
comparison of lab and model results of sediment advection
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fig-skin_depth_diff.gp (1912B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
      3 set terminal pdfcairo color size 8.3 cm, 17 cm font ",10"
      5 set multiplot layout 3,1
      7 f_min = 1e-9
      8 f_max = 1e-3
      9 D_min = 1e-9
     10 D_max = 1e-3
     12 label_y = 3*D_min
     13 x=1.0/3600.0
     14 set arrow from x,D_min to x,D_max nohead lc "white" front
     15 set label "hourly" at x,label_y rotate by 90 front offset screen -0.01,0 textcolor "white"
     16 x=1.0/3600.0/24.0
     17 set arrow from x,D_min to x,D_max nohead lc "white" front
     18 set label "daily" at x,label_y rotate by 90 front offset screen -0.01,0 textcolor "white"
     19 x=1.0/3600.0/24.0/30.0
     20 set arrow from x,D_min to x,D_max nohead lc "white" front
     21 set label "monthly" at x,label_y rotate by 90 front offset screen -0.01,0 textcolor "white"
     22 x=1.0/3600.0/24.0/365.0
     23 set arrow from x,D_min to x,D_max nohead lc "white" front
     24 set label "yearly" at x,label_y rotate by 90 front offset screen -0.01,0 textcolor "white"
     26 set border 31 lc rgbcolor "#666666"
     28 set label "a" at screen 0.01,0.99 font "{:Bold},12"
     29 set label "b" at screen 0.01,0.66 font "{:Bold},12"
     30 set label "c" at screen 0.01,0.33 font "{:Bold},12"
     32 set xlabel "Forcing frequency, {/:Italic f} [s^{-1}]"
     33 set ylabel "Diffusivity, {/:Italic D} [m^2/s]"
     34 set cblabel "Max. deformation depth, {/:Italic z'} [m]"
     36 set xrange [f_min:f_max]
     37 set yrange [D_min:D_max]
     38 set xtics rotate by 90
     39 set ytics offset 1
     40 set format x '10^{%T}'
     41 set format y '10^{%T}'
     43 set view map scale 1
     44 set style data pm3d
     45 set style function pm3d
     46 set xyplane relative 0
     47 set nomcbtics
     48 set pm3d implicit at b
     49 set pm3d scansforward
     50 #set pm3d interpolate 10,10
     51 set logscale xy
     53 set title "{/:Italic A}_f = 1 kPa"
     54 splot 'max_depth_ampl1e3.txt' notitle with lines palette, \
     55       '' with pm3d notitle
     57 set title "{/:Italic A}_f = 10 kPa"
     58 splot 'max_depth_ampl10e3.txt' notitle with lines palette, \
     59       '' with pm3d notitle
     61 set title "{/:Italic A}_f = 100 kPa"
     62 splot 'max_depth_ampl100e3.txt' notitle with lines palette, \
     63       '' with pm3d notitle