
Julia package for granular dynamics simulation
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util.jl (2112B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env julia
      3 export randpower
      4 """
      5     randpower([nvals], [distribution_power], [min_val], [max_val])
      7 Returns one or more random numbers from a power-law probability distribution.
      9 # Arguments
     10 * `dims::Any`: the dimensions of random values (default = 1)
     11 * `distribution_power::Number`: the distribution power (default = 1.)
     12 * `min_val::Number`: the lower bound of the distribution range (default = 0.)
     13 * `max_val::Number`: the upper bound of the distribution range (default = 1.)
     14 """
     15 @inline function randpower(dims::Any = 1,
     16                            distribution_power::Number = 1.,
     17                            min_val::Number = 0.,
     18                            max_val::Number = 1.)
     20     val = ((max_val^(distribution_power + 1.) - 
     21             min_val^(distribution_power + 1.)) * rand(Float64, dims) .+ 
     22            min_val^(distribution_power + 1.)) .^ 
     23             (1. / (distribution_power + 1.))
     25     if dims == 1
     26         return val[1]
     27     else
     28         return val
     29     end
     30 end
     32 export harmonicMean
     33 """
     34     harmonicMean(a, b)
     36 Returns the harmonic mean of two numbers `a::Number` and `b::Number`.
     37 """
     38 function harmonicMean(a::Number, b::Number)::Number
     39     if a ≈ 0. && b ≈ 0
     40         return 0.
     41     else
     42         return 2. * a * b / (a + b)
     43     end
     44 end
     46 export vecTo3d
     47 """
     48     function vecTo3d(input, fill)
     50 Convert a scalar or 2d vector to 3d by filling the missing component with the
     51 value `fill`. The returned 3-component vector is a Vector (or 1d Array) of
     52 the same type as the input.
     54 # Arguments
     55 * `input`: a scalar or two-component vector.
     56 * `fill::Real`: value to use for third
     57 """
     58 function vecTo3d(input::Any; fill::Real = 0.0)
     59     if length(input) > 3
     60         error("vecTo3d requires a scalar or input vector to of length 3 or " *
     61               "less, but input is $input")
     62     elseif length(input) == 3
     63         return input
     64     elseif length(input) == 2
     65         return [input[1], input[2], typeof(input[1])(fill)]
     66     elseif length(input) == 1
     67         return [input[1], typeof(input[1])(fill), typeof(input[1])(fill)]
     68     else
     69         error("input not understood: $input")
     70     end
     71 end