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      3 <title>Bookmarks</title>
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      5 </head><body>
      6 <a href="">A Tour of my Darkroom and some notes for setting up yours – By Dan Castelli  35mmc</a></br>
      7 <a href="">Every single film stock still made today – Part 7: the complete A-Z plus thoughts on the future of film  EMULSIVE</a></br>
      8 <a href="">The Street Photography Guide to Tokyo, Japan  Adorama Learning Center</a></br>
      9 <a href="">The Virtues of the Leica M3 – by Steven Bleistein  35mmc</a></br>
     10 <a href="">Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders</a></br>
     11 <a href="">The ONA x JCH bag is officially here  Japan Camera Hunter</a></br>
     12 <a href="">Another Leica MP Review – by Adam Laws  35mmc</a></br>
     13 <a href="">The Intrepid 4×5 Enlarger – print & scan 35mm, 120 & 4×5 film (possibly compatible with pixl-latr!!)  35mmc</a></br>
     14 <a href="">The game changing Intrepid 4×5 Enlarger: darkroom printing for all  EMULSIVE</a></br>
     15 <a href="">5 Frames With… Kodak Portra 800 (35mm / EI 800 / Leica  M6) – By Phil Harrison  EMULSIVE</a></br>
     16 <a href="">Displacement mechanisms of slow-moving landslides in response to changes in pore water pressure and dynamic stress  ESURF - recent papers</a></br>
     17 <a href="">Reconstructing ice‐flow fields from streamlined subglacial bedforms: a kriging approach  Wiley: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: Table of Contents</a></br>
     18 <a href="">Subglacial water storage and drainage beneath the Fennoscandian and Barents Sea ice sheets  ScienceDirect Publication: Quaternary Science Reviews</a></br>
     19 <a href="">Seismology Gets Under the Skin of the Antarctic Ice Sheet  Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents</a></br>
     20 <a href="">A Simple Model for Deglacial Meltwater Pulses  Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents</a></br>
     21 <a href="">An Observationally‐Based Evaluation of Sub‐Grid Scale Ice Thickness Distributions Simulated in a Large‐Scale Sea Ice ‐ Ocean Model of the Arctic Ocean  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans: Table of Contents</a></br>
     22 <a href="">Accelerated ray tracing in CUDA</a></br>
     23 <a href="">A geometry-based algorithm for cloning real grains 2.0  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     24 <a href="">Modeling sediment transport in ice‐walled subglacial channels and its implications for esker formation and pro‐glacial sediment yields  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     25 <a href="">Sedimentary processes at ice sheet grounding‐zone wedges revealed by outcrops, Washington State (U.S.A.)  Wiley: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: Table of Contents</a></br>
     26 <a href="">Modeling Sea Ice fracture at very high resolution with VP rheologies  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     27 <a href="">Evolving pore orientation, shape and size in sheared granular assemblies  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     28 <a href="">Granular materials: Micromechanical approaches of model systems</a></br>
     29 <a href="">Rheology and structure of polydisperse three-dimensional packings of spheres  PRE: Granular materials</a></br>
     30 <a href="">NOAA weather sattelite data</a></br>
     31 <a href="">Rclone</a></br>
     32 <a href=",-95.0853914,2a,75y,212.04h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1szChzPIAn4RIAAAQvxgbyEg!2e0!3e5!7i10000!8i5000">ISS Google Earth</a></br>
     33 <a href="">Magnus effect in granular media  PRE: Granular materials</a></br>
     34 <a href="">Hacked and dumped online: 773 million records with plaintext passwords  Ars Technica</a></br>
     35 <a href="">Seismic Tremor Reveals Spatial Organization and Temporal Changes of Subglacial Water System  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     36 <a href="">Discrete element modeling of first shear strain gradient effects on mechanical behaviors in granular materials  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     37 <a href="">Programming Fonts</a></br>
     38 <a href="">On the multi-fractal scaling properties of sea ice deformation  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     39 <a href="">Brief communication: Full-field deformation measurement for uniaxial compression of sea ice by using the digital image correlation method  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     40 <a href="">Structural evolution during cyclic glacier surges: 1. Structural glaciology of Trapridge Glacier, Yukon, Canada  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     41 <a href="">Structural evolution during cyclic glacier surges: 2. Numerical modeling  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     42 <a href="">Sensitivity of centennial mass loss projections of  the Amundsen basin to the friction law  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     43 <a href=""></a></br>
     44 <a href="">Thinking about spending a stack of cash on a film camera? Read this first!  35mmc</a></br>
     45 <a href="">Tenure denial, and how early-career researchers can survive it  Nature</a></br>
     46 <a href="">Setting Up GPU Telemetry with NVIDIA Data Center GPU Manager  NVIDIA Developer Blog</a></br>
     47 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-01-23  Hacker News Daily</a></br>
     48 <a href=""></a></br>
     49 <a href=""></a></br>
     50 <a href=""></a></br>
     51 <a href=""></a></br>
     52 <a href="">In his element: looking back on Primo Levi’s <i>The Periodic Table</i>  Nature</a></br>
     53 <a href=""></a></br>
     54 <a href=""></a></br>
     55 <a href="">Subglacial hydrological control on flow of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     56 <a href="">How to write effectively for international journals  Nature</a></br>
     57 <a href="">GDH budget</a></br>
     58 <a href="">T-Mobile Voicemail</a></br>
     59 <a href="">Interactive 3D ASCII scenes</a></br>
     60 <a href=""></a></br>
     61 <a href=""></a></br>
     62 <a href="">Measuring the coefficient of restitution for all six degrees of freedom  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     63 <a href=""></a></br>
     64 <a href=""></a></br>
     65 <a href=""></a></br>
     66 <a href=""></a></br>
     67 <a href=""></a></br>
     68 <a href="">A new model for esker formation sheds light on the processes within subglacial tunnels  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     69 <a href="">On the morphodynamic equilibrium of a short tidal channel  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     70 <a href=""></a></br>
     71 <a href=""></a></br>
     72 <a href=""></a></br>
     73 <a href=""></a></br>
     74 <a href=""></a></br>
     75 <a href="">BW film developer comparison</a></br>
     76 <a href="">A Tour of my Darkroom and some notes for setting up yours – By Dan Castelli  35mmc</a></br>
     77 <a href="">Every single film stock still made today – Part 7: the complete A-Z plus thoughts on the future of film  EMULSIVE</a></br>
     78 <a href="">The Street Photography Guide to Tokyo, Japan  Adorama Learning Center</a></br>
     79 <a href="">The Virtues of the Leica M3 – by Steven Bleistein  35mmc</a></br>
     80 <a href="">Introduction to Machine Learning for Coders</a></br>
     81 <a href="">The ONA x JCH bag is officially here  Japan Camera Hunter</a></br>
     82 <a href="">Another Leica MP Review – by Adam Laws  35mmc</a></br>
     83 <a href="">The Intrepid 4×5 Enlarger – print & scan 35mm, 120 & 4×5 film (possibly compatible with pixl-latr!!)  35mmc</a></br>
     84 <a href="">The game changing Intrepid 4×5 Enlarger: darkroom printing for all  EMULSIVE</a></br>
     85 <a href="">5 Frames With… Kodak Portra 800 (35mm / EI 800 / Leica  M6) – By Phil Harrison  EMULSIVE</a></br>
     86 <a href="">Displacement mechanisms of slow-moving landslides in response to changes in pore water pressure and dynamic stress  ESURF - recent papers</a></br>
     87 <a href="">Reconstructing ice‐flow fields from streamlined subglacial bedforms: a kriging approach  Wiley: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: Table of Contents</a></br>
     88 <a href="">Subglacial water storage and drainage beneath the Fennoscandian and Barents Sea ice sheets  ScienceDirect Publication: Quaternary Science Reviews</a></br>
     89 <a href="">Seismology Gets Under the Skin of the Antarctic Ice Sheet  Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents</a></br>
     90 <a href="">A Simple Model for Deglacial Meltwater Pulses  Wiley: Geophysical Research Letters: Table of Contents</a></br>
     91 <a href="">An Observationally‐Based Evaluation of Sub‐Grid Scale Ice Thickness Distributions Simulated in a Large‐Scale Sea Ice ‐ Ocean Model of the Arctic Ocean  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans: Table of Contents</a></br>
     92 <a href="">Accelerated ray tracing in CUDA</a></br>
     93 <a href="">A geometry-based algorithm for cloning real grains 2.0  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     94 <a href="">Modeling sediment transport in ice‐walled subglacial channels and its implications for esker formation and pro‐glacial sediment yields  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
     95 <a href="">Sedimentary processes at ice sheet grounding‐zone wedges revealed by outcrops, Washington State (U.S.A.)  Wiley: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: Table of Contents</a></br>
     96 <a href="">Modeling Sea Ice fracture at very high resolution with VP rheologies  TC - recent papers</a></br>
     97 <a href="">Evolving pore orientation, shape and size in sheared granular assemblies  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
     98 <a href="">Granular materials: Micromechanical approaches of model systems</a></br>
     99 <a href="">Rheology and structure of polydisperse three-dimensional packings of spheres  PRE: Granular materials</a></br>
    100 <a href="">NOAA weather sattelite data</a></br>
    101 <a href="">Rclone</a></br>
    102 <a href=",-95.0853914,2a,75y,212.04h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1szChzPIAn4RIAAAQvxgbyEg!2e0!3e5!7i10000!8i5000">ISS Google Earth</a></br>
    103 <a href="">Magnus effect in granular media  PRE: Granular materials</a></br>
    104 <a href="">Hacked and dumped online: 773 million records with plaintext passwords  Ars Technica</a></br>
    105 <a href="">Seismic Tremor Reveals Spatial Organization and Temporal Changes of Subglacial Water System  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    106 <a href="">Discrete element modeling of first shear strain gradient effects on mechanical behaviors in granular materials  Latest Results for Granular Matter</a></br>
    107 <a href="">Programming Fonts</a></br>
    108 <a href="">On the multi-fractal scaling properties of sea ice deformation  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    109 <a href="">Brief communication: Full-field deformation measurement for uniaxial compression of sea ice by using the digital image correlation method  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    110 <a href="">Structural evolution during cyclic glacier surges: 1. Structural glaciology of Trapridge Glacier, Yukon, Canada  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    111 <a href="">Structural evolution during cyclic glacier surges: 2. Numerical modeling  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    112 <a href="">Sensitivity of centennial mass loss projections of  the Amundsen basin to the friction law  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    113 <a href=""></a></br>
    114 <a href="">Thinking about spending a stack of cash on a film camera? Read this first!  35mmc</a></br>
    115 <a href="">Tenure denial, and how early-career researchers can survive it  Nature</a></br>
    116 <a href="">Setting Up GPU Telemetry with NVIDIA Data Center GPU Manager  NVIDIA Developer Blog</a></br>
    117 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-01-23  Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    118 <a href=""></a></br>
    119 <a href=""></a></br>
    120 <a href=""></a></br>
    121 <a href="">In his element: looking back on Primo Levi’s <i>The Periodic Table</i>  Nature</a></br>
    122 <a href=""></a></br>
    123 <a href=""></a></br>
    124 <a href="">Subglacial hydrological control on flow of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    125 <a href="">How to write effectively for international journals  Nature</a></br>
    126 <a href="">GDH budget</a></br>
    127 <a href="">T-Mobile Voicemail</a></br>
    128 <a href=""></a></br>
    129 <a href=""></a></br>
    130 <a href=""></a></br>
    131 <a href=""></a></br>
    132 <a href=""></a></br>
    133 <a href="">Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland: Part 1 the role of grain size and grain size distribution on the deformation of Holocene and glacial ice  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    134 <a href="">Using a composite flow law to model deformation in the NEEM deep ice core, Greenland: Part 2 the role of grain size and premelting on ice deformation at high homologous temperature  TC - recent papers</a></br>
    135 <a href="">The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    136 <a href=""> Hasselblad Film Bodies</a></br>
    137 <a href="">The Influence of Hydrology on the Dynamics of Land-Terminating Sectors of the Greenland Ice Sheet  Frontiers in Earth Science | Cryospheric Sciences section | New and Recent Articles</a></br>
    138 <a href=""></a></br>
    139 <a href="">Possible Role for Tectonics in the Evolving Stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    140 <a href="">Physical Conditions of Fast Glacier Flow: 3. Seasonally‐Evolving Ice Deformation on Store Glacier, West Greenland  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    141 <a href="">Calving Induced Speedup of Petermann Glacier  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    142 <a href="">Structural Evolution During Cyclic Glacier Surges: 1. Structural Glaciology of Trapridge Glacier, Yukon, Canada  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    143 <a href="">Structural Evolution During Cyclic Glacier Surges: 2. Numerical Modeling  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    144 <a href="">A new model for esker formation sheds light on the processes within subglacial tunnels  Wiley: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface: Table of Contents</a></br>
    145 <a href="">Linux Desktop Setup</a></br>
    146 <a href="">Precursory stress changes and fault dilation lead to fault rupture: Insights from Discrete Element Simulations  research: Geophysical Research Letters</a></br>
    147 <a href="">Effect of packing characteristics on the simulation of elasticity and brittle fracture by the Cohesive Discrete Element Method  research: Granular Matter</a></br>
    148 <a href="</a></br>
    149 <a href="">Archwiki Firejail</a></br>
    150 <a href=""></a></br>
    151 <a href=""></a></br>
    152 <a href=""></a></br>
    153 <a href="">Soil creep in a mesotidal salt marsh channel bank: Fast, seasonal, and water table mediated  research: Geomorphology</a></br>
    154 <a href=""></a></br>
    155 <a href=""></a></br>
    156 <a href=""></a></br>
    157 <a href=""></a></br>
    158 <a href=""></a></br>
    159 <a href="">Particle size effects on the contact force distribution in compacted polydisperse granular assemblies  research: Granular Matter</a></br>
    160 <a href=""></a></br>
    161 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-03-17  tech: Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    162 <a href=""></a></br>
    163 <a href=""></a></br>
    164 <a href=""></a></br>
    165 <a href="">Electromagnetic resistivity anisotropy in till from the Kiskatinaw streamlined landform field, northeastern British Columbia, Canada</a></br>
    166 <a href=""></a></br>
    167 <a href="">High-accuracy UAV photogrammetry of ice sheet dynamics with no ground control  research: The Cryosphere</a></br>
    168 <a href="">Modeling of granular column collapses with μ ( I ) rheology using smoothed particle hydrodynamic method  research: Granular Matter</a></br>
    169 <a href="">Modeling the process of cohesive sediment settling and flocculation based on CFD–DEM approach  research: Granular Matter</a></br>
    170 <a href="">Tips and Tricks: Ray Tracing Best Practices  tech: NVidia Parallelforall</a></br>
    171 <a href=""></a></br>
    172 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-03-20  tech: Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    173 <a href="">Impact of floe size distribution on seasonal fragmentation and melt of Arctic sea ice  research: The Cryosphere</a></br>
    174 <a href="">Diffusion of size bidisperse spheres in dense granular shear flow</a></br>
    175 <a href="">Machine learning for data-driven discovery in solid Earth geoscience  research: Science</a></br>
    176 <a href=""></a></br>
    177 <a href="">Why “chickenpox parties” are a terrible idea—in case it’s not obvious  tech: Ars Technica</a></br>
    178 <a href="">Ice-stream flow switching by up-ice propagation of instabilities along glacial marginal troughs  research: The Cryosphere</a></br>
    179 <a href=""></a></br>
    180 <a href=""></a></br>
    181 <a href="</a></br>
    182 <a href="</a></br>
    183 <a href="">Effect of an interstitial fluid on the dynamics of three-dimensional granular media  research: Physical Review E: Granular materials</a></br>
    184 <a href="</a></br>
    185 <a href=""></a></br>
    186 <a href="</a></br>
    187 <a href="">North Korean Mindset  news: Richard Stallman political notes</a></br>
    188 <a href="">Nikoli Puzzles (Slitherlink, Soduko, Shikaku, etc)</a></br>
    189 <a href=""></a></br>
    190 <a href=""></a></br>
    191 <a href=""> </a></br>
    192 <a href="">2019-04-07 Anvil firing - Wikipedia </a></br>
    193 <a href="">2019-04-07 </a></br>
    194 <a href="">2019-04-07: - </a></br>
    195 <a href="">2019-04-07: - - </a></br>
    196 <a href="">2019-04-07: - Overview of differential equations | Chapter 1 - YouTube - </a></br>
    197 <a href="">2019-04-07: -</a></br>
    198 <a href="">2019-04-07: -</a></br>
    199 <a href="">2019-04-09: - troxler/awesome-css-frameworks: List of awesome CSS frameworks</a></br>
    200 <a href="</a></br>
    201 <a href="">A Three‐way Balance in The Beaufort Gyre: The Ice‐Ocean Governor, Wind Stress, and Eddy Diffusivity  research: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans</a></br>
    202 <a href="">2019-04-11: - Random Forests for Complete Beginners -</a></br>
    203 <a href="">2019-04-12: iot-inspector.princeton -</a></br>
    204 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-04-14  tech: Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    205 <a href="</a></br>
    206 <a href="">Guidelines on the use of Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in Geomorphic Research  research: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms</a></br>
    207 <a href="">2019-04-19: -</a></br>
    208 <a href="">2019-04-22:</a></br>
    209 <a href="">2019-04-23: go.oncehub - Jenny Suckale - Online scheduling</a></br>
    210 <a href="">2019-04-27: - Temp Mail - Disposable Temporary Email</a></br>
    211 <a href="">2019-04-27: www.sherlock.stanford - Sherlock</a></br>
    212 <a href="">2019-04-28: - How I draw figures for my mathematical lecture notes using Inkscape | Gilles Castel</a></br>
    213 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-04-26  tech: Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    214 <a href="">Cameraworks Leica repairs</a></br>
    215 <a href="</a></br>
    216 <a href="">2019-05-06:</a></br>
    217 <a href="12633.pdf">- </a></br>
    218 <a href="">2019-05-06:</a></br>
    219 <a href="tetenal-protective-gas-for-oxidizing-solutions-like-developers-400ml.html">- TETENAL Protective gas for oxidizing solutions like developers, 400ml (Chemistry) - analogue photography</a></br>
    220 <a href="">2019-05-06: - Assistant Professor (tenure track) in soil mechanics - Ledig stilling på Aarhus Universitet</a></br>
    221 <a href="</a></br>
    222 <a href="</a></br>
    223 <a href="">Daily Hacker News for 2019-05-16  tech: Hacker News Daily</a></br>
    224 <a href="">Silbersalz Cine film</a></br>
    225 <a href="">2019-05-20:</a></br>
    226 <a href="filmtmax400.html">- Tmax400 fremkallingstabeller</a></br>
    227 <a href="">Villum Young Investigator Call 2019</a></br>
    228 <a href="">2019-05-27: - 20 lines of code that will beat A/B testing every time</a></br>
    229 <a href="">2019-06-04: - Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging)</a></br>
    230 <a href="">Disintegration of Marine Ice-sheets Using Novel Optimised Simulations (DOMINOS)</a></br>
    231 <a href="">Vis Github</a></br>
    232 <a href="">Vis Wiki</a></br>
    233 <a href="">Vis Lua API docs</a></br>
    234 <a href="">2019-06-16: - Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout</a></br>
    235 <a href="">Debian Jr Project</a></br>
    236 <a href="">Plan 9 From Bell Labs Documentation</a></br>
    237 <a href="">Lua 5.1 Manual</a></br>
    238 <a href="">2019-06-29: - Yr - Skørping - graph</a></br>
    239 <a href="">2019-06-30: -</a></br>
    240 <a href="">2019-06-30: camdavidsonpilon.github -</a></br>
    241 <a href="">Arch Wiki - Migrating to new hardware</a></br>
    242 <a href="">2019-07-02: - An intro to the great language with the strange name – IBM Developer</a></br>
    243 <a href="">BrickPi3 Base Kit - Lego Mindstorms - Raspberry Pi</a></br>
    244 <a href="">Connecting Lego Mindstorms RCX to a Raspberry Pi</a></br>
    245 <a href="">2019-07-05:</a></br>
    246 <a href="index.php">- Public Domain Movies - Watch Free Videos Online</a></br>
    247 <a href="">Intrepid Camera</a></br>
    248 <a href="">Alex Burke: Choosing a 4x5 camera and lenses</a></br>
    249 <a href="">Large format lens image circles</a></br>
    250 <a href="">2019-07-07: - How-to: Build your own JOBO-style semi-automatic film processor: Pt.1 | EMULSIVE</a></br>
    251 <a href="">2019-07-07: - How-to: Build your own JOBO-style semi-automatic film processor: Pt.2 | EMULSIVE</a></br>
    252 <a href="">Marie Curie Individual Fellowships</a></br>
    253 <a href="">Pimoroni Enviro Plus Getting Started</a></br>
    254 <a href="">Macodirect English Account Login</a></br>
    255 <a href="">Youtube videos with no views</a></br>
    256 <a href="">libgen Library Genesis</a></br>
    257 <a href="">Fartkontrol</a></br>
    258 <a href="">PISM documentation</a></br>
    259 <a href="">PISM Verification</a></br>
    260 <a href="">Massive Dev Chart</a></br>
    261 <a href="">2019-07-31:</a></br>
    262 <a href="onprinting.html">- </a></br>
    263 <a href="">2019-07-31:</a></br>
    264 <a href="Byfestprogram2019.pdf">- </a></br>
    265 <a href="">2019-07-31:</a></br>
    266 <a href="kikaertegryde-med-kokosmaelk.html">- Kikærtegryde med kokosmælk og røde linser - vegetarisk kikærtegryde</a></br>
    267 <a href="">CircleCI Local CLI</a></br>
    268 <a href="">2019-08-03: - Jobo FAQ | CatLABS</a></br>
    269 <a href="">Snaptoken - Similar tutorials</a></br>
    270 <a href="">Installing Jellyfin</a></br>
    271 <a href="">2019-08-07: blog.robertelder - A Guide to Recording 660FPS Video On A $6 Raspberry Pi Camera</a></br>
    272 <a href=""> - software that sucks less</a></br>
    273 <a href="">Build Your Own Text Editor - kilo</a></br>
    274 <a href="download</a></br>
    275 <a href="">Void Linux Packages</a></br>
    276 <a href="">XBPS source packages manual</a></br>
    277 <a href="">xbps-src void linux wiki</a></br>
    278 <a href="">2019-08-22: - libspng | simple PNG library · GitBook</a></br>
    279 <a href=""></a></br>
    280 <a href="">2019-08-27:</a></br>
    281 <a href="banned.h">- git/banned.h at master · git/git</a></br>
    282 <a href="">2019-08-29: 0x0f0f0f.github - Building a Raspberry Pi 3B+ full keyboard handheld. Part 1 :: 0x0f0f0f</a></br>
    283 <a href="">2019-08-31: en.m</a></br>
    284 <a href="">- Anna Karenina principle - Wikipedia</a></br>
    285 <a href="">SPDX License List for Software</a></br>
    286 <a href="">WinWorld Download Classic Operating Systems - Dos Windows Mac OS2 UNIX</a></br>
    287 <a href="">OpenBSD from a veteran Linux user perspective</a></br>
    288 <a href="">Command Line Rosetta Stone - Linux Mac BSD</a></br>
    289 </body></html>