
build template for non-complex PETSC with petsc4py
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.SRCINFO (2099B)

      1 pkgbase = petsc-git
      2 	pkgdesc = Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation
      3 	pkgver =
      4 	pkgrel = 1
      5 	url =
      6 	arch = i686
      7 	arch = x86_64
      8 	license = BSD
      9 	makedepends = gcc
     10 	makedepends = gcc-fortran
     11 	makedepends = cmake
     12 	makedepends = sowing
     13 	makedepends = pkgconf
     14 	makedepends = git
     15 	makedepends = cython
     16 	makedepends = chrpath
     17 	makedepends = hypre
     18 	depends = openmpi
     19 	depends = lapack
     20 	depends = fftw
     21 	depends = zlib
     22 	depends = cython
     23 	depends = python-mpi4py
     24 	depends = python-numpy
     25 	depends = eigen>=3
     26 	depends = openblas
     27 	options = !staticlibs
     28 	source = git+
     29 	source =
     30 	source =
     31 	sha512sums = SKIP
     32 	sha512sums = SKIP
     33 	sha512sums = a4e064c08730058d63120a22c12657a100e5330546d66c44bb85e5bf84df80a23a729b0266af3efce2c8148f0266ddca99eaf9c8ea88d323cebe1d0c18c45d09
     35 pkgname = petsc-git
     36 	optdepends = boost: Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
     37 	optdepends = cgns: Recording and recovering computer data
     38 	optdepends = eigen: Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math
     39 	optdepends = fftw: Fast-Fourier Transform
     40 	optdepends = gdb: Debugging
     41 	optdepends = hdf5: large files
     42 	optdepends = hwloc: Portable Hardware Locality (abstraction of hierarchical architectures)
     43 	optdepends = med>=4.0: Data Modelization and Exchanges (meshes)
     44 	optdepends = metis: Partitioning library (for meshes)
     45 	optdepends = mumps: Sparse solver library
     46 	optdepends = openblas: Linear algebra libraries
     47 	optdepends = opencl-headers: for opencl (GPU computing)
     48 	optdepends = opencl: GPU computing
     49 	optdepends = openmp: Parallel distributed tasks
     50 	optdepends = png
     51 	optdepends = scalapack: Parallel memory linear algebra
     52 	optdepends = scotch: Partitioning with sparse matrices
     53 	optdepends = suitesparse: Sparse matrix library
     54 	optdepends = superlu: Subroutines for sparsse linear systems
     55 	optdepends = yaml: configuration files
     56 	provides = petsc=3.17.1
     57 	provides = petsc4py=3.17.1
     58 	conflicts = petsc