tex.snippets (4267B)
1 priority 1 2 3 snippet eq "Insert equation environment" 4 \begin{equation} 5 $0 6 \label{eq:$1} 7 \end{equation} 8 endsnippet 9 10 snippet Eq "Insert reference to equation" 11 (Eq.~\ref{eq:$0}) 12 endsnippet 13 14 snippet columnframe "Insert Beamer slide with two columns" 15 \begin{frame}{$1} 16 \begin{columns} 17 \begin{column}{${2:0.50}\textwidth} 18 $4 19 \end{column} 20 \begin{column}{${3:0.50}\textwidth} 21 $5 22 \end{column} 23 \end{columns} 24 \end{frame} 25 endsnippet 26 27 snippet fig "Insert figure environment" 28 \begin{figure}[${5:htbp}] 29 \includegraphics[width=$1\textwidth]{$2} 30 \caption{\label{fig:${3:unnamed}}% 31 $4 32 } 33 \end{figure} 34 endsnippet 35 36 snippet includegraphics "Include graphics (no figure env)" 37 \includegraphics[width=$1\textwidth]{$2} 38 endsnippet 39 40 snippet Fig "Insert reference to figure" 41 (Fig.~\ref{fig:$0}) 42 endsnippet 43 44 # snippet sec "Insert section" 45 # \section{$1}% 46 # \label{sec:$2} 47 # $0 48 # endsnippet 49 50 snippet Sec "Insert reference to section" 51 (Section~\ref{sec:$0}) 52 endsnippet 53 54 # snippet subsec "Insert subsection" 55 # \subsection{$1}% 56 # \label{subsec:$2} 57 # $0 58 # endsnippet 59 60 snippet Subsec "Insert reference to subsection" 61 (Section~\ref{subsec:$0}) 62 endsnippet 63 64 snippet tab "Insert table environment" 65 \begin{table}[${1:htpb}] 66 \centering 67 \caption{$2} 68 \label{tab:${3:unnamed}} 69 \begin{tabular}{${4:c}} 70 $0 71 \end{tabular} 72 \end{table} 73 74 endsnippet 75 76 snippet Tab "Insert reference to table" 77 (Tab.~\ref{fig:$0}) 78 endsnippet 79 80 snippet vec "Insert boldsymbol vector" 81 \boldsymbol{$0} 82 endsnippet 83 84 snippet $vec "Insert boldsymbol vector" 85 $\boldsymbol{$0}$ 86 endsnippet 87 88 snippet vec_ "Insert boldsymbol vector" 89 \boldsymbol{$1}_\text{$2}^{$3} 90 endsnippet 91 92 snippet $vec_ "Insert boldsymbol vector" 93 $\boldsymbol{$1}_\text{$2}^{$3}$ 94 endsnippet 95 96 snippet article "Blank article template" 97 \documentclass[a4paper,twoside,onecolumn,10pt]{article} 98 99 %% Language 100 \usepackage[english]{babel} % break words 101 102 %\captionnamefont{\bfseries\footnotesize} 103 %\captiontitlefont{\footnotesize} 104 %\captionnamefont{\bfseries} 105 %\captiontitlefont{} 106 %\captionstyle{} 107 %\captiondelim{. } 108 %\changecaptionwidth{} 109 %\captionwidth{0.8\linewidth} 110 111 %\usepackage[rightcaption]{sidecap} 112 113 %% Font settings (recommended in Butterick's practical typography) 114 % http://practicaltypography.com/ 115 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Font encoding 116 \usepackage{charter} % Serif body font 117 \usepackage[charter]{mathdesign} % Math font 118 \usepackage[scale=0.9]{sourcecodepro} % Monospaced fontenc 119 \usepackage[lf]{FiraSans} % Sans-serif font 120 121 %% Graphics 122 \usepackage{graphicx} 123 \usepackage{tikz} % Drawing library 124 125 %% Mathematics, scientific and chemical notation 126 \usepackage{amsmath} 127 %\usepackage{mathtools} 128 \usepackage{booktabs} % \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tabular 129 \usepackage[detect-all]{siunitx} 130 \DeclareSIUnit\year{a} 131 %\usepackage[version=3]{mhchem} 132 133 %% Code typesetting 134 % http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Source_Code_Listings 135 \usepackage{listings} 136 % \begin{lstlisting}[float,label=lst:test,caption=A source code test,basicstyle=\ttfamily,language=Python] 137 \usepackage{color} 138 \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} 139 \definecolor{mygray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5} 140 \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} 141 \lstset{% 142 numbers=left, 143 numberstyle=\tiny, 144 language=Python, 145 basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize, 146 captionpos=b, 147 frame=single, 148 keepspaces=true, 149 keywordstyle=\color{blue}, 150 showstringspaces=false, 151 stepnumber=1, 152 tabsize=4, 153 title=\lstname, 154 commentstyle=\color{mygreen}, 155 stringstyle=\color{myauve} 156 } 157 158 %% Links, colors, citations 159 \usepackage{color} 160 %\definecolor{AUblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.3, 0.5} 161 %\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=red,citecolor=AUblue]{hyperref} 162 \usepackage{hyperref} 163 %\usepackage{chapterbib} % multiple bibliographies in a document 164 %\usepackage[round]{natbib} 165 %\bibliographystyle{abbrvnat} 166 \usepackage[natbib=true, style=authoryear, bibstyle=authoryear-comp, maxbibnames=10, 167 maxcitenames=2, backend=bibtex8]{biblatex} 168 %\bibliography{/Users/ad/articles/own/BIBnew.bib} 169 170 %%% TITLE 171 \title{${1:Title}} 172 \author{${2:Anders Damsgaard}} 173 \date{${3:\today}} 174 175 \begin{document} 176 177 \maketitle 178 179 $0 180 181 %% Bibliography 182 %\newpage 183 %\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Bibliography} 184 %\bibliography{/Users/ad/articles/own/BIBnew.bib} 185 \printbibliography{} 186 187 \end{document} 188 endsnippet