
experiments for first paper with continuum granular model
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      1 #!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
      2 reset
      4 set terminal pdfcairo color size 4.35 cm, 6 cm font ",10"
      6 set multiplot layout 2,1 \
      7 	margins 0.08,0.70,0.15,0.87 \
      8 	spacing 0.03,0.04
     10 set xrange [0:200]
     11 set x2range [200:0]
     12 set x2tics 50 nomirror
     13 set xtics format ""
     14 set yrange [-0.5:11.5]
     15 set y2range [-0.5:11.5]
     16 set x2label "{/:Normal Water pressure [kPa]}"
     17 set y2label "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/d]}" offset 0.0
     18 set y2tics 2.0
     19 unset ytics
     20 set arrow from 60,0.5 to 40,2.0 head
     21 set arrow from 65,5.5 to 83,3.5 head
     22 unset label
     23 #set label "{/:Bold a}" at graph 0.02,0.93
     24 set label "C" at graph 0.02,0.93 font ",12"
     25 plot \
     26 "timeseries_combined.txt" u ($2/1000):($1*60*60*24/1000) w l lt 7 lc rgb "#008000" t ""
     28 unset x2tics
     29 unset ytics
     30 unset x2label
     31 unset ylabel
     32 unset y2label
     33 unset y2tics
     34 #set y2label "{/:Normal Depth of max.\n strain rate [m]}" offset -3.0
     35 #set yrange [2.5:-0.1]
     36 #set y2range [2.5:-0.1]
     37 ###set ytics 0.5
     38 #set y2tics 0.5
     39 #unset arrow
     40 #set arrow from 115,0.10 to 85,0.13 head
     41 #set arrow from 100,1.0 to 120,1.3 head
     42 #set arrow from 165,1.2 to 165,0.7 head
     43 #unset label
     44 ##set label "{/:Bold b}" at graph 0.02,0.93
     45 #set label "E" at graph 0.02,0.93 font ",12"
     46 #plot "" u ($2/1000):(8.0 - $6) w l lt 4 lc rgb "#87cefa" t ""
     48 set xtics format "%g"
     49 set xlabel "{/:Normal Eff. normal stress [kPa]}"
     50 unset ytics
     51 #set ytics 0.02
     52 set y2tics 0.02
     53 set yrange [0:0.07]
     54 set y2range [0:0.07]
     55 unset arrow
     56 set arrow from 65,0.008 to 40,0.02 head
     57 set arrow from 65,0.046 to 90,0.028 head
     58 set y2label "{/:Normal Till flux [m^2/s]}" offset -1.9
     59 unset ylabel
     60 unset label
     61 set label "D" at graph 0.02,0.93 font ",12"
     62 plot "" u ($2/1000):8 w l lt 6 t ""