summary.html (1662B)
1 {{- if }} 2 {{- else}} 3 <time datetime="{{ .PublishDate }}" class="catalogue-time">{{ .PublishDate.Format "January 2, 2006" }}</time> 4 {{- end}} 5 6 <h1 class="catalogue-title">{{ .Title }}</h1> 7 <div class="catalogue-line"></div> 8 9 {{- if }} 10 11 <!-- <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"> --> 12 <!-- <img src="{{ .Permalink }}/{{ .Params.thumbnail }}" alt="{{ .Title }}" /> --> 13 <!-- </a> --> 14 15 <br> 16 <!-- <div class="w3-row"> --> 17 <!-- <div class="w3-col s12 m4 l4"> --> 18 {{ $scratch := newScratch }} 19 {{ $scratch.Set "pagetitle" .Title }} 20 {{ with .Resources.ByType "image" }} 21 {{ $scratch.Set "counter" 0 }} 22 {{ range first 3 . }} 23 {{/* $scratch.Set "image" (.Resize "200x") */}} 24 {{ $scratch.Set "image" (.Fill "200x200") }} 25 {{ $image := $scratch.Get "image" }} 26 <img src="{{ $image.RelPermalink }}" 27 style="display: inline; padding: 1.0em;" 28 title='{{ $scratch.Get "pagetitle" }} {{ printf "%02d" ( $scratch.Get "counter" ) }}' 29 width="{{ $image.Width }}" height="{{ $image.Height }}"> 30 {{ $scratch.Add "counter" 1 }} 31 {{ end }} 32 {{ end }} 33 <!-- </div> --> 34 <!-- <div class="w3-col s12 m8 l8"> --> 35 <!-- </p> --> 36 <!-- </div> --> 37 <!-- </div> --> 38 <div> 39 <a href='{{ .Permalink }}' style="color: #808080;"><nobr>Go to entire series →</nobr></a> 40 <br> 41 <br> 42 </div> 43 44 {{- else }} 45 <br> 46 {{ .Summary }} 47 <a href='{{ .Permalink }}'><nobr>Read more →</nobr></a> 48 {{- end }}