
configuration files for shell, text editor, graphical environment, etc.
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.abcde.conf (21804B)

      1 # System defaults for abcde version 2.8.2
      2 # Nothing in this file is uncommented by default.
      3 #
      4 # If you wish to override these system-wide settings, create your own
      5 # .abcde.conf file in your home directory.
      7 # CDDB options
      9 # Choose whether you want to use "cddb", "musicbrainz" and/or
     10 # "cdtext". Default is "musicbrainz", but all can be specified in a
     11 # comma delimited list to be tried sequentially. All the results will
     12 # be displayed ready for user choice.
     13 CDDBMETHOD=cddb
     15 # If you wish to use a different CDDB server, edit this line.
     16 # If you just wanted to use a proxy server, just set your http_proxy
     17 # environment variable - wget will use it correctly.
     18 #CDDBURL=""
     20 # The CDDB protocol level.
     21 # Right now 5 is latin1 output and 6 is UTF8 encoding.
     22 #CDDBPROTO=6
     24 # The CDDB protocol requires hello information, including a valid username
     25 # and hostname. If you feel paranoid about giving away such info, edit this
     26 # line - the format is username@hostname.
     27 #HELLOINFO="`whoami`@`hostname`"
     29 # This controls the email address CDDB changes are submitted to.
     32 # The following options control whether or not fetched CDDB entries
     33 # are cached locally in $CDDBLOCALDIR
     34 #CDDBCOPYLOCAL="n"
     35 #CDDBLOCALDIR="$HOME/.cddb"
     38 # If NOSUBMIT is set to y, then abcde will never prompt asking if you
     39 # wish to submit your edited cddb file.
     40 #NOSUBMIT=n
     42 # If NOCDDBQUERY is set to y, then abcde will never even try to access
     43 # the CDDB server; running abcde will automatically drop you into a
     44 # blank cddb file to edit at your leisure.  This is the same as the
     45 # -n option.  NOCDDBQUERY=y implies NOSUBMIT=y.
     46 #NOCDDBQUERY=n
     48 # Select here if you want to use the locally stored CDDB entries.
     49 # This is useful if you do a lot of editing to those CDDB entries.
     50 # Also, other tools like Grip store CDDB entries under $HOME/.cddb,
     51 # so they can be reused when ripping CDs. (If this is set to "y" make
     52 # sure that CDDBLOCALRECURSIVE is also set to "y".)
     53 #CDDBUSELOCAL="n"
     55 # List, separated with a comma, the fields we want the parsing function to
     56 # output. Defaults to YEAR and GENRE, for a complete list of fields provided by
     57 # CDDB.
     58 # The fields are not case sensitive. Actually, "y,g" will work as fine as "Y,G"
     59 # or "YEAR, GENRE"
     60 #SHOWCDDBFIELDS=year,genre
     62 # Specify the style of encoder to use here -
     63 # oggenc, vorbize - for OGGENCODERSYNTAX
     64 # lame, gogo, bladeenc, l3enc, xingmp3enc, mp3enc - for MP3ENCODERSYNTAX
     65 # flac - the only supported for FLACENCODERSYNTAX at the moment
     66 # speexenc - the only encoder for SPEEXENCODERSYNTAX
     67 # mpcenc - encoder for MPCENCODERSYNTAX
     68 # wavpack, ffmpeg - encoder for WVENCODERSYNTAX
     69 # mac - for APENCODERSYNTAX
     70 # fdkaac, ffmpeg, neroAacEnc, faac, qaac, fhgaacenc - for AACENCODERSYNTAX
     71 # opusenc - for OPUSENCODERSYNTAX
     72 # twolame, ffmpeg - for MP2ENCODERSYNTAX
     73 # tta, ttaenc - for TTAENCODERSYNTAX
     74 # ffmpeg - for AIFFENCODERSYNTAX
     75 # default is a valid option for oggenc, lame, flac, speexenc, mpcenc, wavpack,
     76 # fdkaac, opus, twolame and tta. Currently this affects the default location of the
     77 # binary, the variable to pick encoder command-line options from, and where
     78 # the options are given.
     79 #MP3ENCODERSYNTAX=default
     80 #OGGENCODERSYNTAX=default
     81 #FLACENCODERSYNTAX=default
     83 #MKAENCODERSYNTAX=default
     84 #MPCENCODERSYNTAX=default
     85 #WVENCODERSYNTAX=default
     86 #APENCODERSYNTAX=default
     87 #AACENCODERSYNTAX=default
     88 #OPUSENCODERSYNTAX=default
     89 #MP2ENCODERSYNTAX=default
     90 #TTAENCODERSYNTAX=default
     91 #AIFFENCODERSYNTAX=default
     93 # Specify the syntax of the normalize binary here - so far only 'normalize'
     94 # is supported.
     95 #NORMALIZERSYNTAX=default
     97 # CD reader program to use - currently recognized options are 'cdparanoia',
     98 # 'libcdio' (cd-paranoia),'icedax', 'cdda2wav', 'dagrab', 'pird',
     99 # 'cddafs' (Mac OS X only) and 'flac'.
    100 #CDROMREADERSYNTAX=cdparanoia
    102 # CUE reader syntax for the CUE reader program to use.
    103 # abcde supports 2 CUE modes: 'mkcue' and 'abcde.mkcue' so you can set the
    104 # MKCUE variable accordingly. The 'abcde.mkcue' uses an internal
    105 # implementation, without the need of an external program.
    106 #CUEREADERSYNTAX=default
    108 # Specify the program to convert a CUE sheet back to a CD disc ID for CDDB queries.
    109 # Select between '/path/to/cue2discid' (provided as an example) or
    110 # 'abcde.cue2discid', implemented internaly.
    111 #CUE2DISCID=abcde.cue2discid
    113 # Keep the wav files after encoding. Set it to "y" and remove "clean" from
    114 # the list of default actions, since we purge the temp directory as default.
    115 #KEEPWAVS=n
    117 # Track padding: force abcde to pad tracks using 0, so every song uses a two
    118 # digit entry. If set to "y", even a single song encoding outputs a file like
    119 # 01.my_song.ext
    120 #PADTRACKS=n
    121 PADTRACKS=y
    123 # Define if you want abcde to be non-interactive.
    124 # Keep in mind that there is no way to deactivate it right now in the command
    125 # line, so setting this option makes abcde to be always non-interactive.
    126 #INTERACTIVE=n
    128 # Specify 'nice'ness of the encoder, the CD reader and the distmp3 proc.
    129 # This is a relative 'nice'ness (that is, if the parent process is at a
    130 # nice level of 12, and the ENCNICE is set to 3, then the encoder will
    131 # run with an absolute nice value of 15. Note also, that setting these
    132 # to be empty will result in some default niceness increase (4 in tcsh
    133 # and 10 using the bsdutils' nice).
    134 #ENCNICE=10
    135 #READNICE=10
    136 #DISTMP3NICE=10
    138 # Paths of programs to use
    140 # Encoders:
    141 #LAME=lame
    142 #GOGO=gogo
    143 #BLADEENC=bladeenc
    144 #L3ENC=l3enc
    145 #XINGMP3ENC=xingmp3enc
    146 #MP3ENC=mp3enc
    147 #VORBIZE=vorbize
    148 #OGGENC=oggenc
    149 #FLAC=flac
    150 #SPEEXENC=speexenc
    151 #MPCENC=mpcenc
    152 #WVENC=wavpack
    153 #APENC=mac
    154 #FAAC=faac
    155 #NEROAACENC=neroAacEnc
    156 #FDKAAC=fdkaac
    157 #OPUSENC=opusenc
    158 #TWOLAME=twolame
    159 # Note that if you use avconv rather than FFmpeg give the
    160 # path to avconv here (e.g. FFMPEG=/usr/bin/avconv):
    161 # FFMPEG=ffmpeg
    162 #TTA=tta
    163 #TTAENC=ttaenc
    165 # The path for qaac, refalac and fhgaacenc  can be problematic as abcde
    166 # cannot cope with the 'standard' Wine location with spaces. For example:
    167 # "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/qaac/qaac.exe" is problematic. Try instead:
    168 # "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/qaac/qaac.exe"
    169 # Installation instructions for qaac, refalac and fhgaacenc here:
    170 #
    171 #
    172 # (Hint: Use QAAC=refalac to use the Open Source alac encoder...)
    173 #QAAC=qaac
    174 #FHGAACENC=fhgaacenc
    176 # Taggers, rippers, replaygain etc:
    177 #ID3=id3
    178 #ID3V2=id3v2
    179 #MID3V2=mid3v2
    180 #EYED3=eyeD3
    181 #CDPARANOIA=cdparanoia
    182 #CD_PARANOIA=cd-paranoia
    183 #CDDA2WAV=icedax
    184 #PIRD=pird
    185 #CDDAFS=cp
    186 #CDDISCID=cd-discid
    187 #CDDBTOOL=cddb-tool
    188 #EJECT=eject
    189 #MD5SUM=md5sum
    190 #DISTMP3=distmp3
    191 #VORBISCOMMENT=vorbiscomment
    192 #METAFLAC=metaflac
    193 #NORMALIZE=normalize-audio
    194 #CDSPEED=eject
    195 #VORBISGAIN=vorbisgain
    196 #MKCUE=mkcue
    197 #MKTOC=cdrdao
    198 #DIFF=diff
    199 #WVGAIN=wvgain
    200 #WVTAG=wvtag
    201 #APETAG=apetag
    202 #GLYRC=glyrc
    203 #IDENTIFY=identify
    204 #CONVERT=convert
    205 #DISPLAYCMD=display
    206 #WINE=wine
    208 # Options to call programs with:
    210 # If HTTPGET is modified, the HTTPGETOPTS options should also be defined
    211 # accordingly. If HTTPGET is changed, the default options will be set,
    212 # if HTTPGETOPTS is empty or not defined.
    213 #HTTPGET=wget
    214 # for fetch (FreeBSD): HTTPGETOPTS="-q -o -"
    215 # for wget: HTTPGETOPTS="-q -nv -O -"
    216 # for curl (MacOSX): HTTPGETOPTS="-f -s"
    217 #HTTPGETOPTS="-q -O -"
    219 # MP3:
    220 # For the best LAME encoder options have a look at:
    221 # <>
    222 # A good option is '-V 0' which gives Variable Bitrate Rate (VBR) recording
    223 # with a target bitrate of ~245 Kbps and a bitrate range of 220...260 Kbps.
    224 #LAMEOPTS=
    225 #GOGOOPTS=
    226 # Bladeenc still works with abcde in 2015, and the last release of bladeenc
    227 # was in 2001! Settings that will produce a great encode are: '-br 192' 
    229 # L3enc still works with abcde in 2015, pretty amazing when you realise 
    230 # that the last release of l3enc was in 1997! Settings that will produce 
    231 # a great encode are: '-br 256000 -hq -crc'
    232 #L3ENCOPTS=
    234 # And mp3enc also still works with abcde in 2015 with the last release
    235 # of mp3enc in 1998! Settings that will produce a great encode, albeit
    236 # a slow one, are: '-v -br 256000 -qual 9 -no-is -bw 16500'
    237 #MP3ENCOPTS=
    239 # Ogg:
    241 #OGGENCOPTS=
    243 # FLAC:
    244 # The flac option is a workaround for an error where flac fails
    245 # to encode with error 'floating point exception'. This is flac 
    246 # error in get_console_width(), corrected in flac 1.3.1
    247 #FLACOPTS="--silent"
    248 # Options passed to MetaFlac for ReplayGain tags:
    249 #FLACGAINOPTS="--add-replay-gain"
    250 # Speex:
    253 # MPP/MP+ (Musepack):
    254 # For the encoder options look at 'mpcenc --longhelp', consider
    255 # setting '--extreme' for a good quality encode.
    256 #MPCENCOPTS=
    258 # WavPack:
    259 # Look at 'wavpack --help' for detailed options, consider using '-hx3' 
    260 # for a good quality encode
    261 #WAVENCOPTS=
    262 # For Wavpack replay gain we set both the default of 'track gain' 
    263 # as well as this option for 'album gain'. Better media players
    264 # such as vlc can select either or neither.    
    265 #WVGAINOPTS='-a'
    267 # Monkey's Audio (ape)
    268 # Without this set mac chokes unfortunately. Choices
    269 # are from 1000 to 5000.
    270 #APENCOPTS='-c4000'
    272 #AIFF
    273 # These options needed by FFmpeg for tagging and selection of id3v2 version:
    274 #  1. '-write_id3v2 1' allows id3v2 tagging while '-write_id3v2 0' disables tagging
    275 #  2. '-id3v2_version 4' gives version id3v2.4 while '3' gives id3v2.3 
    276 #AIFFENCOPTS="-write_id3v2 1 -id3v2_version 4"
    278 # M4A/AAC
    279 # There are now 6 AAC encoders available to abcde, the default being
    280 # fdkaacenc. Note that the old AACENCOPTS has been rendered obsolete by
    281 # the following options, new to abcde 2.7:
    282 #  1. fdkaac: see 'fdkaac --help' and consider using 
    283 #     '--profile 2 --bitrate-mode 5 --afterburner 1'
    284 #     for a good quality encode. 
    285 #FDKAACENCOPTS='--bitrate 192k'
    286 #  2. FFmpeg: Use the following to use the FFmpeg native encoder, adding
    287 #     -strict -2 if you have an older FFmpeg:
    288 #     FFMPEGENCOPTS="-c:a aac -b:a 192k"
    289 #  3. neroAacEnc: see 'neroAacEnc -help' and
    290 #     consider using '-q 0.65' for a good quality encode.
    292 #  4. faac: see 'faac --long-help' and consider
    293 #     using '-q 250' for a good quality encode.
    295 #  5. qaac: simply run 'wine qaac.exe' to see all options and
    296 #     consider using '--tvbr 100' for a good quality
    297 #     encode or '--alac' for Apple Lossless Audio Codec
    299 #  6. fhgaacenc: simply run 'wine fhgaacenc.exe' to see all options.
    300 #     consider using '--vbr 4' for a decent quality encode.
    303 # True Audio
    304 # This is a lossless format so no options of any note available:
    305 #TTAENCOPTS=
    307 # OPUS
    308 # For the encoder options look at: 'opusenc -h'
    311 # MP2
    312 # Currently uses either twolame or ffmpeg, for twolame options look at:
    313 # 'twolame --help',a highly recommended setting is "--bitrate 320".
    316 # FFmpeg or avconv can be used for several audio codecs, as well as being
    317 # the default encoder for the Matroska container mka::
    318 # 1. Encoding to WavPack (FFmpeg only: avconv does not have a native encoder).
    319 #    Consider setting the following with a compression_level between 0-8:
    320 #    FFMPEGENCOPTS="-c:a wavpack -compression_level 6"
    321 # 2. Encoding to ALAC (both FFmpeg and avconv have a native encoder).
    322 #    Consider using the following for either FFmpeg and avconv:
    323 #    FFMPEGENCOPTS="-c:a alac"
    324 # 3. Encoding to mp2
    325 #    Consider using the following for either FFmpeg and avconv:
    326 #    FFMPEGENCOPTS="-c:a mp2 -b:a 320k"
    329 # mp3 tagging:
    330 # There are three ways to tag MP3 files:
    331 #   1. id3v1 (with id3)
    332 #   2. id3v2.3 (with id3v2)
    333 #   3. id3v2.4 (with eyeD3) This is the default
    334 # Use ID3TAGV to select one of the older formats:
    335 #ID3TAGV=id3v2.4
    336 #ID3OPTS=
    337 #ID3V2OPTS=
    338 #EYED3OPTS="--set-encoding=utf16-LE"
    340 # Other options:
    341 # The variable CDPARANOIOPTS is also used by GNU's cd-paranoia,
    342 # so use this when setting CDROMREADERSYNTX=libcdio.
    344 #CDDA2WAVOPTS=
    345 #PIRDOPTS="-p"
    346 # Options for the CD ripper dagrab can be seen by running 'dagrab -h'.
    347 # A good option to experiment with is the 'sectors per request' setting
    348 # which by default is '-n 8'.
    349 #DAGRABOPTS=
    350 #CDDAFSOPTS="-f"
    352 #EJECTOPTS=
    353 #DISTMP3OPTS=
    355 #CDSPEEDOPTS="-x"
    356 #CDSPEEDVALUE=""
    357 #MKCUEOPTS=""
    358 #MKTOCOPTS=""
    359 #DIFFOPTS=""
    361 #METAFLACOPTS="--no-utf8-convert"
    362 # Bear in mind that the AtomicParsley option '--overWrite' is already
    363 # used in abcde...
    366 # Actions to take
    367 # Comma-separated list of one or more of the following:
    368 #  cddb,cue,read,normalize,encode,tag,move,replaygain,playlist,getalbumart,embedalbumart,clean,default
    369 #   encode implies read
    370 #   normalize implies read
    371 #   tag implies cddb,read,encode
    372 #   move implies cddb,read,encode,tag
    373 #   replaygain implies cddb,read,encode,tag,move
    374 #   playlist implies cddb
    375 #   embedalbumart implies getalbumart
    376 # An action can be added to the "default" action by specifying it along with
    377 # "default", without having to repeat the default ones:
    378 #  ACTIONS=default,playlist
    379 # The default action list (referenced as "default") is defined in the following
    380 # comment:
    381 #ACTIONS=cddb,read,encode,tag,move,clean
    382 #ACTIONS=cddb,read,getalbumart,encode,tag,move,clean
    383 ACTIONS=cddb,read,encode,tag,move,clean
    385 # CD device you want to read from
    386 # It can be defined as a singletrack flac file, but since it might change from
    387 # file to file it makes little sense to define it here.
    388 #CDROM=/dev/cdrom
    389 # If we are using the IDE bus, we need CDPARANOIACDROMBUS defined as "d"
    390 # If we are using the ide-scsi emulation layer, we need to define a "g"
    393 # If you'd like to make a default location that overrides the current
    394 # directory for putting mp3's, uncomment this.
    395 #OUTPUTDIR=`pwd`
    396 OUTPUTDIR="/home/music"
    398 # Or if you'd just like to put the temporary .wav files somewhere else
    399 # you can specify that here
    400 #WAVOUTPUTDIR=`pwd`
    401 WAVOUTPUTDIR="$HOME/tmp"
    403 # OUTPUTTYPE can be any of a number of formats, either a single format
    404 # (e.g. "ogg") or a combination of them separated with ","
    405 # (e.g. "flac,mp3"). Currently recognised and supported are:
    406 # "flac", "m4a", "mp3, "mpc", "ogg", "opus", "mka", "spx", "vorbis", "wav", "wv", "ape", "aiff"
    407 #OUTPUTTYPE=ogg
    408 OUTPUTTYPE=mp3
    410 # Output filename format - change this to reflect your inner desire to
    411 # organize things differently than everyone else :)
    412 # You have the following variables at your disposal:
    414 # Make sure to single-quote this variable. abcde will automatically create
    415 # the directory portion of this filename.
    416 # NOTICE: OUTPUTTYPE has been deprecated in the OUTPUTFORMAT string.
    417 # Since multiple-output was integrated we always append the file type
    418 # to the files. Remove it from your user defined string if you are getting
    419 # files like ".ogg.ogg".
    423 # Like OUTPUTFORMAT but for Various Artists discs.
    427 # Like OUTPUTFORMAT and VAOUTPUTFORMAT but for the ONEFILE rips.
    431 # Define how many encoders to run at once. This makes for huge speedups
    432 # on SMP systems. Defaults to 1. Equivalent to -j.
    433 #MAXPROCS=2
    435 # Support for systems with low disk space:
    436 # n:	Default parallelization (read entire CD in while encoding)
    437 # y:	No parallelization (rip, encode, rip, encode...)
    438 #LOWDISK=n
    440 # If set to y, enables batch mode normalization, which preserves relative
    441 # volume differences between tracks of an album.
    442 #BATCHNORM=n
    444 # Enables nogap encoding when using the 'lame' encoder.
    445 #NOGAP=y
    447 # Set the playlist file location format. Uses the same variables and format
    448 # as OUTPUTFORMAT. If the playlist is specified to be in a subdirectory, it
    449 # will be created for you and the playlist will reference files from that
    450 # subdirectory.
    452 # If you want to prefix every filename in a playlist with an arbitrary
    453 # string (such as 'http://you/yourstuff/'), use this option
    456 #Like PLAYLIST{FORMAT,DATAPREFIX} but for Various Artists discs:
    460 #This will give the playlist CR-LF line-endings, if set to "y".
    461 #(some hardware players insist on CR-LF line-endings)
    462 #DOSPLAYLIST=n
    464 # album art download options (see glyrc's help for details with more detailed 
    465 # examples here:
    466 # For example use '--formats jpg;jpeg' to only search for JPEG images
    467 # These options: '--from <provider>' and '--lang <langcode>' might also be useful
    468 #GLYRCOPTS=
    469 #ALBUMARTFILE="cover.jpg"
    472 # Options for ImageMagick commands used by album art processing when available
    473 # For example: CONVERTOPTS="-colorspace RGB -resize 600x600>"
    474 # to make the image RGB and fit inside 600x600 while keeping the aspect ratio
    477 #DISPLAYCMDOPTS="-resize 512x512 -title abcde_album_art"
    478 # By default convert is only called when the image type is different from
    479 # ALBUMARTTYPE, use ALBUMARTALWAYSCONVERT="y" to always call convert
    482 # Custom filename munging:
    483 # By default, abcde will do the following to CDDB data to get a useful filename:
    484 # 1. Delete any dots preceding the title (first sed command)
    485 # 2. Replace all spaces with an underscore (second sed command). Simply remove
    486 #   this if you prefer spaces.
    487 # 3. Delete a grab bag of characters which variously Windows and Linux do not permit 
    488 #   (tr command). Remove any of these from the list if you wish to actually use them.
    489 #   
    490 #mungefilename ()
    491 #{
    492 #	echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^\.*//' -e 's/ /_/g' | tr -d ":><|*/\"'?[:cntrl:]"
    493 #}
    494 mungefilename ()
    495 {
    496 	echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^\.*//' | tr -d ":><|*/\"'?[:cntrl:]"
    497 }
    498 #
    499 # More examples for custom filename munging:
    500 #
    501 # VARIANT 1: (works anywhere style)
    502 #
    503 # Translate everything to lowercase
    504 # replace ALL chars that may cause trouble for Linux, Windows and DOS
    505 # with '_' (underscore); remove double underscores; remove leading and
    506 # trailing underscores; recode to flat ASCII
    507 #
    508 #mungefilename ()
    509 #{
    510 #	echo "$@" | tr [A-Z] [a-z] | \
    511 #			sed "s/[- ,.:\'\/!@#\?\$%\^&()]/_/g" | \
    512 #			sed 's/_[_]*/_/g' | \
    513 #			sed 's/^_*//' | \
    514 #			sed 's/_*$//' | \
    515 #			recode -f iso8859-1..flat
    516 #}
    517 #
    518 # VARIANT 2: (legible style)
    519 #
    520 # Accept all chars, EXCEPT '/' (obvious) or ":" (because eyeD3 cannot
    521 # cope with ":" in pathnames): replace them with " " (space).
    522 # Additionally, replace contiguous spaces with one space; strip
    523 # leading spaces; strip trailing spaces and recode to flat filenames.
    524 #
    525 # mungefilename ()
    526 # {
    527 # 	echo "$@" |	sed "s/[:\/]/ /g" | \
    528 # 			sed 's/ [ ]*/ /g' | \
    529 # 			sed 's/^ *//' | \
    530 # 			sed 's/ *$//' | \
    531 # 			recode -f iso8859-1..flat
    532 # }
    535 #
    536 # Custom filename munging specific to track names:
    537 # By default this function will call the mungefilename function.
    538 #mungetrackname ()
    539 #{
    540 #	mungefilename $@
    541 #}
    542 #
    543 # Custom filename munging specific to artist names:
    544 # By default this function will call the mungefilename function.
    545 #mungeartistname ()
    546 #{
    547 #	mungefilename $@
    548 #}
    549 #
    550 # Custom filename munging specific to album names:
    551 # By default this function will call the mungefilename function.
    552 #mungealbumname ()
    553 #{
    554 #	mungefilename $@
    555 #}
    557 # Custom genre munging:
    558 # By default we just transform uppercase to lowercase. Not much of a fancy
    559 # function, with not much use, but one can disable it or just turn the first
    560 # Uppercase.
    561 #mungegenre ()
    562 #{
    563 #	echo $CDGENRE | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"
    564 #}
    567 # Custom pre-read function
    568 # By default it does nothing.
    569 # You can set some things to get abcde function in better ways:
    570 # * Close the CD tray using eject -t (if available in eject and supported by
    571 #   your CD device.
    572 # * Set the CD speed. You can also use the built-in options, but you can also
    573 #   set it here. In Debian, eject -x and cdset -x do the job.
    574 # KEEP IN MIND that executables included in pre_read must be in your $PATH or
    575 # you have to define them with full /path/to/binary
    576 # Uncomment and substitute the ":" with your commands.
    577 #pre_read ()
    578 #{
    579 #:
    580 #}
    582 # Custom post-read function
    583 # By default it does nothing.
    584 # You can set some things to get abcde function in better ways:
    585 # * Store a copy of the CD TOC.
    586 # KEEP IN MIND that executables included in post_read must be in your $PATH or
    587 # you have to define them with full /path/to/binary
    588 # Uncomment and substitute the ":" with your commands.
    589 #post_read ()
    590 #{
    591 #:
    592 #}
    594 # post_encode
    595 # By default it does nothing.
    596 # You can set some things to get abcde function in better ways:
    597 # * Move the resulting directory over the network
    598 # * Compare results with a previously made run, for tests
    599 # KEEP IN MIND that executables included in post_encode must be in your $PATH or
    600 # you have to define them with full /path/to/binary
    601 # Uncomment and substitute the ":" with your commands.
    602 #post_encode ()
    603 #{
    604 #:
    605 #}
    607 # If you'd like to have abcde eject the cdrom after all the tracks have been
    608 # read, uncomment the following line.
    609 #EJECTCD=y
    610 EJECTCD=y
    612 # To encode on the remote machines foo, bar, baz, quux, and qiix, as well as
    613 # on the local machine (requires distmp3 to be installed on local machine and
    614 # distmp3host to be installed and running on all remote machines - see README)
    615 #REMOTEHOSTS=foo,bar,baz,quux,qiix
    617 # Set to 1,2, etc. to obtain some information about actions happening in the background
    618 # Useful if you have a slow network or CDDB servers seem unresponsive.