html.snippets (797B)
1 snippet slide "Insert a reveal.js slide with html formatting" 2 <section> 3 <h2>$1</h2> 4 5 $0 6 </section> 7 endsnippet 8 9 snippet markdownslide "Insert a reveal.js slide with Markdown formatting" 10 <section data-markdown> 11 <textarea data-template> 12 ## $1 13 14 $0 15 16 </textarea> 17 </section> 18 endsnippet 19 20 snippet code "Insert a code block in HTML syntax" 21 <pre><code class="hljs${1: python}" data-trim contenteditable> 22 $0 23 </code></pre> 24 endsnippet 25 26 snippet pyprompt "Insert the Python prompt with HTML symbols" 27 >>> $0 28 endsnippet 29 30 snippet highlight "Highlight some reveal.js text with a color" 31 <span class="fragment highlight-${1:red}">$0</span> 32 endsnippet 33 34 snippet fade "grow/shrink/fade-out/fade-{up,down,left,right}/current-visible" 35 <p class="fragment ${1:grow}">$0</p> 36 endsnippet