
continuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics (renamed from 1d_fd_simple_shear)
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cngf-pf-plot-depth-evol (677B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 usage() {
      4 	printf 'usage: %s [-f field] [-h] [-l label] [-t term] file..\n' "${0##*/}" 1>&2
      5 }
      7 field="2"
      8 label="shear velocity [m/s]"
      9 term="pdf"
     10 while getopts 'f:hl:t:' arg; do
     11 	case "${arg}" in
     12 		f) field="${OPTARG}" ;;
     13 		h) usage; exit 0 ;;
     14 		l) label="${OPTARG}" ;;
     15 		t) term="${OPTARG}" ;;
     16 		*) usage; exit 1 ;;
     17 	esac
     18 done
     19 shift $((OPTIND - 1))
     21 for f in "$@"; do
     22 	cut -f${field} "$f" | transpose
     23 done | transpose | \
     24 gnuplot -e "set term ${term};\
     25             set xlabel 'Output file [-]';\
     26             set ylabel 'i_z [-]';\
     27             set cblabel '${label}';\
     28 			set autoscale xfix;\
     29 			set autoscale yfix;\
     30             plot '-' matrix with image title ''"