
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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packing.jl (18774B)

      1 ## Functions for creating grain packings
      2 import Random
      3 using LinearAlgebra
      4 using Random
      6 export regularPacking!
      7 """
      9     regularPacking!(simulation, n, r_min, r_max[, tiling, padding_factor,
     10                     size_distribution, size_distribution_parameter, seed])
     12 Create a grid-based regular packing with grain numbers along each axis specified
     13 by the `n` vector.
     15 # Arguments
     16 * `simulation::Simulation`: simulation object where the grains are inserted,
     17     preferably not containing prior grains.
     18 * `n::Vector{Integer}`: 2-element vector determining number of grains along the
     19     `x` and `y` axes.
     20 * `r_min::Real`: minimum desired grain radius.
     21 * `r_max::Real`: maximum desired grain radius.
     22 * `tiling::String`: the packing method to use, valid values are `"square"`
     23     (default) and `"triangular"` (see
     24     [Wikipedia](
     25 * `padding_factor::Real`: percentage-wise padding around each grain to allow for
     26     random perturbations to grain position (default = 0.0).
     27 * `origo::Vector{Real}`: spatial offset for the packing (default `[0.0, 0.0]`).
     28 * `size_distribution::String`: grain-size distribution to sample. Valid values
     29     are "powerlaw" and "uniform".
     30 * `size_distribution_parameter::Real`: parameter to pass to the grain-size
     31     distribution generating function.
     32 * `seed::Integer`: seed value to the pseudo-random number generator.
     33 """
     34 function regularPacking!(simulation::Simulation,
     35                          n::Vector{Int},
     36                          r_min::Real,
     37                          r_max::Real;
     38                          tiling::String="square",
     39                          padding_factor::Real=0.0,
     40                          origo::Vector{Float64}=[0.0, 0.0],
     41                          size_distribution::String="powerlaw",
     42                          size_distribution_parameter::Real=-1.8,
     43                          seed::Integer=1)
     45     r_rand = 0.
     46     pos = zeros(2)
     47     h = .5   # disc tickness
     48     Random.seed!(seed)
     50     if tiling == "square"
     51         dx = r_max * 2. * (1. + padding_factor)  # cell size
     52         dx_padding = r_max * 2. * padding_factor
     53         for iy in 1:n[2]
     54             for ix in 1:n[1]
     56                 if size_distribution == "powerlaw"
     57                     r_rand = Granular.randpower(1,
     58                                                 size_distribution_parameter,
     59                                                 r_min, r_max)
     60                 elseif size_distribution == "uniform"
     61                     r_rand = rand()*(r_max - r_min) + r_min
     62                 end
     64                 # Determine position from grid index and sample randomly from
     65                 # within padding
     66                 pos = [ix*dx - .5*dx, iy*dx - .5*dx] .+
     67                     rand(2) .* dx_padding .- .5*dx_padding .+ origo
     69                 addGrainCylindrical!(simulation, pos, r_rand, h, verbose=false)
     70             end
     71         end
     73     elseif tiling == "triangular"
     75         dx = r_max * 2. * (1. + padding_factor)  # cell size
     76         dy = r_max * 2. * (1. + padding_factor) * sin(π/3)
     77         dx_padding = r_max * 2. * padding_factor
     78         for iy in 1:n[2]
     79             for ix in 1:n[1]
     81                 if size_distribution == "powerlaw"
     82                     r_rand = Granular.randpower(1,
     83                                                 size_distribution_parameter,
     84                                                 r_min, r_max)
     85                 elseif size_distribution == "uniform"
     86                     r_rand = rand()*(r_max - r_min) + r_min
     87                 end
     89                 # Determine position from grid index and sample randomly from
     90                 # within padding
     91                 if iy%2 == 0
     92                     pos = [ix*dx - .5*dx, (iy - 1)*dy + .5*dx] .+
     93                     rand(2) .* dx_padding .- .5*dx_padding .+ origo
     94                 else
     95                     pos = [ix*dx, (iy - 1)*dy + .5*dx] .+
     96                     rand(2) .* dx_padding .- .5*dx_padding .+ origo
     97                 end
     99                 addGrainCylindrical!(simulation, pos, r_rand, h, verbose=false)
    100             end
    101         end
    103     else
    104         error("tiling method '$tiling' not understood")
    105     end
    107 end
    109 """
    110 Return random point in spherical annulus between `(r_i + r_j)` and `2.*(r_i +
    111 r_j)` around `x_i`.  Note: there is slightly higher point density towards (r_i +
    112 r_j).
    113 """
    114 function generateNeighboringPoint(x_i::Vector, r_i::Real,
    115                                   r_max::Real, r_min::Real;
    116                                   padding::Real=0.)
    118     if padding > 0.
    119         r_j = r_min + (rand()*0.5 + 0.5)*(r_max - r_min)
    120     else
    121         r_j = r_min + rand()*(r_max - r_min)  # between r_min and r_max
    122     end
    123     #r_j = r_min + rand()*(r_i - r_min)  # between r_min and r_i
    124     #R = rand() * (r_i + r_j) * max_padding_factor + 2. * (r_i + r_j)
    125     R = r_i + r_j + padding
    126     T = rand() * 2. * pi
    127     return [x_i[1] + R * sin(T), x_i[2] + R * cos(T), x_i[3]], r_j
    128 end
    130 function generateRandomDirection()
    131     return rand() * 2. * pi
    132 end
    134 function getPositionDistancedFromPoint(T::Real, x_i::Vector, dist::Real)
    135     return [x_i[1] + dist * sin(T), x_i[2] + dist * cos(T), x_i[3]]
    136 end
    138 export irregularPacking!
    139 """
    140     irregularPacking!(simulation[, radius_max, radius_min, sample_limit,
    141                       padding_factor, binary_radius_search,
    142                       binary_sampling_quality, thickness, seed,
    143                       plot_during_packing, verbose)
    145 Generate a dense disc packing in 2D using Poisson disc sampling with O(N)
    146 complexity, as described by [Robert Bridson (2007) "Fast Poisson disk sampling
    147 in arbitrary dimensions"]( The
    148 `simulation` can be empty or already contain grains. However, an
    149 `simulation.ocean` or `simulation.atmosphere` grid is required.
    151 # Arguments
    152 * `simulation::Simulation`: simulation object where grains are inserted.
    153 * `radius_max::Real`: largest grain radius to use.
    154 * `radius_min::Real`: smallest grain radius to use.
    155 * `sample_limit::Integer=30`: number of points to sample around each grain
    156     before giving up.
    157 * `padding_factor::Real=0.`: if positive and `binary_radius_search = false`, try to
    158     add an occasional grain from the current active grain
    159     (`radius_max*padding_factor`).
    160 * `binary_radius_search::Bool=false`: use a binary radius-sampling procedure to
    161     fit the largest possible grains into the packing. This option will create
    162     the highest packing density.
    163 * `binary_sampling_quality::Real=100.`: the quality to enforce during the binary
    164     radius search when `binary_radius_search = true`. Larger values create
    165     denser packings but take longer to complete.
    166 * `seed::Integer`: seed value to the pseudo-random number generator.
    167 * `plot_during_packing::Bool=false`: produce successive plots as the packing is
    168     generated. Requires gnuplot (default).
    169 * `verbose::Bool=true`: show diagnostic information to stdout.
    170 """
    171 function irregularPacking!(simulation::Simulation;
    172                            radius_max::Real=.1,
    173                            radius_min::Real=.1,
    174                            sample_limit::Integer=100,
    175                            padding_factor::Real=0.,
    176                            binary_radius_search::Bool=false,
    177                            binary_sampling_quality::Real=100.,
    178                            thickness::Real=1.,
    179                            seed::Integer=1,
    180                            plot_during_packing::Bool=false,
    181                            verbose::Bool=true)
    182     Random.seed!(seed)
    184     active_list = Int[]  # list of points to originate search from
    185     i = 0
    187     # Step 0: Use existing `grid` (ocean or atmosphere) for contact search
    188     if typeof(simulation.ocean.input_file) != Bool
    189         grid = simulation.ocean
    190     elseif typeof(simulation.atmosphere.input_file) != Bool
    191         grid = simulation.atmosphere
    192     else
    193         error("irregularPacking requires an ocean or atmosphere grid")
    194     end
    195     sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation, grid)
    196     # save grid boundaries
    197     sw, se, ne, nw = getGridCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq)
    198     width_x = se[1] - sw[1]  # assume regular grid
    199     width_y = nw[2] - sw[2]  # assume regular grid
    201     # Step 1: If grid is empty: select random initial sample and save its index
    202     # to the background grid. Otherwise mark all existing grains as active
    203     np_init = length(simulation.grains)
    204     if isempty(simulation.grains)
    205         r = rand()*(radius_max - radius_min) + radius_min
    206         x0 = rand(2).*[width_x, width_y] + sw
    207         addGrainCylindrical!(simulation, x0, r, thickness, color=1,
    208                              verbose=false)
    209         sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation, grid)
    210         push!(active_list, 1)
    211     else
    212         for idx=1:length(simulation.grains)
    213             simulation.grains[idx].color = 1
    214             push!(active_list, idx)
    215         end
    216     end
    218     # Step 2: While the active list is not empty, choose a random index `i` from
    219     # it.  Generate up to `sample_limit` points chosen uniformly from the
    220     # distance `(r_i + r_j)` around `x_i`.
    221     # For each point in turn, check if it is within distance r of existing
    222     # samples (using the background grid to only test nearby samples). If a
    223     # point is adequately far from existing samples, emit it as the next sample
    224     # and add it to the active list. If after `sample_limit` attempts no such
    225     # point is found, instead remove `i` from the active list.
    226     j = 0
    227     x_active = zeros(3)
    228     x_candidate = zeros(3)
    229     r_active = 0.0
    230     r_candidate = 0.0
    231     T = 0.0
    232     n = 0
    233     neighbor_found = false
    234     i_last_active = 0
    235     if verbose
    236         println("")
    237     end
    239     while !isempty(active_list)
    241         # Draw a random grain from the list of active grains
    242         i = active_list[rand(1:length(active_list))]
    243         i_last_active = i
    245         x_active = simulation.grains[i].lin_pos
    246         r_active = simulation.grains[i].contact_radius
    248         # Did the algoritm find a neighbor to the current active grain `i`?
    249         neighbor_found = false
    251         for j = 1:sample_limit
    253             # Generate a candidate point
    254             if binary_radius_search
    255                 # Generate a point positioned at r_active + radius_max from the
    256                 # position x_active.
    257                 T = generateRandomDirection()
    258                 r_candidate = radius_max
    259                 x_candidate = getPositionDistancedFromPoint(T, x_active,
    260                                                             r_active + r_candidate)
    261             else
    262                 if j <= 2  # generate large grains during the first two samples
    263                     x_candidate, r_candidate = generateNeighboringPoint(
    264                                                    x_active,
    265                                                    r_active,
    266                                                    radius_max,
    267                                                    radius_min,
    268                                                    padding=padding_factor*radius_max)
    269                 else
    270                     x_candidate, r_candidate = generateNeighboringPoint(
    271                                                    x_active,
    272                                                    r_active,
    273                                                    radius_max,
    274                                                    radius_min)
    275                 end
    276             end
    278             # Make sure that the point is within the grid limits
    279             if !(isPointInGrid(grid, x_candidate))
    280                 continue  # skip this candidate
    281             end
    283             # If the binary_radius_search is selected, try to adjust the radius
    284             # to a value as large as possible
    285             sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation, grid)
    286             if binary_radius_search
    288                 # first test the maximum radius. If unsuccessful, iteratively
    289                 # find the optimal radius using binary searches
    290                if !checkForContacts(simulation, grid, x_candidate, r_candidate,
    291                                    return_when_overlap_found=true)
    293                     # 1. Set L to min and R to max of sampling range
    294                     r_L = radius_min
    295                     r_R = radius_max
    297                     # size of radius sampling step
    298                     dr = (r_R - r_L)/binary_sampling_quality
    300                     # 2. If L > R, the search terminates as unsuccessful
    301                     while r_L < r_R
    303                         # 3. Set r to the middle of the current range
    304                         r_candidate = (r_L + r_R)/2.0
    305                         x_candidate = getPositionDistancedFromPoint(T, x_active,
    306                                         r_active + r_candidate)
    307                         #println("[$r_L, \t $r_candidate, \t $r_R]")
    309                         # 4. If r < target, set L to r+dr and go to step 2
    310                         if checkForContacts(simulation, grid, x_candidate,
    311                                             r_candidate) <= 1
    312                             r_L = r_candidate + dr
    314                         else # 5. If r > target, set R to r-dr and go to step 2
    315                             r_R = r_candidate - dr
    316                         end
    317                     end
    318                 end
    320             end
    322             # if the grain candidate doesn't overlap with any other grains,
    323             # add it and mark it as active
    324             sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation, grid)
    325             if checkForContacts(simulation, grid, x_candidate, r_candidate,
    326                                 return_when_overlap_found=true)
    327                 #println("Added grain from parent $i")
    328                 addGrainCylindrical!(simulation, x_candidate, r_candidate,
    329                                      thickness, color=1, verbose=false)
    330                 sortGrainsInGrid!(simulation, grid)
    331                 push!(active_list, length(simulation.grains))
    332                 simulation.grains[i].color = 1
    333                 break
    334             end
    336             if j == sample_limit
    337                 # If no neighbors were found, delete the grain `i` from the list
    338                 # of active grains
    339                 simulation.grains[i].color = 0
    340                 filter!(f->f≠i, active_list)
    341             end
    342         end
    343         if verbose
    344             print("\rActive points: $(length(active_list))       ")
    345             #println(active_list)
    346         end
    348         if plot_during_packing
    349             n += 1
    350             color = simulation.grains[i_last_active].color
    351             simulation.grains[i_last_active].color = 2
    352             filepostfix = @sprintf("packing.%05d.png", n)
    353             plotGrains(simulation, filetype=filepostfix, show_figure=false,
    354                        palette_scalar="color", cbrange=[0.,2.])
    355             simulation.grains[i_last_active].color = color
    356         end
    358     end  # end while !isempty(active_list)
    360     if verbose
    361         println("")
    362         @info "Generated $(length(simulation.grains) - np_init) points"
    363     end
    364 end
    366 export rasterPacking!
    367 function rasterPacking!(sim::Simulation,
    368                         r_min::Real,
    369                         r_max::Real;
    370                         padding_factor::Real=0.1,
    371                         size_distribution::String="powerlaw",
    372                         size_distribution_parameter::Real=-1.8,
    373                         seed::Integer=1,
    374                         verbose::Bool=true)
    376     r_rand = 0.
    377     h = .5   # disc tickness
    378     dx = r_max * 2. * (1. + padding_factor)  # cell size
    379     dx_padding = r_max * 2. * padding_factor
    380     Random.seed!(seed)
    382     np_init = length(sim.grains)
    384     # Generate a grid spanning the entire domain, with cell width corresponding
    385     # to the largest grain to be inserted
    386     occupied = rasterMap(sim, dx)
    388     # Add grains in unoccupied places
    389     pos = zeros(2)
    390     for ix=1:size(occupied, 1)
    391         for iy=1:size(occupied, 2)
    393             if occupied[ix,iy]
    394                 continue
    395             end
    397             if size_distribution == "powerlaw"
    398                 r_rand = Granular.randpower(1, size_distribution_parameter,
    399                                             r_min, r_max)
    400             elseif size_distribution == "uniform"
    401                 r_rand = rand()*(r_max - r_min) + r_min
    402             end
    404             # Determine position from grid index and sample randomly from within
    405             # padding
    406             pos = [ix*dx - .5*dx, iy*dx - .5*dx] .+
    407                 rand(2) .* dx_padding .- .5*dx_padding
    409             addGrainCylindrical!(sim, pos, r_rand, h, verbose=false)
    411         end
    412     end
    413     if verbose
    414         @info "Generated $(length(sim.grains) - np_init) points"
    415     end
    416 end
    418 """
    419     rasterMap(sim, dx)
    421 Returns a rasterized map of grain extent in the domain with length `L` and a
    422 pixel size of `dx`. The function will return a map of `Bool` type with size
    423 `floor.(L./dx)`.
    425 * Arguments
    426 - `sim::Simulation`: simulation object containing the grains.
    427 - `dx::Real`: pixel size to use for the raster map.
    429 """
    430 function rasterMap(sim::Simulation, dx::Real)
    432     # Use existing `grid` (ocean or atmosphere) for contact search
    433     if typeof(sim.ocean.input_file) != Bool
    434         grid = sim.ocean
    435     elseif typeof(sim.atmosphere.input_file) != Bool
    436         grid = sim.atmosphere
    437     else
    438         error("rasterMap(...) requires an ocean or atmosphere grid")
    439     end
    440     # save grid boundaries
    441     if grid.regular_grid
    442         L = grid.L[1:2]
    443         origo = grid.origo
    444     else
    445         sw, se, ne, nw = getGridCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq)
    446         L = [se[1] - sw[1], nw[2] - sw[2]]
    447         origo = [sw[1], sw[2]]
    448     end
    449     dims = floor.(L./dx)
    450     occupied = zeros(Bool, convert(Dims, (dims[1], dims[2])))
    452     # Loop over existing grains and mark their extent in the `occupied` array
    453     i = 0; j = 0
    454     min_i = 0; min_j = 0
    455     max_i = 0; max_j = 0
    456     cell_mid_point = zeros(2)
    457     dist = sqrt(2.0*(dx/2.0)^2.)
    458     for grain in sim.grains
    460         # Find center position in `occupied` grid
    461         #i, j = Int.(floor.((grain.lin_pos - origo) ./ dx)) + [1,1]
    463         # Find corner indexes for box spanning the grain
    464         min_i, min_j = Int.(floor.((grain.lin_pos[1:2] - origo .-
    465                                     grain.contact_radius) ./ dx)) .+ [1,1]
    466         max_i, max_j = Int.(floor.((grain.lin_pos[1:2] - origo .+
    467                                     grain.contact_radius) ./ dx)) .+ [1,1]
    469         # For each cell in box, check if the grain is contained
    470         for i = min_i:max_i
    471             for j = min_j:max_j
    472                 cell_mid_point = dx .* Vector{Float64}([i,j]) .- 0.5 * dx
    474                 if (norm(cell_mid_point - grain.lin_pos[1:2]) -
    475                     grain.contact_radius < dist)
    476                     occupied[i,j] = true
    477                 end
    478             end
    479         end
    480     end
    481     return occupied
    482 end