
comparison of lab and model results of sediment advection
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Makefile (5273B)

      1 .POSIX:
      3 REPO = cngf-pf
      4 BIN = ${REPO}/cngf-pf
      5 PDFS = \
      6 	fig-strain_distribution.pdf \
      7 	fig-mohr_coulomb.pdf \
      8 	fig-sediment_flux.pdf \
      9 	fig-sediment_flux-100ma.pdf \
     10 	fig-sediment_flux_daily.pdf \
     11 	fig-skin_depth_diff.pdf \
     12 	fig-stress_strain.pdf \
     14 stressvals_ != range -l -N 40 0.01 100
     15 stressvals_ += 8 22 50
     16 stressvals != echo ${stressvals_} | sort -n
     17 velvals = 3.169e-6 9.506e-6
     18 fluid_ampl_min = 1
     19 fluid_ampl_max = 30
     20 fluid_ampl_vals != range -N 16 ${fluid_ampl_min} ${fluid_ampl_max}
     21 fluid_freq_vals = 1.157e-5	# daily
     22 grain_size = 530.7e-6
     23 grain_friction = 0.6
     24 grain_cohesion = 0
     25 grain_nonlocal_ampl = 0.33
     26 grain_rate_dependence = 0.002
     27 # grain_nonlocal_ampl doubles -> scale factor doubles, stress exponent is constant at 1/3
     28 # sediment flux is proportional to cuberoot(N)
     29 # grain_nonlocal_ampl = 0.66 -> a = 2.62
     30 # grain_nonlocal_ampl = 0.33 -> a = 1.79
     31 time_end = 345600
     32 time_interval = 1800
     33 N = 64	# resolution for skin-depth figure
     35 default: ${PDFS}
     37 ${BIN}: ${REPO}/cngf-pf.c
     38 	CFLAGS="-march=native -O3 -pipe" make -C ${REPO}
     40 ${REPO}/cngf-pf.c:
     41 	git submodule update --init
     43 fig-stress_strain.pdf: strain_distribution_N50kPa_v3.169e-6ms.txt fig-stress_strain.gp
     44 	sh -ec '\
     45 	for f in strain_distribution_ampl*.output*.txt; do \
     46 		gnuplot -e "f=\"$$f\"" fig-stress_strain.gp >$$f.pdf && \
     47 		echo $$f.pdf; \
     48 	done'
     50 strain_distribution_N50kPa_v3.169e-6ms.txt: ${BIN}
     51 	sh -c '\
     52 	for v in ${velvals}; do \
     53 		for P in ${stressvals}; do \
     54 			./${BIN} \
     55 			-d ${grain_size} \
     56 			-m ${grain_friction} \
     57 			-c ${grain_cohesion} \
     58 			-s $${v} \
     59 			-L 0.11 \
     60 			-n $${P}e3 \
     61 			-A ${grain_nonlocal_ampl} \
     62 			-b ${grain_rate_dependence} \
     63 			>strain_distribution_N$${P}kPa_v$${v}ms.txt; \
     64 	done; done'  # also close fit with lower A and higher b
     65 	# higher values of L do not make a difference in flux
     67 max_depth_daily.txt: ${BIN}
     68 	for freq in ${fluid_freq_vals}; do \
     69 		for ampl in $$(range -N 1000 ${fluid_ampl_min} ${fluid_ampl_max}); do \
     70 			printf '%ge3\t' $${ampl}; \
     71 			./${REPO}/max_depth_simple_shear \
     72 			-D 1.5e-5 \
     73 			-q $${freq} \
     74 			-a $${ampl}e3; \
     75 	done; done >$@
     77 strain_distribution_ampl1kPa_freq1.157e-5s.txt: ${BIN}
     78 	sh -c '\
     79 	for freq in ${fluid_freq_vals}; do \
     80 		for ampl in ${fluid_ampl_vals}; do \
     81 			./${BIN} \
     82 			-d ${grain_size} \
     83 			-D 1.5e-5 \
     84 			-m ${grain_friction} \
     85 			-c ${grain_cohesion} \
     86 			-s 3.169e-6 \
     87 			-L 2.0 \
     88 			-n 85e3 \
     89 			-A ${grain_nonlocal_ampl} \
     90 			-b ${grain_rate_dependence} \
     91 			-F \
     92 			-e ${time_end} \
     93 			-I ${time_interval} \
     94 			-q $${freq} \
     95 			-a $${ampl}e3 \
     96 			-X 1e-4 \
     97 			-x 200000 \
     98 			strain_distribution_ampl$${ampl}kPa_freq$${freq}s \
     99 			>strain_distribution_ampl$${ampl}kPa_freq$${freq}s.txt & \
    100 	done; done; wait'
    102 mohr_coulomb_v3.169e-6ms.txt: strain_distribution_N50kPa_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    103 	sh -c '\
    104 	rm -f mohr_coulomb_v*ms.txt; \
    105 	for v in ${velvals}; do \
    106 		for P in ${stressvals}; do \
    107 			tail -n 1 strain_distribution_N$${P}kPa_v$${v}ms.txt >>mohr_coulomb_v$${v}ms.txt; \
    108 	done; done'
    110 sediment_flux_v3.169e-6ms.txt: strain_distribution_N50kPa_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    111 	sh -c '\
    112 	rm -f sediment_flux_v*ms.txt; \
    113 	for v in ${velvals}; do \
    114 		for P in ${stressvals}; do \
    115 			(printf "%ge3\t" $$P; ../cngf-pf/shear_flux <strain_distribution_N$${P}kPa_v$${v}ms.txt) >>sediment_flux_v$${v}ms.txt; \
    116 			echo sediment_flux_v$${v}ms.txt; \
    117 	done; done'
    119 sediment_flux_freq1.157e-5s.txt: strain_distribution_ampl1kPa_freq1.157e-5s.txt
    120 	rm -f sediment_flux_freq*s.txt
    121 	for freq in ${fluid_freq_vals}; do \
    122 		for ampl in ${fluid_ampl_vals}; do \
    123 			awk -v time_end=${time_end} '{printf "%g\t%g\n", $$1, $$10/time_end}' \
    124 				<strain_distribution_ampl$${ampl}kPa_freq$${freq}s.txt >strain_distribution_ampl$${ampl}kPa_freq$${freq}s_.txt; \
    125 			(printf '%g\t' $$ampl; ../cngf-pf/shear_flux <strain_distribution_ampl$${ampl}kPa_freq$${freq}s_.txt) >>sediment_flux_freq$${freq}s.txt; \
    126 	done; done
    128 fig-strain_distribution.pdf: fig-strain_distribution.gp strain_distribution_N50kPa_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    129 	gnuplot fig-strain_distribution.gp > $@
    131 fig-mohr_coulomb.pdf: fig-mohr_coulomb.gp mohr_coulomb_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    132 	gnuplot fig-mohr_coulomb.gp > $@
    134 fig-sediment_flux.pdf: fig-sediment_flux.gp sediment_flux_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    135 	gnuplot fig-sediment_flux.gp > $@
    137 fig-sediment_flux-100ma.pdf: fig-sediment_flux-100ma.gp sediment_flux_v3.169e-6ms.txt
    138 	gnuplot fig-sediment_flux-100ma.gp > $@
    140 fig-sediment_flux_daily.pdf: fig-sediment_flux_daily.gp sediment_flux_freq1.157e-5s.txt max_depth_daily.txt
    141 	skindepth=$$(awk '{print $$3; exit}' max_depth_daily.txt) &&\
    142 	gnuplot -e "d_s=$${skindepth}; rho_s=2600; rho_f=1000; g=9.81" fig-sediment_flux_daily.gp > $@
    144 fig-skin_depth_diff.pdf: fig-skin_depth_diff.gp max_depth_ampl10e3.txt
    145 	gnuplot fig-skin_depth_diff.gp > $@
    147 max_depth_ampl10e3.txt:
    148 	for A_f in 1e3 10e3 100e3; do\
    149 		out=max_depth_ampl$${A_f}.txt;\
    150 		rm -f $$out;\
    151 		for D in $$(range -l -N ${N} 1e-9 1e-3); do\
    152 			for f in $$(range -l -N ${N} 1e-9 1e-3); do\
    153 				printf '%g\t%g\t' $$f $$D >> $$out;\
    154 				./${REPO}/max_depth_simple_shear \
    155 					-D $$D \
    156 					-a $$A_f \
    157 					-q $$f | \
    158 					awk '{print $$1}' >> $$out;\
    159 			done;\
    160 			echo >> $$out;\
    161 		done;\
    162 	done
    164 clean:
    165 	rm -f strain_distribution_*.txt mohr_coulomb_*.txt sediment_flux_*.txt max_depth*.txt
    166 	rm -f ${PDFS}
    167 	make -C $(REPO)/ clean
    169 .PHONY: default clean