1 #!/bin/sh 2 # output formatted table with memecache media statistics 3 4 # estimated average image viewing time [s] 5 img_viewing_time=5 6 7 if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then 8 printf 'usage: %s <memecache_path>\n' "$0" >&2 9 exit 1 10 fi 11 12 oldpathfile="memecache_pathcache.txt.old" 13 touch "${oldpathfile}" 14 oldstatusfile="${oldpathfile}.status" 15 todofile="memecache_pathcache.txt.todo" 16 touch "${todofile}" 17 pathfile="memecache_pathcache.txt" 18 19 find "$1" \ 20 -maxdepth 1 \ 21 -type f \ 22 \! \( -name '*.orig' \ 23 -o -name '*.nochip' \ 24 -o -name '*.txt' \ 25 -o -name '*.meme' \ 26 -o -name '*.pdf' \ 27 \) \ 28 | sort > "${pathfile}" 29 comm -3 "${pathfile}" "${oldpathfile}" > "${todofile}" 30 31 i=0 32 sum=0.0 33 # Get state. 34 if [ -e "${oldstatusfile}" ]; then 35 sum="$(head -n 1 "${oldstatusfile}")" 36 i="$(tail -n 1 "${oldstatusfile}")" 37 fi 38 39 # Old work on diff. 40 fifofile="$(mktemp -u media-stats.fifo.XXXXXX)" 41 mkfifo ${fifofile} 42 grep '.*mkv$\|.*mp4$\|.*webm$\|.*mp3$\|.*ogg$' "${todofile}" \ 43 2>/dev/null >${fifofile} & 44 while read -r f; do 45 i=$((i+=1)) 46 new_sum="$(printf '%f + %f\n' \ 47 "$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration \ 48 -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$f")" "$sum" 2>/dev/null | \ 49 bc -l)" 50 sum="$new_sum" 51 done < ${fifofile} 52 rm -f ${fifofile} 53 54 # Store state. 55 cp "${pathfile}" "${oldpathfile}" 56 printf "%f\n%i\n" "${sum}" "${i}" > "${oldstatusfile}" 57 58 n_img="$(grep '.*png$\|.*jpg$\|.*JPG$\|.*gif$' "${pathfile}" \ 59 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" 60 n_vid="$(grep '.*mkv$\|.*mp4$\|.*webm$\|.*mp3$|.*ogg$' "${pathfile}" \ 61 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" 62 n_emoji="$(find /br/gopher/emoji/ -maxdepth 1 -type f \! -name '*.orig' | wc -l)" 63 n_filter="$(find /br/gopher/memecache/filter/ -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l)" 64 65 printf '\n ' 66 printf '+----- statistics (%s) ------+\n' "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" 67 printf ' ' 68 printf '| number of images: %8s |\n' "$n_img" 69 printf ' ' 70 printf '| number of movies: %8s |\n' "$n_vid" 71 printf ' ' 72 printf '| number of emojis: %8s |\n' "$n_emoji" 73 printf ' ' 74 printf '| number of filters: %8s |\n' "$n_filter" 75 printf ' ' 76 printf '| average movie length: %10.1f s |\n' \ 77 "$(printf '%f/%f\n' "$sum" "$i" | bc -l)" 78 printf ' ' 79 printf '| total image viewing time: %6.1f h |\n' \ 80 "$(printf '(%s+%s)*%f/3600\n' "$n_img" "$n_emoji" "$img_viewing_time" | bc -l)" 81 printf ' ' 82 printf '| (assuming %d s per image) |\n' "$img_viewing_time" 83 printf ' ' 84 printf '| total movie length: %10.1f h |\n' \ 85 "$(printf '%s/3600\n' "$sum" | bc -l)" 86 printf ' ' 87 printf '+------------------------------------+\n' 88