
comparison of lab and model results of sediment advection
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fig-sediment_flux-100ma.gp (1031B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
      3 reset
      5 set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color size 7.5 cm, 5 cm
      6 set multiplot layout 1,1
      8 rswidth = 1
     10 #set lmargin 7.0
     11 #set bmargin 3.5
     12 #set rmargin 2.0
     13 #set tmargin 2.0
     15 # https://sodocumentation.net/gnuplot/topic/8825/fit-data-with-gnuplot
     16 f(x, v) = a * x**b * v
     17 fit f(x, 100) "sediment_flux_v3.169e-6ms.txt" u ($1/1000):($2*3600*24*365.25*rswidth) via a,b
     18 fitparams = sprintf("{/:Italic q}_t = %.2e {/:Italic v N'}^{%.3g}", a, b)
     20 set xlabel "Effective stress, {/:Italic N'} [kPa]"
     21 set ylabel "Sediment flux, {/:Italic q}_t [m³/a]"
     22 set key bottom right font ",09" invert samplen 1.0
     23 #set title "{/:Italic v} = 100 m/a"
     24 set xrange [0:210]
     25 set xtics 0,50,200
     26 set yrange [0:1.1]
     27 plot f(x, 100) lt 1 t fitparams, \
     28 	"sediment_flux_v3.169e-6ms.txt" u ($1/1000):($2*3600*24*365.25*rswidth) w p lt 2 ps 0.5 t "CNGF-PF (Damsgaard et al., 2020)", \
     29 	"rs_sediment_flux_100ma_high-N.txt" u ($1/1000):($2) w p lt 4 ps 1 t "Hansen and Zoet (2022)", \
     30 	"rs_sediment_flux_100ma.txt" u ($1/1000):($2) w p lt 4 ps 1 t ""