
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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grid.jl (40906B)

      1 import Random
      2 using LinearAlgebra
      3 using Random
      5 """
      6     bilinearInterpolation(field, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, it)
      8 Use bilinear interpolation to interpolate a staggered grid to an arbitrary 
      9 position in a cell.  Assumes south-west convention, i.e. (i,j) is located at the 
     10 south-west (-x, -y)-facing corner.
     12 # Arguments
     13 * `field::Array{Float64, 4}`: a scalar field to interpolate from
     14 * `x_tilde::Float64`: x point position [0;1]
     15 * `y_tilde::Float64`: y point position [0;1]
     16 * `i::Int`: i-index of cell containing point
     17 * `j::Int`: j-index of scalar field to interpolate from
     18 * `it::Int`: time step from scalar field to interpolate from
     19 """
     20 @inline function bilinearInterpolation!(interp_val::Vector{Float64},
     21                                 field_x::Array{Float64, 2},
     22                                 field_y::Array{Float64, 2},
     23                                 x_tilde::Float64,
     24                                 y_tilde::Float64,
     25                                 i::Int,
     26                                 j::Int)
     28     #if x_tilde < 0. || x_tilde > 1. || y_tilde < 0. || y_tilde > 1.
     29         #error("relative coordinates outside bounds ($(x_tilde), $(y_tilde))")
     30     #end
     32     @views interp_val .= 
     33     (field_x[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j+1]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde + 
     34     (field_x[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde),
     35     (field_y[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j+1]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde + 
     36     (field_y[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1.  - y_tilde)
     38     nothing
     39 end
     40 @inbounds @inline function bilinearInterpolation!(interp_val::Vector{Float64},
     41                                                   field_x::Array{Float64, 4},
     42                                                   field_y::Array{Float64, 4},
     43                                                   x_tilde::Float64,
     44                                                   y_tilde::Float64,
     45                                                   i::Int,
     46                                                   j::Int,
     47                                                   k::Int,
     48                                                   it::Int)
     50     #if x_tilde < 0. || x_tilde > 1. || y_tilde < 0. || y_tilde > 1.
     51         #error("relative coordinates outside bounds ($(x_tilde), $(y_tilde))")
     52     #end
     54     @views interp_val .= 
     55     (field_x[i+1, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde + 
     56      field_x[i, j+1, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde + 
     57     (field_x[i+1, j, k, it]*x_tilde + 
     58      field_x[i, j, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde),
     59     (field_y[i+1, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde + 
     60      field_y[i, j+1, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde + 
     61     (field_y[i+1, j, k, it]*x_tilde + 
     62      field_y[i, j, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde)
     64     nothing
     65 end
     67 """
     68     curl(grid, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, it)
     70 Use bilinear interpolation to interpolate curl value for a staggered velocity 
     71 grid to an arbitrary position in a cell.  Assumes south-west convention, i.e.  
     72 (i,j) is located at the south-west (-x, -y)-facing corner.
     74 # Arguments
     75 * `grid::Any`: grid for which to determine curl
     76 * `x_tilde::Float64`: x point position [0;1]
     77 * `y_tilde::Float64`: y point position [0;1]
     78 * `i::Int`: i-index of cell containing point
     79 * `j::Int`: j-index of scalar field to interpolate from
     80 * `it::Int`: time step from scalar field to interpolate from
     81 """
     82 function curl(grid::Any,
     83               x_tilde::Float64,
     84               y_tilde::Float64,
     85               i::Int,
     86               j::Int,
     87               k::Int,
     88               it::Int,
     89               sw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
     90               se::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
     91               ne::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
     92               nw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2))
     94     #sw, se, ne, nw = getCellCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq, i, j)
     95     sw[1] = grid.xq[  i,   j]
     96     sw[2] = grid.yq[  i,   j]
     97     se[1] = grid.xq[i+1,   j]
     98     se[2] = grid.yq[i+1,   j]
     99     ne[1] = grid.xq[i+1, j+1]
    100     ne[2] = grid.yq[i+1, j+1]
    101     nw[1] = grid.xq[  i, j+1]
    102     nw[2] = grid.yq[  i, j+1]
    103     sw_se = norm(sw - se)
    104     se_ne = norm(se - ne)
    105     nw_ne = norm(nw - ne)
    106     sw_nw = norm(sw - nw)
    108     @views @inbounds return (
    109     ((grid.v[i+1, j  , k,it] - grid.v[i  , j  , k,it])/sw_se*(1. - y_tilde) +
    110      ((grid.v[i+1, j+1, k,it] - grid.v[i  , j+1, k,it])/nw_ne)*y_tilde) -
    111     ((grid.u[i  , j+1, k,it] - grid.u[i  , j  , k,it])/sw_nw*(1. - x_tilde) +
    112      ((grid.u[i+1, j+1, k,it] - grid.u[i+1, j  , k,it])/se_ne)*x_tilde))
    113 end
    115 export sortGrainsInGrid!
    116 """
    117 Find grain positions in grid, based on their center positions.
    118 """
    119 function sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any; verbose=true)
    121     if simulation.time_iteration == 0
    122         grid.grain_list =
    123             Array{Array{Int, 1}}(undef, size(grid.xh, 1), size(grid.xh, 2))
    125         for i=1:size(grid.xh, 1)
    126             for j=1:size(grid.xh, 2)
    127                 @inbounds grid.grain_list[i, j] = Int[]
    128             end
    129         end
    130     else
    131         for i=1:size(grid.xh, 1)
    132             for j=1:size(grid.xh, 2)
    133                 @inbounds empty!(grid.grain_list[i, j])
    134             end
    135         end
    136     end
    138     sw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    139     se = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    140     ne = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    141     nw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
    143     for idx=1:length(simulation.grains)
    145         @inbounds if !simulation.grains[idx].enabled
    146             continue
    147         end
    149         # After first iteration, check if grain is in same cell before 
    150         # traversing entire grid
    151         if typeof(grid) == Ocean
    152             @inbounds i_old, j_old = simulation.grains[idx].ocean_grid_pos
    153         elseif typeof(grid) == Atmosphere
    154             @inbounds i_old, j_old = 
    155                 simulation.grains[idx].atmosphere_grid_pos
    156         else
    157             error("grid type not understood.")
    158         end
    160         if simulation.time > 0. &&
    161             !grid.regular_grid &&
    162             i_old > 0 && j_old > 0 &&
    163             isPointInCell(grid, i_old, j_old,
    164                           simulation.grains[idx].lin_pos[1:2], sw, se, ne, nw)
    165             i = i_old
    166             j = j_old
    168         else
    170             if grid.regular_grid
    171                 i, j = Int.(floor.((simulation.grains[idx].lin_pos[1:2]
    172                                     - grid.origo)
    173                                    ./ grid.dx[1:2])) + [1,1]
    174             else
    176                 # Search for point in 8 neighboring cells
    177                 nx = size(grid.xh, 1)
    178                 ny = size(grid.xh, 2)
    179                 found = false
    180                 for i_rel=-1:1
    181                     for j_rel=-1:1
    182                         if i_rel == 0 && j_rel == 0
    183                             continue  # cell previously searched
    184                         end
    185                         i_t = max(min(i_old + i_rel, nx), 1)
    186                         j_t = max(min(j_old + j_rel, ny), 1)
    188                         @inbounds if isPointInCell(grid, i_t, j_t,
    189                                                    simulation.grains[idx].
    190                                                    lin_pos[1:2],
    191                                                    sw, se, ne, nw)
    192                             i = i_t
    193                             j = j_t
    194                             found = true
    195                             break
    196                         end
    197                     end
    198                     if found
    199                         break
    200                     end
    201                 end
    203                 if !found
    204                     i, j = findCellContainingPoint(grid,
    205                                                    simulation.grains[idx].
    206                                                    lin_pos[1:2],
    207                                                    sw, se, ne, nw)
    208                 end
    209             end
    211             # remove grain if it is outside of the grid
    212             if (!grid.regular_grid && 
    213                  (i < 1 || j < 1 || 
    214                   i > size(grid.xh, 1) || j > size(grid.xh, 2))) ||
    215                 (grid.regular_grid &&
    216                  (i < 1 || j < 1 || 
    217                   i > grid.n[1] || j > grid.n[2]))
    219                 if verbose
    220                     @info "Disabling grain $idx at pos (" *
    221                          "$(simulation.grains[idx].lin_pos))"
    222                 end
    223                 disableGrain!(simulation, idx)
    224                 continue
    225             end
    227             # add cell to grain
    228             if typeof(grid) == Ocean
    229                 @inbounds simulation.grains[idx].ocean_grid_pos[1] = i
    230                 @inbounds simulation.grains[idx].ocean_grid_pos[2] = j
    231             elseif typeof(grid) == Atmosphere
    232                 @inbounds simulation.grains[idx].atmosphere_grid_pos[1] = i
    233                 @inbounds simulation.grains[idx].atmosphere_grid_pos[2] = j
    234             else
    235                 error("grid type not understood.")
    236             end
    237         end
    239         # add grain to cell
    240         @inbounds push!(grid.grain_list[i, j], idx)
    241     end
    242     nothing
    243 end
    245 export findCellContainingPoint
    246 """
    247     findCellContainingPoint(grid, point[, method])
    249 Returns the `i`, `j` index of the grid cell containing the `point`.
    250 The function uses either an area-based approach (`method = "Area"`), or a 
    251 conformal mapping approach (`method = "Conformal"`).  The area-based approach is 
    252 more robust.  This function returns the coordinates of the cell.  If no match is 
    253 found the function returns `(0,0)`.
    255 # Arguments
    256 * `grid::Any`: grid object containing ocean or atmosphere data.
    257 * `point::Vector{Float64}`: two-dimensional vector of point to check.
    258 * `method::String`: approach to use for determining if point is inside cell or 
    259     not, can be "Conformal" (default) or "Area".
    260 """
    261 function findCellContainingPoint(grid::Any, point::Vector{Float64},
    262                                  sw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    263                                  se = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    264                                  ne = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    265                                  nw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2);
    266                                  method::String="Conformal")
    267     for i=1:size(grid.xh, 1)
    268         for j=1:size(grid.yh, 2)
    269             if isPointInCell(grid, i, j, point,
    270                              sw, se, ne, nw,
    271                              method=method)
    272                 return i, j
    273             end
    274         end
    275     end
    276     return 0, 0
    277 end
    279 export getNonDimensionalCellCoordinates
    280 """
    281 Returns the non-dimensional conformal mapped coordinates for point `point` in 
    282 cell `i,j`, based off the coordinates in the grid.
    284 This function is a wrapper for `getCellCornerCoordinates()` and 
    285 `conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates()`.
    286 """
    287 function getNonDimensionalCellCoordinates(grid::Any, i::Int, j::Int,
    288                                           point::Vector{Float64})
    289     if grid.regular_grid
    290         return (point[1:2] - Float64.([i-1,j-1]).*grid.dx[1:2])./grid.dx[1:2]
    291     else
    292         sw, se, ne, nw = getCellCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq, i, j)
    293         return conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates(sw, se, ne, nw, point[1:2])
    294     end
    295 end
    297 export isPointInCell
    298 """
    299 Check if a 2d point is contained inside a cell from the supplied grid.
    300 The function uses either an area-based approach (`method = "Area"`), or a 
    301 conformal mapping approach (`method = "Conformal"`).  The area-based approach is 
    302 more robust.  This function returns `true` or `false`.
    303 """
    304 function isPointInCell(grid::Any, i::Int, j::Int,
    305                        point::Vector{Float64},
    306                        sw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    307                        se::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    308                        ne::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    309                        nw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2);
    310                        method::String="Conformal")
    312     if grid.regular_grid
    313         if [i,j] == Int.(floor.((point[1:2] - grid.origo) ./ grid.dx[1:2])) + [1,1]
    314             return true
    315         else
    316             return false
    317         end
    318     end
    320     @views sw .= grid.xq[   i,   j], grid.yq[   i,   j]
    321     @views se .= grid.xq[ i+1,   j], grid.yq[ i+1,   j]
    322     @views ne .= grid.xq[ i+1, j+1], grid.yq[ i+1, j+1]
    323     @views nw .= grid.xq[   i, j+1], grid.yq[   i, j+1]
    325     if method == "Area"
    326         if areaOfQuadrilateral(sw, se, ne, nw) ≈
    327             areaOfTriangle(point, sw, se) +
    328             areaOfTriangle(point, se, ne) +
    329             areaOfTriangle(point, ne, nw) +
    330             areaOfTriangle(point, nw, sw)
    331             return true
    332         else
    333             return false
    334         end
    336     elseif method == "Conformal"
    337         x_tilde, y_tilde = conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates(sw, se, ne, nw,
    338                                                              point)
    339         if x_tilde >= 0. && x_tilde <= 1. && y_tilde >= 0. && y_tilde <= 1.
    340             return true
    341         else
    342             return false
    343         end
    344     else
    345         error("method not understood")
    346     end
    347 end
    349 export isPointInGrid
    350 """
    351 Check if a 2d point is contained inside the grid.  The function uses either an
    352 area-based approach (`method = "Area"`), or a conformal mapping approach
    353 (`method = "Conformal"`).  The area-based approach is more robust.  This
    354 function returns `true` or `false`.
    355 """
    356 function isPointInGrid(grid::Any, point::Vector{Float64},
    357                        sw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    358                        se::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    359                        ne::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2),
    360                        nw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2);
    361                        method::String="Conformal")
    363     #sw, se, ne, nw = getCellCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq, i, j)
    364     nx, ny = size(grid.xq)
    365     @views sw .= grid.xq[  1,  1], grid.yq[  1,  1]
    366     @views se .= grid.xq[ nx,  1], grid.yq[ nx,  1]
    367     @views ne .= grid.xq[ nx, ny], grid.yq[ nx, ny]
    368     @views nw .= grid.xq[  1, ny], grid.yq[  1, ny]
    370     if method == "Area"
    371         if areaOfQuadrilateral(sw, se, ne, nw) ≈
    372             areaOfTriangle(point, sw, se) +
    373             areaOfTriangle(point, se, ne) +
    374             areaOfTriangle(point, ne, nw) +
    375             areaOfTriangle(point, nw, sw)
    376             return true
    377         else
    378             return false
    379         end
    381     elseif method == "Conformal"
    382         x_tilde, y_tilde = conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates(sw, se, ne, nw,
    383                                                              point)
    384         if x_tilde >= 0. && x_tilde <= 1. && y_tilde >= 0. && y_tilde <= 1.
    385             return true
    386         else
    387             return false
    388         end
    389     else
    390         error("method not understood")
    391     end
    392 end
    394 export getGridCornerCoordinates
    395 """
    396     getGridCornerCoordinates(xq, yq)
    398 Returns grid corner coordinates in the following order (south-west corner, 
    399 south-east corner, north-east corner, north-west corner).
    401 # Arguments
    402 * `xq::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal longitude of q-points [degrees_E]
    403 * `yq::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal latitude of q-points [degrees_N]
    404 """
    405 @inline function getGridCornerCoordinates(xq::Array{Float64, 2}, 
    406                                           yq::Array{Float64, 2})
    407     nx, ny = size(xq)
    408     @inbounds return Float64[xq[  1,   1], yq[  1,   1]],
    409         Float64[xq[ nx,  1], yq[ nx,   1]],
    410         Float64[xq[ nx, ny], yq[ nx, ny]],
    411         Float64[xq[  1, ny], yq[  1, ny]]
    412 end
    415 export getCellCornerCoordinates
    416 """
    417     getCellCornerCoordinates(xq, yq, i, j)
    419 Returns grid-cell corner coordinates in the following order (south-west corner, 
    420 south-east corner, north-east corner, north-west corner).
    422 # Arguments
    423 * `xq::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal longitude of q-points [degrees_E]
    424 * `yq::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal latitude of q-points [degrees_N]
    425 * `i::Int`: x-index of cell.
    426 * `j::Int`: y-index of cell.
    427 """
    428 @inline function getCellCornerCoordinates(xq::Array{Float64, 2}, 
    429                                           yq::Array{Float64, 2},
    430                                           i::Int, j::Int)
    431     @inbounds return Float64[xq[  i,   j], yq[  i,   j]],
    432         Float64[xq[i+1,   j], yq[i+1,   j]],
    433         Float64[xq[i+1, j+1], yq[i+1, j+1]],
    434         Float64[xq[  i, j+1], yq[  i, j+1]]
    435 end
    437 export getCellCenterCoordinates
    438 """
    439     getCellCenterCoordinates(grid.xh, grid.yh, i, j)
    441 Returns grid center coordinates (h-point).
    443 # Arguments
    444 * `xh::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal longitude of h-points [degrees_E]
    445 * `yh::Array{Float64, 2}`: nominal latitude of h-points [degrees_N]
    446 * `i::Int`: x-index of cell.
    447 * `j::Int`: y-index of cell.
    448 """
    449 function getCellCenterCoordinates(xh::Array{Float64, 2}, yh::Array{Float64, 2}, 
    450                                   i::Int, j::Int)
    451     return [xh[i, j], yh[i, j]]
    452 end
    454 export areaOfTriangle
    455 "Returns the area of an triangle with corner coordinates `a`, `b`, and `c`."
    456 function areaOfTriangle(a::Vector{Float64},
    457                         b::Vector{Float64},
    458                         c::Vector{Float64})
    459     return abs(
    460                (a[1]*(b[2] - c[2]) +
    461                 b[1]*(c[2] - a[2]) +
    462                 c[1]*(a[2] - b[2]))/2.
    463               )
    464 end
    466 export areaOfQuadrilateral
    467 """
    468 Returns the area of a quadrilateral with corner coordinates `a`, `b`, `c`, and 
    469 `d`.  Corners `a` and `c` should be opposite of each other, the same must be 
    470 true for `b` and `d`.  This is true if the four corners are passed as arguments 
    471 in a "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise" manner.
    472 """
    473 function areaOfQuadrilateral(a::Vector{Float64},
    474                              b::Vector{Float64},
    475                              c::Vector{Float64},
    476                              d::Vector{Float64})
    477     return areaOfTriangle(a, b, c) + areaOfTriangle(c, d, a)
    478 end
    480 export conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates
    481 """
    482 Returns the non-dimensional coordinates `[x_tilde, y_tilde]` of a point `p` 
    483 within a quadrilateral with corner coordinates `A`, `B`, `C`, and `D`.
    484 Points must be ordered in counter-clockwise order, starting from south-west 
    485 corner.
    486 """
    487 function conformalQuadrilateralCoordinates(A::Vector{Float64},
    488                                            B::Vector{Float64},
    489                                            C::Vector{Float64},
    490                                            D::Vector{Float64},
    491                                            p::Vector{Float64})
    493     if !(A[1] < B[1] && B[2] < C[2] && C[1] > D[1])
    494         error("corner coordinates are not passed in the correct order")
    495     end
    496     alpha = B[1] - A[1]
    497     delta = B[2] - A[2]
    498     beta = D[1] - A[1]
    499     epsilon = D[2] - A[2]
    500     gamma = C[1] - A[1] - (alpha + beta)
    501     kappa = C[2] - A[2] - (delta + epsilon)
    502     a = kappa*beta - gamma*epsilon
    503     dx = p[1] - A[1]
    504     dy = p[2] - A[2]
    505     b = (delta*beta - alpha*epsilon) - (kappa*dx - gamma*dy)
    506     c = alpha*dy - delta*dx
    507     if abs(a) > 0.
    508         d = b^2. / 4. - a*c
    509         if d >= 0.
    510             yy1 = -(b / 2. + sqrt(d)) / a
    511             yy2 = -(b / 2. - sqrt(d)) / a
    512             if abs(yy1 - .5) < abs(yy2 - .5)
    513                 y_tilde = yy1
    514             else
    515                 y_tilde = yy2
    516             end
    517         else
    518             error("could not perform conformal mapping\n" *
    519                   "A = $(A), B = $(B), C = $(C), D = $(D), point = $(p),\n" *
    520                   "alpha = $(alpha), beta = $(beta), gamma = $(gamma), " *
    521                   "delta = $(delta), epsilon = $(epsilon), kappa = $(kappa)")
    522         end
    523     else
    524         if !(b ≈ 0.)
    525             y_tilde = -c/b
    526         else
    527             y_tilde = 0.
    528         end
    529     end
    530     a = alpha + gamma*y_tilde
    531     b = delta + kappa*y_tilde
    532     if !(a ≈ 0.)
    533         x_tilde = (dx - beta*y_tilde)/a
    534     elseif !(b ≈ 0.)
    535         x_tilde = (dy - epsilon*y_tilde)/b
    536     else
    537         error("could not determine non-dimensional position in quadrilateral " *
    538               "(a = 0. and b = 0.)\n" *
    539               "A = $(A), B = $(B), C = $(C), D = $(D), point = $(p),\n" *
    540               "alpha = $(alpha), beta = $(beta), gamma = $(gamma), " *
    541               "delta = $(delta), epsilon = $(epsilon), kappa = $(kappa)")
    542     end
    543     return Float64[x_tilde, y_tilde]
    544 end
    546 export findEmptyPositionInGridCell
    547 """
    548     findEmptyPositionInGridCell(simulation, grid, i, j, r[, n_iter, seed,
    549                                 verbose])
    551 Attempt locate an empty spot for an grain with radius `r` with center 
    552 coordinates in a specified grid cell (`i`, `j`) without overlapping any other 
    553 grains in that cell or the neighboring cells.  This function will stop 
    554 attempting after `n_iter` iterations, each with randomly generated positions.
    556 This function assumes that existing grains have been binned according to the 
    557 grid (e.g., using `sortGrainsInGrid()`).
    559 If the function sucessfully finds a position it will be returned as a
    560 two-component Vector{Float64}.  If a position is not found, the function will
    561 return `false`.
    563 # Arguments
    564 * `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object to add grains to.
    565 * `grid::Any`: the grid to use for position search.
    566 * `i::Int`: the grid-cell index along x.
    567 * `j::Int`: the grid-cell index along y.
    568 * `r::Float64`: the desired grain radius to fit into the cell.
    569 * `n_iter::Int = 30`: the number of attempts for finding an empty spot.
    570 * `seed::Int = 1`: seed for the pseudo-random number generator.
    571 * `verbose::Bool = false`: print diagnostic information.
    572 """
    573 function findEmptyPositionInGridCell(simulation::Simulation,
    574                                      grid::Any,
    575                                      i::Int,
    576                                      j::Int,
    577                                      r::Float64;
    578                                      n_iter::Int = 30,
    579                                      seed::Int = 1,
    580                                      verbose::Bool = false)
    581     overlap_found = false
    582     spot_found = false
    583     i_iter = 0
    584     pos = [NaN, NaN]
    586     nx, ny = size(grid.xh)
    588     for i_iter=1:n_iter
    590         overlap_found = false
    591         Random.seed!(i*j*seed*i_iter)
    592         # generate random candidate position
    593         x_tilde = rand()
    594         y_tilde = rand()
    595         bilinearInterpolation!(pos, grid.xq, grid.yq, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j)
    596         if verbose
    597             @info "trying position $pos in cell $i,$j"
    598         end
    600         # do not penetrate outside of grid boundaries
    601         if i == 1 && pos[1] - r < grid.xq[1,1] ||
    602             j == 1 && pos[2] - r < grid.yq[1,1] ||
    603             i == nx && pos[1] + r > grid.xq[end,end] ||
    604             j == ny && pos[2] + r > grid.yq[end,end]
    605             overlap_found = true
    606         end
    608         # search for contacts in current and eight neighboring cells
    609         if !overlap_found
    610             for i_neighbor_corr=[0 -1 1]
    611                 for j_neighbor_corr=[0 -1 1]
    613                     # target cell index
    614                     it = i + i_neighbor_corr
    615                     jt = j + j_neighbor_corr
    617                     # do not search outside grid boundaries
    618                     if it < 1 || it > nx || jt < 1 || jt > ny
    619                         continue
    620                     end
    622                     # traverse list of grains in the target cell and check 
    623                     # for overlaps
    624                     for grain_idx in grid.grain_list[it, jt]
    625                         overlap = norm(simulation.grains[grain_idx].
    626                                        lin_pos[1:2] - pos) -
    627                         (simulation.grains[grain_idx].contact_radius + r)
    629                         if overlap < 0.
    630                             if verbose
    631                                 @info "overlap with $grain_idx in cell $i,$j"
    632                             end
    633                             overlap_found = true
    634                             break
    635                         end
    636                     end
    637                 end
    638                 if overlap_found == true
    639                     break
    640                 end
    641             end
    642         end
    643         if overlap_found == false
    644             break
    645         end
    646     end
    647     if overlap_found == false
    648         spot_found = true
    649     end
    651     if spot_found
    652         if verbose
    653             @info "Found position $pos in cell $i,$j"
    654         end
    655         return pos
    656     else
    657         if verbose
    658             @warn "could not insert an grain into " *
    659                  "$(typeof(grid)) grid cell ($i, $j)"
    660         end
    661         return false
    662     end
    663 end
    665 """
    666 Copy grain related information from ocean to atmosphere grid.  This is useful 
    667 when the two grids are of identical geometry, meaning only only one sorting 
    668 phase is necessary.
    669 """
    670 function copyGridSortingInfo!(ocean::Ocean, atmosphere::Atmosphere,
    671                               grains::Array{GrainCylindrical, 1})
    673     for grain in grains
    674         grain.atmosphere_grid_pos = deepcopy(grain.ocean_grid_pos)
    675     end
    676     atmosphere.grain_list = deepcopy(ocean.grain_list)
    677     nothing
    678 end
    680 export setGridBoundaryConditions!
    681 """
    682     setGridBoundaryConditions!(grid, grid_face, mode)
    684 Set boundary conditions for the granular phase at the edges of `Ocean` or
    685 `Atmosphere` grids.  The target boundary can be selected through the `grid_face`
    686 argument, or the same boundary condition can be applied to all grid boundaries
    687 at once.
    689 When the center coordinate of grains crosses an inactive boundary (`mode =
    690 "inactive"`), the grain is disabled (`GrainCylindrical.enabled = false`).  This
    691 keeps the grain in memory, but stops it from moving or interacting with other
    692 grains.  *By default, all boundaries are inactive*.
    694 If the center coordinate of a grain crosses a periodic boundary (`mode =
    695 periodic`), the grain is repositioned to the opposite side of the model domain.
    696 Grains can interact mechanically across the periodic boundary.
    698 # Arguments
    699 * `grid::Any`: `Ocean` or `Atmosphere` grid to apply the boundary condition to.
    700 * `grid_face::String`: Grid face to apply the boundary condition to.  Valid
    701     values are any combination and sequence of `"west"` (-x), `"south"` (-y),
    702     `"east"` (+x), `"north"` (+y), or simply any combination of `"-x"`, `"+x"`,
    703     `"-y"`, and `"+y"`.  The specifiers may be delimited in any way.
    704     Also, and by default, all boundaries can be selected with `"all"` (-x, -y,
    705     +x, +y), which overrides any other face selection.
    706 * `mode::String`: Boundary behavior, accepted values are `"inactive"`,
    707     `"periodic"`, and `"impermeable"`.  You cannot specify more than one mode at
    708     a time, so if several modes are desired as boundary conditions for the grid,
    709     several calls to this function should be made.
    710 * `verbose::Bool`: Confirm boundary conditions by reporting values to console.
    712 # Examples
    713 Set all boundaries for the ocean grid to be periodic:
    715     setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "all")
    717 Set the south-north boundaries to be inactive, but the west-east boundaries to
    718 be periodic:
    720     setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "south north")
    721     setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "west east")
    723 or specify the conditions from the coordinate system axes:
    725     setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "-y +y")
    726     setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "-x +x")
    728 """
    729 function setGridBoundaryConditions!(grid::Any,
    730                                     mode::String,
    731                                     grid_face::String = "all";
    732                                     verbose::Bool=true)
    734     something_changed = false
    736     if length(mode) <= 1
    737         error("The mode string is required ('$mode')")
    738     end
    740     if !(mode in grid_bc_strings)
    741         error("Mode '$mode' not recognized as a valid boundary condition type")
    742     end
    744     if occursin("west", grid_face) || occursin("-x", grid_face)
    745         grid.bc_west = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    746         something_changed = true
    747     end
    749     if occursin("south", grid_face) || occursin("-y", grid_face)
    750         grid.bc_south = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    751         something_changed = true
    752     end
    754     if occursin("east", grid_face) || occursin("+x", grid_face)
    755         grid.bc_east = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    756         something_changed = true
    757     end
    759     if occursin("north", grid_face) || occursin("+y", grid_face)
    760         grid.bc_north = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    761         something_changed = true
    762     end
    764     if grid_face == "all"
    765         grid.bc_west  = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    766         grid.bc_south = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    767         grid.bc_east  = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    768         grid.bc_north = grid_bc_flags[mode]
    769         something_changed = true
    770     end
    772     if !something_changed
    773         error("grid_face string '$grid_face' not understood, " *
    774               "must be east, west, north, south, -x, +x, -y, and/or +y.")
    775     end
    777     if verbose
    778         reportGridBoundaryConditions(grid)
    779     end
    780     nothing
    781 end
    783 export reportGridBoundaryConditions
    784 """
    785     reportGridBoundaryConditions(grid)
    787 Report the boundary conditions for the grid to the console.
    788 """
    789 function reportGridBoundaryConditions(grid::Any)
    790     println("West  (-x): " * grid_bc_strings[grid.bc_west] * 
    791             "\t($(grid.bc_west))")
    792     println("East  (+x): " * grid_bc_strings[grid.bc_east] * 
    793             "\t($(grid.bc_east))")
    794     println("South (-y): " * grid_bc_strings[grid.bc_south] * 
    795             "\t($(grid.bc_south))")
    796     println("North (+y): " * grid_bc_strings[grid.bc_north] * 
    797             "\t($(grid.bc_north))")
    798     nothing
    799 end
    801 """
    802     moveGrainsAcrossPeriodicBoundaries!(simulation::Simulation)
    804 If the ocean or atmosphere grids are periodic, move grains that are placed
    805 outside the domain correspondingly across the domain.  This function is to be
    806 called after temporal integration of the grain positions.
    807 """
    808 function moveGrainsAcrossPeriodicBoundaries!(sim::Simulation)
    810     # return if grids are not enabled
    811     if typeof(sim.ocean.input_file) == Bool && 
    812         typeof(sim.atmosphere.input_file) == Bool
    813         return nothing
    814     end
    816     # return immediately if no boundaries are periodic
    817     if sim.ocean.bc_west != 2 && 
    818         sim.ocean.bc_south != 2 && 
    819         sim.ocean.bc_east != 2 && 
    820         sim.ocean.bc_north != 2
    821         return nothing
    822     end
    824     # throw error if ocean and atmosphere grid BCs are different and both are
    825     # enabled
    826     if (typeof(sim.ocean.input_file) != Bool &&
    827         typeof(sim.atmosphere.input_file) != Bool) &&
    828         (sim.ocean.bc_west != sim.atmosphere.bc_west &&
    829          sim.ocean.bc_south != sim.atmosphere.bc_south &&
    830          sim.ocean.bc_east != sim.atmosphere.bc_east &&
    831          sim.ocean.bc_north != sim.atmosphere.bc_north)
    832         error("Ocean and Atmosphere grid boundary conditions differ")
    833     end
    835     for grain in sim.grains
    837         # -x -> +x
    838         if sim.ocean.bc_west == 2 && grain.lin_pos[1] < sim.ocean.xq[1]
    839             grain.lin_pos[1] += sim.ocean.xq[end] - sim.ocean.xq[1]
    840         end
    842         # -y -> +y
    843         if sim.ocean.bc_south == 2 && grain.lin_pos[2] < sim.ocean.yq[1]
    844             grain.lin_pos[2] += sim.ocean.yq[end] - sim.ocean.yq[1]
    845         end
    847         # +x -> -x
    848         if sim.ocean.bc_east == 2 && grain.lin_pos[1] > sim.ocean.xq[end]
    849             grain.lin_pos[1] -= sim.ocean.xq[end] - sim.ocean.xq[1]
    850         end
    852         # +y -> -y
    853         if sim.ocean.bc_north == 2 && grain.lin_pos[2] > sim.ocean.yq[end]
    854             grain.lin_pos[2] -= sim.ocean.yq[end] - sim.ocean.yq[1]
    855         end
    856     end
    857     nothing
    858 end
    860 export reflectGrainsFromImpermeableBoundaries!
    861 """
    862     reflectGrainsFromImpermeableBoundaries!(simulation::Simulation)
    864 If the ocean or atmosphere grids are impermeable, reflect grain trajectories by
    865 reversing the velocity vectors normal to the boundary.  This function is to be
    866 called after temporal integration of the grain positions.
    867 """
    868 function reflectGrainsFromImpermeableBoundaries!(sim::Simulation)
    870     # return if grids are not enabled
    871     if typeof(sim.ocean.input_file) == Bool && 
    872         typeof(sim.atmosphere.input_file) == Bool
    873         return nothing
    874     end
    876     # return immediately if no boundaries are periodic
    877     if sim.ocean.bc_west != 3 && 
    878         sim.ocean.bc_south != 3 && 
    879         sim.ocean.bc_east != 3 && 
    880         sim.ocean.bc_north != 3
    881         return nothing
    882     end
    884     # throw error if ocean and atmosphere grid BCs are different and both are
    885     # enabled
    886     if (typeof(sim.ocean.input_file) != Bool &&
    887         typeof(sim.atmosphere.input_file) != Bool) &&
    888         (sim.ocean.bc_west != sim.atmosphere.bc_west &&
    889          sim.ocean.bc_south != sim.atmosphere.bc_south &&
    890          sim.ocean.bc_east != sim.atmosphere.bc_east &&
    891          sim.ocean.bc_north != sim.atmosphere.bc_north)
    892         error("Ocean and Atmosphere grid boundary conditions differ")
    893     end
    895     for grain in sim.grains
    897         # -x
    898         if sim.ocean.bc_west == 3 && 
    899             grain.lin_pos[1] - grain.contact_radius < sim.ocean.xq[1]
    901             grain.lin_vel[1] *= -1.
    902         end
    904         # -y
    905         if sim.ocean.bc_south == 3 && 
    906             grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius < sim.ocean.yq[1]
    908             grain.lin_vel[2] *= -1.
    909         end
    911         # +x
    912         if sim.ocean.bc_east == 3 &&
    913             grain.lin_pos[1] + grain.contact_radius > sim.ocean.xq[end]
    915             grain.lin_vel[1] *= -1.
    916         end
    918         # +y
    919         if sim.ocean.bc_east == 3 && 
    920             grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius > sim.ocean.yq[end]
    922             grain.lin_vel[2] *= -1.
    923         end
    924     end
    925     nothing
    926 end
    928 export fitGridToGrains!
    929 """
    930     fitGridToGrains!(simulation, grid[, padding])
    932 Fit the ocean or atmosphere grid for a simulation to the current grains and
    933 their positions.
    935 # Arguments
    936 * `simulation::Simulation`: simulation object to manipulate.
    937 * `grid::Any`: Ocean or Atmosphere grid to manipulate.
    938 * `padding::Real`: optional padding around edges [m].
    939 * `verbose::Bool`: show grid information when function completes.
    940 """
    941 function fitGridToGrains!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any;
    942                           padding::Real=0., verbose::Bool=true)
    944     if typeof(grid) != Ocean && typeof(grid) != Atmosphere
    945         error("grid must be of Ocean or Atmosphere type")
    946     end
    948     min_x = Inf
    949     min_y = Inf
    950     max_x = -Inf
    951     max_y = -Inf
    952     max_radius = 0.
    954     if length(simulation.grains) < 1
    955         error("Grains need to be initialized before calling fitGridToGrains")
    956     end
    958     r = 0.
    959     for grain in simulation.grains
    960         r = grain.contact_radius
    962         if grid.bc_west == grid_bc_flags["periodic"]
    963             if grain.lin_pos[1] < min_x
    964                 min_x = grain.lin_pos[1] - r
    965             end
    966         else
    967             if grain.lin_pos[1] - r < min_x
    968                 min_x = grain.lin_pos[1] - r
    969             end
    970         end
    972         if grid.bc_east == grid_bc_flags["periodic"]
    973             if grain.lin_pos[1] > max_x
    974                 max_x = grain.lin_pos[1] + grain.contact_radius
    975             end
    976         else
    977             if grain.lin_pos[1] + r > max_x
    978                 max_x = grain.lin_pos[1] + grain.contact_radius
    979             end
    980         end
    982         if grid.bc_south == grid_bc_flags["periodic"]
    983             if grain.lin_pos[2] < min_y
    984                 min_y = grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius
    985             end
    986         else
    987             if grain.lin_pos[2] - r < min_y
    988                 min_y = grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius
    989             end
    990         end
    992         if grid.bc_north == grid_bc_flags["periodic"]
    993             if grain.lin_pos[2] > max_y
    994                 max_y = grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius
    995             end
    996         else
    997             if grain.lin_pos[2] + r > max_y
    998                 max_y = grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius
    999             end
   1000         end
   1002         if r > max_radius
   1003             max_radius = r
   1004         end
   1005     end
   1006     min_x -= padding
   1007     min_y -= padding
   1008     max_x += padding
   1009     max_y += padding
   1011     L::Vector{Float64} = [max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
   1012     dx::Float64 = 2. * max_radius
   1013     n = convert(Vector{Int}, floor.(L./dx))
   1014     if 0 in n || 1 in n
   1015         println("L = $L")
   1016         println("dx = $dx")
   1017         println("n = $n")
   1018         error("Grid is too small compared to grain size (n = $n). " *
   1019               "Use all-to-all contact search instead.")
   1020     end
   1023     if typeof(grid) == Ocean
   1024         simulation.ocean = createRegularOceanGrid(vcat(n, 1), vcat(L, 1.),
   1025                                                   origo=[min_x, min_y],
   1026                                                   time=[0.], name="fitted",
   1027                                                   bc_west  = grid.bc_west,
   1028                                                   bc_south = grid.bc_south,
   1029                                                   bc_east  = grid.bc_east,
   1030                                                   bc_north = grid.bc_north)
   1031     elseif typeof(grid) == Atmosphere
   1032         simulation.atmosphere = createRegularAtmosphereGrid(vcat(n, 1),
   1033                                                             vcat(L, 1.),
   1034                                                             origo=[min_x,
   1035                                                                    min_y],
   1036                                                             time=[0.],
   1037                                                             name="fitted",
   1038                                                             bc_west  = grid.bc_west,
   1039                                                             bc_south = grid.bc_south,
   1040                                                             bc_east  = grid.bc_east,
   1041                                                             bc_north = grid.bc_north)
   1042     end
   1044     if verbose
   1045         @info "Created regular $(typeof(grid)) grid from " *
   1046              "[$min_x, $min_y] to [$max_x, $max_y] " *
   1047              "with a cell size of $dx ($n)."
   1048     end
   1050     nothing
   1051 end
   1053 function findPorosity!(sim::Simulation, grid::Any; verbose::Bool=true)
   1055     if !isassigned(grid.grain_list)
   1056         @info "Sorting grains in grid"
   1057         sortGrainsInGrid!(sim, grid, verbose=verbose)
   1058     end
   1060     sw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
   1061     se = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
   1062     ne = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
   1063     nw = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
   1064     cell_area = 0.0
   1065     p = zeros(2)
   1066     r = 0.0
   1067     A = 0.0
   1069     for ix in 1:size(grid.xh, 1)
   1070         for iy in 1:size(grid.xh, 2)
   1072             @views sw .= grid.xq[   ix,   iy], grid.yq[   ix,   iy]
   1073             @views se .= grid.xq[ ix+1,   iy], grid.yq[ ix+1,   iy]
   1074             @views ne .= grid.xq[ ix+1, iy+1], grid.yq[ ix+1, iy+1]
   1075             @views nw .= grid.xq[   ix, iy+1], grid.yq[   ix, iy+1]
   1076             cell_area = areaOfQuadrilateral(sw, se, ne, nw)
   1078             # Subtract grain area from cell area
   1079             particle_area = 0.0
   1080             for ix_ = -1:1
   1081                 for iy_ = -1:1
   1083                     # Make sure cell check is within grid
   1084                     if ix + ix_ < 1 || ix + ix_ > size(grid.xh, 1) ||
   1085                         iy + iy_ < 1 || iy + iy_ > size(grid.xh, 2)
   1086                         continue
   1087                     end
   1089                     # Traverse grain list
   1090                     for i in grid.grain_list[ix + ix_, iy + iy_]
   1092                         # Grain geometry
   1093                         p = sim.grains[i].lin_pos
   1094                         r = sim.grains[i].areal_radius
   1095                         A = grainHorizontalSurfaceArea(sim.grains[i])
   1097                         #= if sw[1] <= p[1] - r && =#
   1098                         #=     sw[2] <= p[2] - r && =#
   1099                         #=     ne[1] >= p[1] + r && =#
   1100                         #=     ne[2] >= p[2] + r =#
   1101                         if sw[1] <= p[1] &&
   1102                             sw[2] <= p[2] &&
   1103                             ne[1] >= p[1] &&
   1104                             ne[2] >= p[2]
   1105                             # If particle is entirely contained within cell,
   1106                             # assuming a regular and orthogonal grid
   1107                             # TODO: Adjust coordinates with conformal mapping
   1108                             # for irregular grids.
   1109                             particle_area += A
   1111                         #= elseif sw[1] >= p[1] + r || =#
   1112                         #=     sw[2] >= p[2] + r || =#
   1113                         #=     ne[1] <= p[1] - r || =#
   1114                         #=     ne[2] <= p[2] - r =#
   1115                         #=     # particle does not intersect with cell [ix,iy] =#
   1116                         #=     continue =#
   1119                         #= else =#
   1120                         #=     continue =#
   1121                             # (likely) intersection between grid and grain
   1123                             # 1. There is an intersection if one of the cell
   1124                             # corners lies within the circle. This occurs if the
   1125                             # distance between the cell center and corner is
   1126                             # less than the radii.
   1128                             # 2. There is an intersection if one of the cell
   1129                             # edges comes to a closer distance to the cell
   1130                             # center than the radius.
   1132                         end
   1133                     end
   1134                 end
   1135             end
   1137             grid.porosity[ix, iy] = (cell_area - particle_area)/cell_area
   1138         end
   1139     end
   1140 end