Float64 = 2e7`: elastic modulus [Pa]; overrides any value
     82     set for `contact_stiffness_normal`.
     83 * `poissons_ratio::Float64 = 0.185`: Poisson's ratio, used to determine the
     84     contact-tangential stiffness from `youngs_modulus` [-].
     85 * `tensile_strength::Float64 = 0.`: contact-tensile (cohesive) bond strength
     86     [Pa].
     87 * `shear_strength::Float64 = 0.`: shear strength of bonded contacts [Pa].
     88 * `strength_heal_rate::Float64 = 0.`: rate at which contact bond
     89     strength is obtained [Pa/s].
     90 * `fracture_toughness::Float64 = 0.`: fracture toughness which influences the 
     91     maximum compressive strength on granular contact [m^{1/2}*Pa]. A value
     92     of 1.285e6 m^{1/2}*Pa is used for sea ice by Hopkins 2004.
     93 * `ocean_drag_coeff_vert::Float64 = 0.85`: vertical drag coefficient for ocean
     94     against grain sides [-].
     95 * `ocean_drag_coeff_horiz::Float64 = 5e-4`: horizontal drag coefficient for
     96     ocean against grain bottom [-].
     97 * `atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert::Float64 = 0.4`: vertical drag coefficient for
     98     atmosphere against grain sides [-].
     99 * `atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz::Float64 = 2.5e-4`: horizontal drag coefficient
    100     for atmosphere against grain bottom [-].
    101 * `pressure::Float64 = 0.`: current compressive stress on grain [Pa].
    102 * `fixed::Bool = false`: grain is fixed to a constant velocity (e.g. zero).
    103 * `allow_x_acc::Bool = false`: override `fixed` along `x`.
    104 * `allow_y_acc::Bool = false`: override `fixed` along `y`.
    105 * `allow_z_acc::Bool = false`: override `fixed` along `z`.
    106 * `rotating::Bool = true`: grain is allowed to rotate.
    107 * `enabled::Bool = true`: grain interacts with other grains.
    108 * `verbose::Bool = true`: display diagnostic information during the function
    109     call.
    110 * `ocean_grid_pos::Array{Int, 1} = [0, 0]`: position of grain in the ocean
    111     grid.
    112 * `atmosphere_grid_pos::Array{Int, 1} = [0, 0]`: position of grain in the
    113     atmosphere grid.
    114 * `n_contacts::Int = 0`: number of contacts with other grains.
    115 * `granular_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: resultant stress on grain
    116     from granular interactions [Pa].
    117 * `ocean_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: resultant stress on grain from
    118     ocean drag [Pa].
    119 * `atmosphere_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.]`: resultant stress on grain
    120     from atmosphere drag [Pa].
    121 * `thermal_energy::Float64 = 0.0`: thermal energy of grain [J].
    122 * `color::Int=0`: type number, usually used for associating a color to the grain
    123     during visualization.
    125 # Examples
    126 The most basic example adds a new grain to the simulation `sim`, with a 
    127 center at `[1., 2., 0.]`, a radius of `1.` meter, and a thickness of `0.5` 
    128 meter:
    130 ```julia
    131 Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [1., 2.], 1., .5)
    132 ```
    133 Note that the *z* component is set to zero if a two-component vector is passed.
    135 The following example will create a grain with tensile and shear strength, and a
    136 velocity of 0.5 m/s towards -x:
    138 ```julia
    139 Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [4., 2.], 1., .5,
    140                               tensile_strength = 200e3,
    141                               shear_strength = 100e3,
    142                               lin_vel = [-.5, 0.])
    143 ```
    145 Fixed grains are useful for creating walls or coasts, and loops are useful
    146 for creating regular arrangements:
    148 ```julia
    149 for i=1:5
    150     Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [i*2., 0., 3.], 1., .5, fixed=true)
    151 end
    152 ```
    153 """
    154 function addGrainCylindrical!(simulation::Simulation,
    155                                 lin_pos::Vector{Float64},
    156                                 contact_radius::Float64,
    157                                 thickness::Float64;
    158                                 areal_radius = false,
    159                                 lin_vel::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    160                                 lin_acc::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    161                                 force::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    162                                 ang_pos::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    163                                 ang_vel::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    164                                 ang_acc::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    165                                 torque::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    166                                 density::Float64 = 934.,
    167                                 contact_stiffness_normal::Float64 = 1e7,
    168                                 contact_stiffness_tangential::Float64 = 0.,
    169                                 contact_viscosity_normal::Float64 = 0.,
    170                                 contact_viscosity_tangential::Float64 = 0.,
    171                                 contact_static_friction::Float64 = 0.4,
    172                                 contact_dynamic_friction::Float64 = 0.4,
    173                                 youngs_modulus::Float64 = 2e7,
    174                                 poissons_ratio::Float64 = 0.185,  # Hopkins 2004
    175                                 tensile_strength::Float64 = 0.,
    176                                 shear_strength::Float64 = 0.,
    177                                 strength_heal_rate::Float64 = Inf,
    178                                 fracture_toughness::Float64 = 0.,  
    179                                 ocean_drag_coeff_vert::Float64 = 0.85, # H&C 2011
    180                                 ocean_drag_coeff_horiz::Float64 = 5e-4, # H&C 2011
    181                                 atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert::Float64 = 0.4, # H&C 2011
    182                                 atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz::Float64 = 2.5e-4, # H&C2011
    183                                 pressure::Float64 = 0.,
    184                                 fixed::Bool = false,
    185                                 allow_x_acc::Bool = false,
    186                                 allow_y_acc::Bool = false,
    187                                 allow_z_acc::Bool = false,
    188                                 rotating::Bool = true,
    189                                 enabled::Bool = true,
    190                                 verbose::Bool = true,
    191                                 ocean_grid_pos::Array{Int, 1} = [0, 0],
    192                                 atmosphere_grid_pos::Array{Int, 1} = [0, 0],
    193                                 n_contacts::Int = 0,
    194                                 granular_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    195                                 ocean_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    196                                 atmosphere_stress::Vector{Float64} = [0., 0., 0.],
    197                                 thermal_energy::Float64 = 0.,
    198                                 color::Int = 0)
    200     # Check input values
    201     if length(lin_pos) != 3
    202         lin_pos = vecTo3d(lin_pos)
    203     end
    204     if length(lin_vel) != 3
    205         lin_vel = vecTo3d(lin_vel)
    206     end
    207     if length(lin_acc) != 3
    208         lin_acc = vecTo3d(lin_acc)
    209     end
    210     if length(force) != 3
    211         force = vecTo3d(force)
    212     end
    213     if length(ang_pos) != 3
    214         ang_pos = vecTo3d(ang_pos)
    215     end
    216     if length(ang_vel) != 3
    217         ang_vel = vecTo3d(ang_vel)
    218     end
    219     if length(ang_acc) != 3
    220         ang_acc = vecTo3d(ang_acc)
    221     end
    222     if length(torque) != 3
    223         torque = vecTo3d(torque)
    224     end
    225     if length(granular_stress) != 3
    226         granular_stress = vecTo3d(granular_stress)
    227     end
    228     if length(ocean_stress) != 3
    229         ocean_stress = vecTo3d(ocean_stress)
    230     end
    231     if length(atmosphere_stress) != 3
    232         atmosphere_stress = vecTo3d(atmosphere_stress)
    233     end
    234     if contact_radius <= 0.0
    235         error("Radius must be greater than 0.0 " *
    236               "(radius = $contact_radius m)")
    237     end
    238     if density <= 0.0
    239         error("Density must be greater than 0.0 " *
    240               "(density = $density kg/m^3)")
    241     end
    243     if !areal_radius
    244         areal_radius = contact_radius
    245     end
    247     contacts::Array{Int, 1} = zeros(Int, simulation.Nc_max)
    248     position_vector = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, simulation.Nc_max)
    249     contact_parallel_displacement =
    250         Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, simulation.Nc_max)
    251     contact_rotation = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, simulation.Nc_max)
    252     contact_age::Vector{Float64} = zeros(Float64, simulation.Nc_max)
    253     contact_area::Vector{Float64} = zeros(Float64, simulation.Nc_max)
    254     compressive_failure::Vector{Bool} = zeros(Bool, simulation.Nc_max)
    255     for i=1:simulation.Nc_max
    256         position_vector[i] = zeros(3)
    257         contact_rotation[i] = zeros(3)
    258         contact_parallel_displacement[i] = zeros(3)
    259     end
    261     # Create grain object with placeholder values for surface area, volume, 
    262     # mass, and moment of inertia.
    263     grain = GrainCylindrical(density,
    265                              thickness,
    266                              contact_radius,
    267                              areal_radius,
    268                              1.0,  # circumreference
    269                              1.0,  # horizontal_surface_area
    270                              1.0,  # side_surface_area
    271                              1.0,  # volume
    272                              1.0,  # mass
    273                              1.0,  # moment_of_inertia
    274                              lin_pos,
    275                              lin_vel,
    276                              lin_acc,
    277                              force,
    278                              [0., 0., 0.], # external_body_force
    279                              [0., 0., 0.], # lin_disp
    281                              ang_pos,
    282                              ang_vel,
    283                              ang_acc,
    284                              torque,
    286                              fixed,
    287                              allow_x_acc,
    288                              allow_y_acc,
    289                              allow_z_acc,
    290                              rotating,
    291                              enabled,
    293                              contact_stiffness_normal,
    294                              contact_stiffness_tangential,
    295                              contact_viscosity_normal,
    296                              contact_viscosity_tangential,
    297                              contact_static_friction,
    298                              contact_dynamic_friction,
    300                              youngs_modulus,
    301                              poissons_ratio,
    302                              tensile_strength,
    303                              shear_strength,
    304                              strength_heal_rate,
    305                              fracture_toughness,
    307                              ocean_drag_coeff_vert,
    308                              ocean_drag_coeff_horiz,
    309                              atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert,
    310                              atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz,
    312                              pressure,
    313                              n_contacts,
    314                              ocean_grid_pos,
    315                              atmosphere_grid_pos,
    316                              contacts,
    317                              position_vector,
    318                              contact_parallel_displacement,
    319                              contact_rotation,
    320                              contact_age,
    321                              contact_area,
    322                              compressive_failure,
    324                              granular_stress,
    325                              ocean_stress,
    326                              atmosphere_stress,
    328                              thermal_energy,
    330                              color
    331                             )
    333     # Overwrite previous placeholder values
    334     grain.circumreference = grainCircumreference(grain)
    335     grain.horizontal_surface_area = grainHorizontalSurfaceArea(grain)
    336     grain.side_surface_area = grainSideSurfaceArea(grain)
    337     grain.volume = grainVolume(grain)
    338     grain.mass = grainMass(grain)
    339     grain.moment_of_inertia = grainMomentOfInertia(grain)
    341     # Add to simulation object
    342     addGrain!(simulation, grain, verbose)
    343     nothing
    344 end
    346 export grainCircumreference
    347 "Returns the circumreference of the grain"
    348 function grainCircumreference(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    349     return pi*grain.areal_radius*2.
    350 end
    352 export grainHorizontalSurfaceArea
    353 "Returns the top or bottom (horizontal) surface area of the grain"
    354 function grainHorizontalSurfaceArea(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    355     return pi*grain.areal_radius^2.
    356 end
    358 export grainSideSurfaceArea
    359 "Returns the surface area of the grain sides"
    360 function grainSideSurfaceArea(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    361     return grainCircumreference(grain)*grain.thickness
    362 end
    364 export grainVolume
    365 "Returns the volume of the grain"
    366 function grainVolume(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    367     return grainHorizontalSurfaceArea(grain)*grain.thickness
    368 end
    370 export grainMass
    371 "Returns the mass of the grain"
    372 function grainMass(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    373     return grainVolume(grain)*grain.density
    374 end
    376 export grainMomentOfInertia
    377 "Returns the moment of inertia of the grain"
    378 function grainMomentOfInertia(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    379     return 0.5*grainMass(grain)*grain.areal_radius^2.
    380 end
    382 export convertGrainDataToArrays
    383 """
    384 Gathers all grain parameters from the `GrainCylindrical` type in continuous 
    385 arrays in an `GrainArrays` structure.
    386 """
    387 function convertGrainDataToArrays(simulation::Simulation)
    389     ifarr = GrainArrays(
    390                         # Material properties
    391                         ## density
    392                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    394                         # Geometrical properties
    395                         ## thickness
    396                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    397                         ## contact_radius
    398                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    399                         ## areal_radius
    400                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    401                         ## circumreference
    402                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    403                         ## horizontal_surface_area
    404                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    405                         ## side_surface_area
    406                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    407                         ## volume
    408                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    409                         ## mass
    410                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    411                         ## moment_of_inertia
    412                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    414                         # Linear kinematic degrees of freedom along horiz plane
    415                         ## lin_pos
    416                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    417                         ## lin_vel
    418                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    419                         ## lin_acc
    420                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    421                         ## force
    422                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    423                         ## external_body_force
    424                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    425                         ## lin_disp
    426                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    428                         # Angular kinematic degrees of freedom for vert. rot.
    429                         ## ang_pos
    430                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    431                         ## ang_vel
    432                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    433                         ## ang_acc
    434                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    435                         ## torque
    436                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    438                         # Kinematic constraint flags
    439                         ## fixed
    440                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    441                         ## allow_x_acc
    442                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    443                         ## allow_y_acc
    444                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    445                         ## allow_z_acc
    446                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    447                         ## rotating
    448                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    449                         ## enabled
    450                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    452                         # Rheological parameters
    453                         ## contact_stiffness_normal
    454                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    455                         ## contact_stiffness_tangential
    456                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    457                         ## contact_viscosity_normal
    458                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    459                         ## contact_viscosity_tangential
    460                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    461                         ## contact_static_friction
    462                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    463                         ## contact_dynamic_friction
    464                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    466                         ## youngs_modulus
    467                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    468                         ## poissons_ratio
    469                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    470                         ## tensile_strength
    471                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    472                         ## shear_strength
    473                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    474                         ## strength_heal_rate
    475                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    476                         ## fracture_toughness
    477                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    479                         # Ocean/atmosphere interaction parameters
    480                         ## ocean_drag_coeff_vert
    481                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    482                         ## ocean_drag_coeff_horiz
    483                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    484                         ## atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert
    485                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    486                         ## atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz
    487                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    489                         # Interaction
    490                         ## pressure
    491                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    492                         ## n_contacts
    493                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    495                         ## granular_stress
    496                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    497                         ## ocean_stress
    498                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    499                         ## atmosphere_stress
    500                         zeros(Float64, 3, length(simulation.grains)),
    502                         ## thermal_energy
    503                         Array{Float64}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    505                         # Visualization parameters
    506                         ## color
    507                         Array{Int}(undef, length(simulation.grains)),
    509                        )
    511     # fill arrays
    512     for i=1:length(simulation.grains)
    513         ifarr.density[i] = simulation.grains[i].density
    515         ifarr.thickness[i] = simulation.grains[i].thickness
    516         ifarr.contact_radius[i] = simulation.grains[i].contact_radius
    517         ifarr.areal_radius[i] = simulation.grains[i].areal_radius
    518         ifarr.circumreference[i] = simulation.grains[i].circumreference
    519         ifarr.horizontal_surface_area[i] =
    520             simulation.grains[i].horizontal_surface_area
    521         ifarr.side_surface_area[i] = simulation.grains[i].side_surface_area
    522         ifarr.volume[i] = simulation.grains[i].volume
    523         ifarr.mass[i] = simulation.grains[i].mass
    524         ifarr.moment_of_inertia[i] = simulation.grains[i].moment_of_inertia
    526         ifarr.lin_pos[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].lin_pos
    527         ifarr.lin_vel[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].lin_vel
    528         ifarr.lin_acc[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].lin_acc
    529         ifarr.force[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].force
    530         ifarr.external_body_force[1:3, i] =
    531             simulation.grains[i].external_body_force
    532         ifarr.lin_disp[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].lin_disp
    534         ifarr.ang_pos[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].ang_pos
    535         ifarr.ang_vel[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].ang_vel
    536         ifarr.ang_acc[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].ang_acc
    537         ifarr.torque[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].torque
    539         ifarr.fixed[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].fixed)
    540         ifarr.allow_x_acc[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].allow_x_acc)
    541         ifarr.allow_y_acc[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].allow_y_acc)
    542         ifarr.allow_z_acc[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].allow_z_acc)
    543         ifarr.rotating[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].rotating)
    544         ifarr.enabled[i] = Int(simulation.grains[i].enabled)
    546         ifarr.contact_stiffness_normal[i] = 
    547             simulation.grains[i].contact_stiffness_normal
    548         ifarr.contact_stiffness_tangential[i] = 
    549             simulation.grains[i].contact_stiffness_tangential
    550         ifarr.contact_viscosity_normal[i] = 
    551             simulation.grains[i].contact_viscosity_normal
    552         ifarr.contact_viscosity_tangential[i] = 
    553             simulation.grains[i].contact_viscosity_tangential
    554         ifarr.contact_static_friction[i] = 
    555             simulation.grains[i].contact_static_friction
    556         ifarr.contact_dynamic_friction[i] = 
    557             simulation.grains[i].contact_dynamic_friction
    559         ifarr.youngs_modulus[i] = simulation.grains[i].youngs_modulus
    560         ifarr.poissons_ratio[i] = simulation.grains[i].poissons_ratio
    561         ifarr.tensile_strength[i] = simulation.grains[i].tensile_strength
    562         ifarr.shear_strength[i] = simulation.grains[i].shear_strength
    563         ifarr.strength_heal_rate[i] = simulation.grains[i].strength_heal_rate
    564         ifarr.fracture_toughness[i] = 
    565             simulation.grains[i].fracture_toughness
    567         ifarr.ocean_drag_coeff_vert[i] = 
    568             simulation.grains[i].ocean_drag_coeff_vert
    569         ifarr.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz[i] = 
    570             simulation.grains[i].ocean_drag_coeff_horiz
    571         ifarr.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert[i] = 
    572             simulation.grains[i].atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert
    573         ifarr.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz[i] = 
    574             simulation.grains[i].atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz
    576         ifarr.pressure[i] = simulation.grains[i].pressure
    577         ifarr.n_contacts[i] = simulation.grains[i].n_contacts
    579         ifarr.granular_stress[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].granular_stress
    580         ifarr.ocean_stress[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].ocean_stress
    581         ifarr.atmosphere_stress[1:3, i] = simulation.grains[i].atmosphere_stress
    583         ifarr.thermal_energy[i] = simulation.grains[i].thermal_energy
    585         ifarr.color[i] = simulation.grains[i].color
    586     end
    588     return ifarr
    589 end
    591 function deleteGrainArrays!(ifarr::GrainArrays)
    592     f1 = zeros(1)
    593     f2 = zeros(1,1)
    594     i1 = zeros(Int, 1)
    596     ifarr.density = f1
    598     ifarr.thickness = f1
    599     ifarr.contact_radius = f1
    600     ifarr.areal_radius = f1
    601     ifarr.circumreference = f1
    602     ifarr.horizontal_surface_area = f1
    603     ifarr.side_surface_area = f1
    604     ifarr.volume = f1
    605     ifarr.mass = f1
    606     ifarr.moment_of_inertia = f1
    608     ifarr.lin_pos = f2
    609     ifarr.lin_vel = f2
    610     ifarr.lin_acc = f2
    611     ifarr.force = f2
    612     ifarr.external_body_force = f2
    613     ifarr.lin_disp = f2
    615     ifarr.ang_pos = f2
    616     ifarr.ang_vel = f2
    617     ifarr.ang_acc = f2
    618     ifarr.torque = f2
    620     ifarr.fixed = i1
    621     ifarr.allow_x_acc = i1
    622     ifarr.allow_y_acc = i1
    623     ifarr.allow_z_acc = i1
    624     ifarr.rotating = i1
    625     ifarr.enabled = i1
    627     ifarr.contact_stiffness_normal = f1
    628     ifarr.contact_stiffness_tangential = f1
    629     ifarr.contact_viscosity_normal = f1
    630     ifarr.contact_viscosity_tangential = f1
    631     ifarr.contact_static_friction = f1
    632     ifarr.contact_dynamic_friction = f1
    634     ifarr.youngs_modulus = f1
    635     ifarr.poissons_ratio = f1
    636     ifarr.tensile_strength = f1
    637     ifarr.shear_strength = f1
    638     ifarr.strength_heal_rate = f1
    639     ifarr.fracture_toughness = f1
    641     ifarr.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = f1
    642     ifarr.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = f1
    643     ifarr.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert = f1
    644     ifarr.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz = f1
    646     ifarr.pressure = f1
    647     ifarr.n_contacts = i1
    649     ifarr.granular_stress = f2
    650     ifarr.ocean_stress = f2
    651     ifarr.atmosphere_stress = f2
    653     ifarr.thermal_energy = f1
    655     ifarr.color = i1
    656     nothing
    657 end
    659 export printGrainInfo
    660 """
    661     printGrainInfo(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    663 Prints the contents of an grain to stdout in a formatted style.
    664 """
    665 function printGrainInfo(f::GrainCylindrical)
    666     println("  density:                 $(f.density) kg/m^3")
    667     println("  thickness:               $(f.thickness) m")
    668     println("  contact_radius:          $(f.contact_radius) m")
    669     println("  areal_radius:            $(f.areal_radius) m")
    670     println("  circumreference:         $(f.circumreference) m")
    671     println("  horizontal_surface_area: $(f.horizontal_surface_area) m^2")
    672     println("  side_surface_area:       $(f.side_surface_area) m^2")
    673     println("  volume:                  $(f.volume) m^3")
    674     println("  mass:                    $(f.mass) kg")
    675     println("  moment_of_inertia:       $(f.moment_of_inertia) kg*m^2\n")
    677     println("  lin_pos: $(f.lin_pos) m")
    678     println("  lin_vel: $(f.lin_vel) m/s")
    679     println("  lin_acc: $(f.lin_acc) m/s^2")
    680     println("  force:   $(f.force) N\n")
    681     println("  external_body_force: $(f.external_body_force) N\n")
    683     println("  ang_pos: $(f.ang_pos) rad")
    684     println("  ang_vel: $(f.ang_vel) rad/s")
    685     println("  ang_acc: $(f.ang_acc) rad/s^2")
    686     println("  torque:  $(f.torque) N*m\n")
    688     println("  fixed:       $(f.fixed)")
    689     println("  allow_x_acc: $(f.allow_x_acc)")
    690     println("  allow_y_acc: $(f.allow_y_acc)")
    691     println("  allow_z_acc: $(f.allow_z_acc)")
    692     println("  rotating:    $(f.rotating)")
    693     println("  enabled:     $(f.enabled)\n")
    695     println("  k_n: $(f.contact_stiffness_normal) N/m")
    696     println("  k_t: $(f.contact_stiffness_tangential) N/m")
    697     println("  γ_n: $(f.contact_viscosity_normal) N/(m/s)")
    698     println("  γ_t: $(f.contact_viscosity_tangential) N/(m/s)")
    699     println("  μ_s: $(f.contact_static_friction)")
    700     println("  μ_d: $(f.contact_dynamic_friction)\n")
    702     println("  E:                    $(f.youngs_modulus) Pa")
    703     println("  ν:                    $(f.poissons_ratio)")
    704     println("  tensile_strength:     $(f.tensile_strength) Pa")
    705     println("  shear_strength:       $(f.shear_strength) Pa")
    706     println("  strength_heal_rate:   $(f.strength_heal_rate) Pa/s")
    707     println("  fracture_toughness:   $(f.fracture_toughness) m^0.5 Pa\n")
    709     println("  c_o_v:  $(f.ocean_drag_coeff_vert)")
    710     println("  c_o_h:  $(f.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz)")
    711     println("  c_a_v:  $(f.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert)")
    712     println("  c_a_h:  $(f.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz)\n")
    714     println("  pressure:   $(f.pressure) Pa")
    715     println("  n_contacts: $(f.n_contacts)")
    716     println("  contacts:   $(f.contacts)")
    717     println("  pos_ij:     $(f.position_vector)\n")
    718     println("  δ_t:        $(f.contact_parallel_displacement)\n")
    719     println("  θ_t:        $(f.contact_rotation)\n")
    721     println("  granular_stress:   $(f.granular_stress) Pa")
    722     println("  ocean_stress:      $(f.ocean_stress) Pa")
    723     println("  atmosphere_stress: $(f.atmosphere_stress) Pa\n")
    725     println("  thermal_energy:    $(f.thermal_energy) J\n")
    727     println("  color:  $(f.color)\n")
    728     nothing
    729 end
    731 export grainKineticTranslationalEnergy
    732 "Returns the translational kinetic energy of the grain"
    733 function grainKineticTranslationalEnergy(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    734     return 0.5*grain.mass*norm(grain.lin_vel)^2.
    735 end
    737 export totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy
    738 """
    739     totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy(simulation)
    741 Returns the sum of translational kinetic energies of all grains in a 
    742 simulation
    743 """
    744 function totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy(simulation::Simulation)
    745     E_sum = 0.
    746     for grain in simulation.grains
    747         E_sum += grainKineticTranslationalEnergy(grain)
    748     end
    749     return E_sum
    750 end
    752 export grainKineticRotationalEnergy
    753 "Returns the rotational kinetic energy of the grain"
    754 function grainKineticRotationalEnergy(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    755     return 0.5*grain.moment_of_inertia*norm(grain.ang_vel)^2.
    756 end
    758 export totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy
    759 """
    760     totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy(simulation)
    762 Returns the sum of rotational kinetic energies of all grains in a simulation
    763 """
    764 function totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy(simulation::Simulation)
    765     E_sum = 0.
    766     for grain in simulation.grains
    767         E_sum += grainKineticRotationalEnergy(grain)
    768     end
    769     return E_sum
    770 end
    772 export grainThermalEnergy
    773 "Returns the thermal energy of the grain, produced by Coulomb slip"
    774 function grainThermalEnergy(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    775     return grain.thermal_energy
    776 end
    778 export totalGrainThermalEnergy
    779 """
    780     totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy(simulation)
    782 Returns the sum of thermal energy of all grains in a simulation
    783 """
    784 function totalGrainThermalEnergy(simulation::Simulation)
    785     E_sum = 0.
    786     for grain in simulation.grains
    787         E_sum += grainThermalEnergy(grain)
    788     end
    789     return E_sum
    790 end
    792 export addBodyForce!
    793 """
    794     setBodyForce!(grain, force)
    796 Add to the value of the external body force on a grain.
    798 # Arguments
    799 * `grain::GrainCylindrical`: the grain to set the body force for.
    800 * `force::Vector{Float64}`: a vector of force [N]
    801 """
    802 function addBodyForce!(grain::GrainCylindrical, force::Vector{Float64})
    803     grain.external_body_force += vecTo3d(force)
    804 end
    806 export setBodyForce!
    807 """
    808     setBodyForce!(grain, force)
    810 Set the value of the external body force on a grain.
    812 # Arguments
    813 * `grain::GrainCylindrical`: the grain to set the body force for.
    814 * `force::Vector{Float64}`: a vector of force [N]
    815 """
    816 function setBodyForce!(grain::GrainCylindrical, force::Vector{Float64})
    817     grain.external_body_force = vecTo3d(force)
    818 end
    820 export compareGrains
    821 """
    822     compareGrains(if1::GrainCylindrical, if2::GrainCylindrical)
    824 Compare values of two grain objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
    825 """
    826 function compareGrains(if1::GrainCylindrical, if2::GrainCylindrical)
    828     @test if1.density ≈ if2.density
    829     @test if1.thickness ≈ if2.thickness
    830     @test if1.contact_radius ≈ if2.contact_radius
    831     @test if1.areal_radius ≈ if2.areal_radius
    832     @test if1.circumreference ≈ if2.circumreference
    833     @test if1.horizontal_surface_area ≈ if2.horizontal_surface_area
    834     @test if1.side_surface_area ≈ if2.side_surface_area
    835     @test if1.volume ≈ if2.volume
    836     @test if1.mass ≈ if2.mass
    837     @test if1.moment_of_inertia ≈ if2.moment_of_inertia
    839     @test if1.lin_pos ≈ if2.lin_pos
    840     @test if1.lin_vel ≈ if2.lin_vel
    841     @test if1.lin_acc ≈ if2.lin_acc
    842     @test if1.force ≈ if2.force
    843     @test if1.external_body_force ≈ if2.external_body_force
    844     @test if1.lin_disp ≈ if2.lin_disp
    846     @test if1.ang_pos ≈ if2.ang_pos
    847     @test if1.ang_vel ≈ if2.ang_vel
    848     @test if1.ang_acc ≈ if2.ang_acc
    849     @test if1.torque ≈ if2.torque
    851     @test if1.fixed == if2.fixed
    852     @test if1.rotating == if2.rotating
    853     @test if1.enabled == if2.enabled
    855     @test if1.contact_stiffness_normal ≈ if2.contact_stiffness_normal
    856     @test if1.contact_stiffness_tangential ≈ if2.contact_stiffness_tangential
    857     @test if1.contact_viscosity_normal ≈ if2.contact_viscosity_normal
    858     @test if1.contact_viscosity_tangential ≈ if2.contact_viscosity_tangential
    859     @test if1.contact_static_friction ≈ if2.contact_static_friction
    860     @test if1.contact_dynamic_friction ≈ if2.contact_dynamic_friction
    862     @test if1.youngs_modulus ≈ if2.youngs_modulus
    863     @test if1.poissons_ratio ≈ if2.poissons_ratio
    864     @test if1.tensile_strength ≈ if2.tensile_strength
    865     @test if1.shear_strength ≈ if2.shear_strength
    866     @test if1.strength_heal_rate ≈ if2.strength_heal_rate
    867     @test if1.fracture_toughness ≈ if2.fracture_toughness
    869     @test if1.ocean_drag_coeff_vert ≈ if2.ocean_drag_coeff_vert
    870     @test if1.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz ≈ if2.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz
    871     @test if1.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert ≈ if2.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert
    872     @test if1.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz ≈ if2.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz
    874     @test if1.pressure ≈ if2.pressure
    875     @test if1.n_contacts == if2.n_contacts
    876     @test if1.ocean_grid_pos == if2.ocean_grid_pos
    877     @test if1.contacts == if2.contacts
    878     @test if1.position_vector == if2.position_vector
    879     @test if1.contact_parallel_displacement == if2.contact_parallel_displacement
    880     @test if1.contact_rotation == if2.contact_rotation
    881     @test if1.contact_age ≈ if2.contact_age
    882     @test if1.contact_area ≈ if2.contact_area
    883     @test if1.compressive_failure ≈ if2.compressive_failure
    885     @test if1.granular_stress ≈ if2.granular_stress
    886     @test if1.ocean_stress ≈ if2.ocean_stress
    887     @test if1.atmosphere_stress ≈ if2.atmosphere_stress
    889     @test if1.thermal_energy ≈ if2.thermal_energy
    891     @test if1.color ≈ if2.color
    892     nothing
    893 end
    895 export enableOceanDrag!
    896 """
    897     enableOceanDrag!(grain)
    899 Enable ocean-caused drag on the grain, with values by Hunke and Comeau (2011).
    900 """
    901 function enableOceanDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    902     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.85
    903     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = 5e-4
    904 end
    906 export enableAtmosphereDrag!
    907 """
    908     enableAtmosphereDrag!(grain)
    910 Enable atmosphere-caused drag on the grain, with values by Hunke and Comeau
    911 (2011).
    912 """
    913 function enableAtmosphereDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    914     grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert = 0.4
    915     grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz = 2.5e-4
    916 end
    917 export disableOceanDrag!
    918 """
    919     disableOceanDrag!(grain)
    921 Disable ocean-caused drag on the grain.
    922 """
    923 function disableOceanDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    924     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.
    925     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = 0.
    926 end
    928 export disableAtmosphereDrag!
    929 """
    930     disableAtmosphereDrag!(grain)
    932 Disable atmosphere-caused drag on the grain.
    933 """
    934 function disableAtmosphereDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
    935     grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert = 0.
    936     grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz = 0.
    937 end
    939 export zeroKinematics!
    940 """
    941     zeroKinematics!(simulation)
    943 Set all grain forces, torques, accelerations, and velocities (linear and
    944 rotational) to zero in order to get rid of all kinetic energy.
    945 """
    946 function zeroKinematics!(sim::Simulation)
    947     for grain in sim.grains
    948         grain.lin_vel .= zeros(3)
    949         grain.lin_acc .= zeros(3)
    950         grain.force .= zeros(3)
    951         grain.lin_disp .= zeros(3)
    952         grain.ang_vel .= zeros(3)
    953         grain.ang_acc .= zeros(3)
    954         grain.torque .= zeros(3)
    955     end
    956 end