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upload (6210B)

      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 set -e
      4 version=1.0
      6 # Upload target
      7 host=""
      8 user="ad"
      9 pubdir="tmp"
     10 nonpubdir="npub"
     11 remote="/var/www/domains/"
     12 dir="${nonpubdir}"
     13 remotedir="${remote}/${dir}"
     15 show_help() {
     16 	echo "usage: ${0##*/} [OPTIONS] FILE1 [FILE2...[FILE N]]"
     17 	echo "will upload each FILE to $user@$host:$remotedir"
     18 	echo "If no FILE is specified, this program will expect stdin, and FILE1"
     19 	echo "will be used as the filename during upload."
     20 	echo "The program prints the upload URL for each file to standard output"
     21 	echo
     22 	echo "OPTIONS are one or more of the following:"
     23 	echo "   -b, --border        if an image, add a 10% white border to FILES"
     24 	echo "   -c, --clip          send upload url to clipboard"
     25 	echo "   -d, --delete        delete previously uploaded FILES instead of uploading"
     26 	echo "                       --get and --delete can be used together"
     27 	echo "   -g, --get           get previously uploaded FILES instead of uploading"
     28 	echo "   -h, --help          show this message"
     29 	echo "   -l, --list [QUERY]  list previously uploaded files with optional QUERY"
     30 	echo "                       search string as filter"
     31 	echo "   -m, --remove-metadata   remove all exif metadata"
     32 	echo "   -n, --notify        also show diagnostic output with notify"
     33 	echo "   -o, --gopher        return gopher URI instead of http"
     34 	echo "   -p, --public        operate on public file directory (/${pubdir})"
     35 	echo "   -r, --resize        if an image, resize FILES to fit 800x800 pixels"
     36 	echo "                       without changing its width-to-height ratio"
     37 	echo "   -s, --sharpen       if an image, sharpen all FILES"
     38 	echo "   -v, --verbose       show verbose information (e.g. upload progress)"
     39 	echo "   -V, --version       show version and license information"
     40 	echo "   --                  do not consider any following arguments as options"
     41 	echo "the optional operations are performed in the order listed above."
     42 	echo "${0##*/} requires imagemagick and rsync to be installed on the system."
     43 }
     45 show_version() {
     46 	echo "${0##*/} version $version"
     47 	echo "Licensed under the ISC License"
     48 	echo "written by Anders Damsgaard,"
     49 	echo ""
     50 }
     52 check_if_image() {
     53 	if [ -f "$1" ]; then
     54 		identify "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "error: $1 is not an image"
     55 	fi
     56 }
     58 add_sharpening() {
     59 	check_if_image "$2"
     60 	convert "$1" \
     61 		-unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 \
     62 		-quality 95 \
     63 		"$1"
     64 }
     66 add_border() {
     67 	check_if_image "$2"
     68 	convert "$1" \
     69 		-bordercolor White -border 10%x10% \
     70 		-unsharp 2x0.5+0.7+0 \
     71 		-quality 95 \
     72 		"$1"
     73 }
     75 add_resize() {
     76 	check_if_image "$2"
     77 	convert "$1" \
     78 		-resize 800x800\> \
     79 		-quality 95 \
     80 		"$1"
     81 }
     83 preprocess_file() {
     84 	[ "$removemetadata" = 1 ] && exiftool -all= "$1" >/dev/null
     85 	[ "$border" = 1 ] && add_border "$1" "$2"
     86 	[ "$resize" = 1 ] && add_resize "$1" "$2"
     87 	[ "$sharpen" = 1 ] && add_sharpening "$1" "$2"
     88 	printf ""
     89 }
     91 upload_file() {
     92 	infile="$1"
     93 	basename="$2"
     94 	newbasename="$(echo "$basename" | sed 's/ /_/g')"
     95 	progress=""
     96 	if [ "$verbose" = 1 ]; then
     97 		progress="-v --progress"
     98 		echo "infile: $infile"
     99 		echo "newbasename: $newbasename"
    100 	fi
    101 	rsync -rz $progress --chmod=Fu=rw,Fog=r -e "ssh" "$infile" \
    102 		"${user}@${host}:${remotedir}/'$newbasename'"
    103 	if [ "$gopher" = 1 ]; then
    104 		if [ "${newbasename##*.}" = "gph" ]; then
    105 			type=1
    106 		else
    107 			mime_type="$(file -ib "$infile")"
    108 			case "$mime_type" in
    109 				image/*)
    110 					type=I;;
    111 				text/*)
    112 					type=0;;
    113 				*shellscript*)
    114 					type=0;;
    115 				*html*)
    116 					type=0;;
    117 				*)
    118 					type=9;;
    119 			esac
    120 		fi
    121 		url="gophers://${host}/${type}/${dir}/${newbasename}"
    122 	else
    123 		url="https://${host}/${dir}/${newbasename}"
    124 	fi
    125 	if [ "$verbose" = 1 ]; then
    126 		echo
    127 		msg="Uploaded to $url (copied to clipboard)"
    128 		printf '%s\n' "$msg"
    129 	else
    130 		printf '%s\n' "$url"
    131 	fi
    132 	[ "$notify" = 1 ] && notify "$msg" || :
    133 	[ "$clip" = 1 ] && printf '%s' "$url" | xclip -i || :
    134 }
    136 download_file() {
    137 	url="https://${host}/${dir}/${1}"
    138 	if [ -e "$1" ]; then
    139 		die "error: file '$1' already exists, aboring"
    140 	fi
    141 	if command -v hurl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    142 		hurl "$url" > ./"$1"
    143 	elif command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    144 		curl --silent --fail -OL "$url"
    145 	elif command -v ftp >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    146 		ftp -M -V -o - "$url" > ./"$1"
    147 	elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    148 		wget "$url"
    149 	else
    150 		die 'error: no download program found'
    151 	fi
    153 }
    155 delete_file() {
    156 	ssh "$user"@"$host" "rm '${remotedir}/$1'"
    157 }
    159 list_uploads() {
    160 	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    161 		ssh "$user"@"$host" "ls -lah '${remotedir}/'"
    162 	else
    163 		ssh "$user"@"$host" "ls -lah '${remotedir}/'" | grep "$1"
    164 	fi
    165 }
    167 die() {
    168 	printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2
    169 	exit 1
    170 }
    172 clip=0
    173 notify=0
    174 border=0
    175 resize=0
    176 sharpen=0
    177 public=0
    178 get=0
    179 delete=0
    180 verbose=0
    181 gopher=0
    182 removemetadata=0
    183 while :; do
    184 	case "$1" in
    185 		-h|-\?|--help)
    186 			show_help
    187 			exit 0
    188 			;;
    189 		-V|--version)
    190 			show_version
    191 			exit 0
    192 			;;
    193 		-v|--verbose)
    194 			verbose=1
    195 			;;
    196 		-m|--remove-metadata)
    197 			removemetadata=1
    198 			;;
    199 		-n|--notify)
    200 			notify=1
    201 			;;
    202 		-c|--clip)
    203 			clip=1
    204 			;;
    205 		-b|--border)
    206 			border=1
    207 			;;
    208 		-r|--resize)
    209 			resize=1
    210 			;;
    211 		-s|--sharpen)
    212 			sharpen=1
    213 			;;
    214 		-p|--public)
    215 			public=1
    216 			dir="${pubdir}"
    217 			remotedir="${remote}/${dir}"
    218 			;;
    219 		-o|--gopher)
    220 			gopher=1
    221 			;;
    222 		-g|--get)
    223 			get=1
    224 			;;
    225 		-d|--delete)
    226 			delete=1
    227 			;;
    228 		-l|--list)
    229 			list_uploads "$2"
    230 			exit 0
    231 			;;
    232 		--) # end all options
    233 			shift
    234 			break
    235 			;;
    236 		-?*)
    237 			die 'error: Unknown option specified'
    238 			;;
    239 		*)  # No more options
    240 			break
    241 	esac
    242 	shift
    243 done
    245 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
    246 	show_help
    247 	exit 1
    248 fi
    250 if [ "$get" = 1 ] || [ "$delete" = 1 ]; then
    251 	if [ "$get" = 1 ]; then
    252 		for f in "$@"; do
    253 			download_file "$(basename "$f")"
    254 		done
    255 	fi
    256 	if [ "$delete" = 1 ]; then
    257 		for f in "$@"; do
    258 			delete_file "$(basename "$f")"
    259 		done
    260 	fi
    261 else
    262 	if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
    263 		if [ $verbose = 1 ]; then
    264 			echo "reading from stdin..."
    265 		fi
    266 		msg="$(cat)"
    267 		tempfile="$(mktemp)"
    268 		printf "%s" "$msg" > "$tempfile"
    270 		preprocess_file "$tempfile"  "$1"
    271 		upload_file "$tempfile" "$(basename "$1")"
    272 	else
    273 		for f in "$@"; do
    274 			[ ! -f "$f" ] && die "error: $f is not a file"
    275 			tempfile="$(mktemp)"
    276 			cp "$f" "$tempfile"
    277 			preprocess_file "$tempfile"  "$1"
    278 			upload_file "$tempfile" "$(basename "$f")"
    279 		done
    280 	fi
    281 fi