
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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temporal.jl (5690B)

      1 export setTotalTime!
      2 """
      3     setTotalTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
      5 Sets the total simulation time of the `simulation` object to `t`, with parameter 
      6 value checks.
      7 """
      8 function setTotalTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
      9     if t <= 0.0
     10         error("Total time should be a positive value (t = $t s)")
     11     end
     12     simulation.time_total = t
     13     nothing
     14 end
     16 export setCurrentTime!
     17 """
     18     setCurrentTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
     20 Sets the current simulation time of the `simulation` object to `t`, with 
     21 parameter value checks.
     22 """
     23 function setCurrentTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
     24     if t <= 0.0
     25         error("Current time should be a positive value (t = $t s)")
     26     end
     27     simulation.time = t
     28     nothing
     29 end
     31 export incrementCurrentTime!
     32 """
     33     incrementCurrentTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
     35 Sets the current simulation time of the `simulation` object to `t`, with 
     36 parameter value checks.
     37 """
     38 function incrementCurrentTime!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
     39     if t <= 0.0
     40         error("Current time increment should be a positive value (t = $t s)")
     41     end
     42     simulation.time += t
     43     simulation.file_time_since_output_file += t
     44     nothing
     45 end
     47 export setOutputFileInterval!
     48 """
     49    setOutputFileInterval!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64)
     51 Sets the simulation-time interval between output files are written to disk.  If 
     52 this value is zero or negative, no output files will be written.
     53 """
     54 function setOutputFileInterval!(simulation::Simulation, t::Float64; 
     55     verbose=true)
     56     if t <= 0.0 && verbose
     57         @info "No output files will be written"
     58     end
     59     simulation.file_time_step = t
     60     nothing
     61 end
     63 export disableOutputFiles!
     64 "Disables the write of output files to disk during a simulation."
     65 function disableOutputFiles!(simulation::Simulation)
     66     simulation.file_time_step = 0.0
     67     nothing
     68 end
     70 export checkTimeParameters
     71 "Checks if simulation temporal parameters are of reasonable values."
     72 function checkTimeParameters(simulation::Simulation; single_step::Bool=false)
     73     if !single_step && (simulation.time_total <= 0.0 || simulation.time_total <= 
     74                         simulation.time)
     75         error("Total time should be positive and larger than current " *
     76             "time.\n  t_total = $(simulation.time_total) s, " *
     77             "t = $(simulation.time) s")
     78     end
     79     if simulation.time_step <= 0.0
     80         error("Time step should be positive (t = $(simulation.time_step))")
     81     end
     82     nothing
     83 end
     85 export findSmallestGrainMass
     86 "Finds the smallest mass of all grains in a simulation.  Used to determine 
     87 the optimal time step length."
     88 function findSmallestGrainMass(simulation::Simulation)
     89     m_min = 1e20
     90     i_min = -1
     91     for i=1:length(simulation.grains)
     92         @inbounds grain = simulation.grains[i]
     93         if grain.mass < m_min
     94             m_min = grain.mass
     95             i_min = i
     96         end
     97     end
     98     return m_min, i_min
     99 end
    101 export findLargestGrainStiffness
    102 "Finds the largest elastic stiffness of all grains in a simulation.  Used to 
    103 determine the optimal time step length."
    104 function findLargestGrainStiffness(simulation::Simulation)
    105     k_n_max = 0.
    106     k_t_max = 0.
    107     i_n_max = -1
    108     i_t_max = -1
    109     for i=1:length(simulation.grains)
    111         @inbounds grain = simulation.grains[i]
    113         if grain.youngs_modulus > 0.
    114             k_n = grain.youngs_modulus*grain.thickness  # A = h*r
    115             k_t = k_n * 2. * (1. - grain.poissons_ratio^2.)/
    116                 ((2. - grain.poissons_ratio) * (1. + grain.poissons_ratio))
    117         else
    118             k_n = grain.contact_stiffness_normal
    119             k_t = grain.contact_stiffness_tangential
    120         end
    122         if k_n > k_n_max
    123             k_n_max = k_n
    124             i_n_max = i
    125         end
    126         if k_t > k_t_max
    127             k_t_max = k_t
    128             i_t_max = i
    129         end
    130     end
    131     return k_n_max, k_t_max, i_n_max, i_t_max
    132 end
    134 export setTimeStep!
    135 """
    136     setTimeStep!(simulation[, epsilon, verbose])
    138 Find the computational time step length suitable given the grain radii, contact
    139 stiffnesses, and grain density. Uses the scheme by Radjaii et al. 2011.
    141 # Arguments
    142 * `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object to modify.
    143 * `epsilon::Float64=0.07`: safety factor in the time step scheme. Larger values
    144     are more likely to cause unstable behavior than smaller values.
    145 * `verbose::Bool=true`: display the resultant time step in the console.
    146 """
    147 function setTimeStep!(simulation::Simulation;
    148                       epsilon::Float64=0.07, verbose::Bool=true)
    150     if length(simulation.grains) < 1
    151         error("At least 1 grain is needed to find the computational time step.")
    152     end
    154     k_n_max, k_t_max, _, _ = findLargestGrainStiffness(simulation)
    155     m_min, _ = findSmallestGrainMass(simulation)
    157     simulation.time_step = epsilon/(sqrt(maximum([k_n_max, k_t_max])/m_min))
    159     if simulation.time_step <= 1.0e-20
    160         error("Time step too small or negative ($(simulation.time_step) s)")
    161     end
    163     if verbose
    164         @info "Time step length t=$(simulation.time_step) s"
    165     end
    166     nothing
    167 end
    169 export resetTime!
    170 """
    171     resetTime!(simulation)
    173 Reset the current time to zero, and reset output file counters in order to
    174 restart a simulation.  This function does not overwrite the time step
    175 (`Simulation.time_step`), the output
    176 file interval (`Simulation.file_time_step`), or the total simulation time
    177 (`Simulation.time_total`).
    179 # Arguments
    180 * `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object for which to reset the
    181     temporal parameters.
    182 """
    183 function resetTime!(sim::Simulation)
    184     sim.time_iteration = 0
    185     sim.time = 0.0
    186     sim.file_number = 0
    187     sim.file_time_since_output_file = 0.
    188 end