
configuration files for shell, text editor, graphical environment, etc.
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key-handler (1552B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 set -e
      3 while read -r file; do
      4     fullpath="$(pwd)/$file"
      5     case "$1" in
      6         "c")
      7             [ -z "$destdir" ] && \
      8                 destdir="$(dmenu -l 20 -i -p "Copy file(s) to where?" | \
      9                 sed "s|~|$HOME|g")"
     10             [ -z "$destdir" ] && exit
     11             cp "$file" "$destdir"
     12             notify-send -i "$fullpath" "$file copied to $destdir.";;
     13         "i")
     14             notify-send "$(exiftool "$file")";;
     15         "m")
     16             [ -z "$destdir" ] && \
     17                 destdir="$(dmenu -l 20 -i -p "Move file(s) to where?" | \
     18                 sed "s|~|$HOME|g")"
     19             [ -z "$destdir" ] && exit
     20             cp "$file" "$destdir"
     21             notify-send -i "$fullpath" "$file moved to $destdir." &
     22             ;;
     23 		"o")
     24 			opener="$(echo | dmenu -p "Open with:")"
     25 			nohup $opener "$file" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &;;
     26         "r")
     27             convert -rotate 90 "$file" "$file";;
     28         "R")
     29             convert -rotate -90 "$file" "$file";;
     30         "f")
     31             convert -flop "$file" "$file";;
     32         "y")
     33             printf "%s" "$file" | xclip -selection clipboard
     34             notify-send "$file copied to clipboard" & ;;
     35         "Y")
     36             printf "%s" "$fullpath" | xclip -selection clipboard
     37             notify-send "$fullpath copied to clipboard" & ;;
     38         "d")
     39             [ "$(printf "No\\nYes" | \
     40                 dmenu -i -p "Really delete $file?")" = "Yes" ] && \
     41                 rm "$file" && notify-send "$file deleted." ;;
     42         "g")
     43             gimp "$file" & ;;
     44     esac
     45 done