
sea ice experiments using Granular.jl
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jamming.jl (15612B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env julia
      2 import Granular
      3 import ArgParse
      4 import Plots
      6 verbose = false
      8 function parse_command_line()
      9     s = ArgParse.ArgParseSettings()
     10     ArgParse.@add_arg_table s begin
     11         "--width"
     12             help = "strait width [m]"
     13             arg_type = Float64
     14             default = 5e3
     15         "--E"
     16             help = "Young's modulus [Pa]"
     17             arg_type = Float64
     18             default = 0.
     19         "--nu"
     20             help = "Poisson's ratio [-]"
     21             arg_type = Float64
     22             default = 0.
     23         "--k_n"
     24             help = "normal stiffness [N/m]"
     25             arg_type = Float64
     26             default = 1e7
     27         "--k_t"
     28             help = "tangential stiffness [N/m]"
     29             arg_type = Float64
     30             default = 1e7
     31         "--gamma_n"
     32             help = "normal viscosity [N/(m/s)]"
     33             arg_type = Float64
     34             default = 0.
     35         "--gamma_t"
     36             help = "tangential viscosity [N/(m/s)]"
     37             arg_type = Float64
     38             default = 0.
     39         "--mu_s"
     40             help = "static friction coefficient [-]"
     41             arg_type = Float64
     42             default = 0.5
     43         "--mu_d"
     44             help = "dynamic friction coefficient [-]"
     45             arg_type = Float64
     46             default = 0.5
     47         "--tensile_strength"
     48             help = "the maximum tensile strength [Pa]"
     49             arg_type = Float64
     50             default = 0.
     51         "--r_min"
     52             help = "minimum grain radius [m]"
     53             arg_type = Float64
     54             default = 1e3
     55         "--r_max"
     56             help = "maximum grain radius [m]"
     57             arg_type = Float64
     58             default = 1e3
     59         "--rotating"
     60             help = "allow the grains to rotate"
     61             arg_type = Bool
     62             default = true
     63         "--ocean_vel_fac"
     64             help = "ocean velocity factor [-]"
     65             arg_type = Float64
     66             default = 2e4
     67         "--total_hours"
     68             help = "hours of simulation time [h]"
     69             arg_type = Float64
     70             default = 6.
     71         "--nruns"
     72             help = "number of runs in ensemble"
     73             arg_type = Int
     74             default = 1
     75         "id"
     76             help = "simulation id"
     77             required = true
     78     end
     79     return ArgParse.parse_args(s)
     80 end
     82 function report_args(parsed_args)
     83     println("Parsed args:")
     84     for (arg,val) in parsed_args
     85         println("  $arg  =>  $val")
     86     end
     87 end
     89 function run_simulation(id::String,
     90                         width::Float64,
     91                         E::Float64,
     92                         nu::Float64,
     93                         k_n::Float64,
     94                         k_t::Float64,
     95                         gamma_n::Float64,
     96                         gamma_t::Float64,
     97                         mu_s::Float64,
     98                         mu_d::Float64,
     99                         tensile_strength::Float64,
    100                         r_min::Float64,
    101                         r_max::Float64,
    102                         rotating::Bool,
    103                         ocean_vel_fac::Float64,
    104                         total_hours::Float64,
    105                         seed::Int)
    107     info("## EXPERIMENT: " * id * " ##")
    108     sim = Granular.createSimulation(id=id)
    110     Lx = 50.e3
    111     Lx_constriction = width
    112     L = [Lx, Lx*1.5, 1e3]
    113     Ly_constriction = 20e3
    114     dx = r_max*2.
    116     n = [Int(ceil(L[1]/dx/2.)), Int(ceil(L[2]/dx/2.)), 2]
    118     # Initialize confining walls, which are grains that are fixed in space
    119     r = r_max
    120     r_min = r/4.
    121     h = 1.
    122     r_walls = r_min
    124     ## N-S segments
    125     for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
    126                       Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2., 
    127                       Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
    128         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [(Lx - Lx_constriction)/2., y], 
    129                                      r_walls, h, fixed=true, verbose=false)
    130     end
    131     for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
    132                       Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2., 
    133                       Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
    134         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [Lx_constriction + (L[1] - 
    135                                       Lx_constriction)/2., y], r_walls, h, 
    136                                      fixed=true, verbose=false)
    137     end
    139     dx = 2.*r_walls*sin(atan((Lx - Lx_constriction)/(L[2] - Ly_constriction)))
    141     ## NW diagonal
    142     x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
    143     y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction + 
    144                  r_walls, length(x))
    145     for i in 1:length(x)
    146         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true, 
    147                                      verbose=false)
    148     end
    150     ## NE diagonal
    151     x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
    152     y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction + 
    153                  r_walls, length(x))
    154     for i in 1:length(x)
    155         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true, 
    156                                      verbose=false)
    157     end
    159     ## SW diagonal
    160     x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
    161     y = linspace(r, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
    162     for i in 1:length(x)
    163         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true, 
    164                                      verbose=false)
    165     end
    167     ## SE diagonal
    168     x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
    169     y = linspace(r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
    170     for i in 1:length(x)
    171         Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true, 
    172                                      verbose=false)
    173     end
    175     n_walls = length(sim.grains)
    176     info("added $(n_walls) fixed grains as walls")
    178     # Initialize ocean
    179     sim.ocean = Granular.createRegularOceanGrid(n, L, name="poiseuille_flow")
    181     # Determine stream function value for all grid cells, row by row.
    182     # At y=0 and y=Ly:  psi = a*ocean_vel_fac*(x - Lx/2.).^3 with a = 1.
    183     # The value of a increases when strait is narrow, and psi values are 
    184     # constant outside domain>
    185     psi = similar(sim.ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1])
    186     Granular.sortGrainsInGrid!(sim, sim.ocean)
    187     for j=1:size(psi, 2)
    189         # Check width of domain in the current row
    190         if sim.ocean.yq[1, j] < (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.
    191             # lower triangle
    192             W = (Lx - width)*
    193                 (1. - sim.ocean.yq[1, j]/((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.)) + width
    195         elseif sim.ocean.yq[1, j] < Ly_constriction+(L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.  
    196             # strait
    197             W = width
    199         else
    200             y_min = Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.
    202             # upper triangle
    203             W = (Lx - width)*(sim.ocean.yq[1, j] - y_min)/(L[2] - y_min) + width
    204         end
    206         # transform [Lx/2 - W/2; Lx/2 + W/2] to [-2;2]
    207         x_ = (sim.ocean.xq[:, j] - (Lx/2. - W/2.))/W*4. - 2.
    209         psi[:, j] = tanh(x_)
    210     end
    212     # determine ocean velocities (u and v) from stream function derivatives
    213     for i=1:size(psi, 1)
    214         if i == 1
    215             sim.ocean.v[i, :, 1, 1] = -(psi[i+1, :] - psi[i, :])./
    216                 (sim.ocean.xq[i+1, :] - sim.ocean.xq[i, :])
    217         elseif i == size(psi, 1)
    218             sim.ocean.v[i, :, 1, 1] = -(psi[i, :] - psi[i-1, :])./
    219                 (sim.ocean.xq[i, :] - sim.ocean.xq[i-1, :])
    220         else
    221             sim.ocean.v[i, :, 1, 1] = -(psi[i+1, :] - psi[i-1, :])./
    222                 (sim.ocean.xq[i+1, :] - sim.ocean.xq[i-1, :])
    223         end
    224     end
    226     for j=1:size(psi, 2)
    227         if j == 1
    228             sim.ocean.u[:, j, 1, 1] = (psi[:, j+1] - psi[:, j])./
    229                 (sim.ocean.yq[:, j+1] - sim.ocean.yq[:, j])
    230         elseif j == size(psi, 2)
    231             sim.ocean.u[:, j, 1, 1] = (psi[:, j] - psi[:, j-1])./
    232                 (sim.ocean.yq[:, j] - sim.ocean.yq[:, j-1])
    233         else
    234             sim.ocean.u[:, j, 1, 1] = (psi[:, j+1] - psi[:, j-1])./
    235                 (sim.ocean.yq[:, j+1] - sim.ocean.yq[:, j-1])
    236         end
    237     end
    238     sim.ocean.h[:,:,1,1] = psi  # this field is unused; use for stream function
    239     sim.ocean.u *= ocean_vel_fac
    240     sim.ocean.v *= ocean_vel_fac
    242     # Constant velocities along y:
    243     #sim.ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = ocean_vel_fac*((sim.ocean.xq - Lx/2.).^2 - 
    244     #                                        Lx^2./4.)
    247     # Initialize grains in wedge north of the constriction
    248     iy = 1
    249     dy = sqrt((2.*r_walls)^2. - dx^2.)
    250     spacing_to_boundaries = 4.*r
    251     floe_padding = .5*r
    252     noise_amplitude = floe_padding
    253     Base.Random.srand(seed)
    254     for y in (L[2] - r - noise_amplitude):(-(2.*r + floe_padding)):((L[2] - 
    255         Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction)
    256         for x in (r + noise_amplitude):(2.*r + floe_padding):(Lx - r - 
    257                                                               noise_amplitude)
    258             if iy % 2 == 0
    259                 x += 1.5*r
    260             end
    262             x_ = x + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
    263             y_ = y + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
    265             if y_ < -dy/dx*x_ + L[2] + spacing_to_boundaries
    266                 continue
    267             end
    269             if y_ < dy/dx*x_ + (L[2] - dy/dx*Lx) + spacing_to_boundaries
    270                 continue
    271             end
    273             r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
    274             Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x_, y_], r_rand, h, 
    275                                          verbose=false)
    276         end
    277         iy += 1
    278     end
    279     n = length(sim.grains) - n_walls
    280     info("added $(n) grains")
    282     # Remove old simulation files
    283     Granular.removeSimulationFiles(sim)
    285     for i=1:length(sim.grains)
    286         sim.grains[i].youngs_modulus = E
    287         sim.grains[i].poissons_ratio = nu
    288         sim.grains[i].contact_stiffness_normal = k_n
    289         sim.grains[i].contact_stiffness_tangential = k_t
    290         sim.grains[i].contact_viscosity_normal = gamma_n
    291         sim.grains[i].contact_viscosity_tangential = gamma_t
    292         sim.grains[i].contact_static_friction = mu_s
    293         sim.grains[i].contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d
    294         sim.grains[i].tensile_strength = tensile_strength
    295         sim.grains[i].rotating = rotating
    296     end
    298     # Set temporal parameters
    299     Granular.setTotalTime!(sim, total_hours*60.*60.)
    300     Granular.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, 60.*5.)  # output every 5 mins
    301     Granular.setTimeStep!(sim, verbose=verbose)
    302     Granular.writeVTK(sim, verbose=verbose)
    304     profile = false
    306     ice_flux = Float64[]
    307     jammed = false
    308     it_before_eval = 10
    309     time_jammed = 0.
    310     time_jammed_criterion = 60.*60.  # define as jammed after this duration
    312     while sim.time < sim.time_total
    314         # run simulation for it_before_eval time steps
    315         for it=1:it_before_eval
    316             if sim.time >= sim.time_total*.75 && profile
    317                 @profile!(sim, status_interval=1, single_step=true,
    318                                     verbose=verbose, show_file_output=verbose)
    319                 Profile.print()
    320                 profile = false
    321             else
    322       !(sim, status_interval=1, single_step=true,
    323                             verbose=verbose, show_file_output=verbose)
    324             end
    325         end
    327         # assert if the system is jammed by looking at ice-floe mass change in 
    328         # the number of jammed grains
    329         if jammed
    330             time_jammed += sim.time_dt*float(it_before_eval)
    331             if time_jammed >= 60.*60.  # 1 h
    332                 info("$t s: system jammed for more than " * 
    333                 "$time_jammed_criterion s, stopping simulation")
    334                 exit()
    335             end
    336         end
    338         ice_mass_outside_domain = 0.
    339         for icefloe in sim.grains
    340             if !icefloe.enabled
    341                 ice_mass_outside_domain += icefloe.mass
    342             end
    343         end
    344         append!(ice_flux, ice_mass_outside_domain)
    346         # add new grains from the top
    347         for i=1:size(sim.ocean.xh, 1)
    348             if sim.ocean.grain_list[i, end] == []
    350                 x, y = Granular.getCellCenterCoordinates(sim.ocean, i, 
    351                                                        size(sim.ocean.xh, 2))
    353                 x_ = x + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
    354                 y_ = y + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
    355                 r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
    357                 Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [x_, y_], r_rand, h, 
    358                         verbose=false,
    359                         youngs_modulus=E,
    360                         poissons_ratio=nu,
    361                         contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
    362                         contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
    363                         contact_viscosity_normal=gamma_n,
    364                         contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
    365                         contact_static_friction = mu_s,
    366                         contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
    367                         tensile_strength = tensile_strength,
    368                         rotating=rotating)
    369             end
    370         end
    371     end
    373     t = linspace(0., sim.time_total, length(ice_flux))
    374     writedlm( * "-ice-flux.txt", [t, ice_flux])
    375     return t, ice_flux
    376 end
    378 function main()
    379     parsed_args = parse_command_line()
    380     report_args(parsed_args)
    382     nruns = parsed_args["nruns"]
    383     t = Float64[]
    384     t_jam = ones(nruns)*parsed_args["total_hours"]*60.*60.*2.
    387     for i=1:nruns
    388         seed = i
    389         t, ice_flux = run_simulation(parsed_args["id"] * "-seed" * string(seed),
    390                                      parsed_args["width"],
    391                                      parsed_args["E"],
    392                                      parsed_args["nu"],
    393                                      parsed_args["k_n"],
    394                                      parsed_args["k_t"],
    395                                      parsed_args["gamma_n"],
    396                                      parsed_args["gamma_t"],
    397                                      parsed_args["mu_s"],
    398                                      parsed_args["mu_d"],
    399                                      parsed_args["tensile_strength"],
    400                                      parsed_args["r_min"],
    401                                      parsed_args["r_max"],
    402                                      parsed_args["rotating"],
    403                                      parsed_args["ocean_vel_fac"],
    404                                      parsed_args["total_hours"],
    405                                      i)
    406         Plots.plot!(t/(60.*60.), ice_flux)
    408         time_elapsed_while_jammed = 0.
    409         for it=(length(t) - 1):-1:1
    410             if ice_flux[it] ≈ ice_flux[end]
    411                 time_elapsed_while_jammed = t[end] - t[it]
    412             end
    413         end
    415         if time_elapsed_while_jammed > 60.*60.
    416             t_jam[i] = t[end] - time_elapsed_while_jammed
    417             info("simulation $i jammed at t = $(t_jam[i]/(60.*60.)) h")
    418         end
    420     end
    421     Plots.title!(parsed_args["id"])
    422     Plots.xaxis!("Time [h]")
    423     Plots.yaxis!("Cumulative ice throughput [kg]")
    425     Plots.savefig(parsed_args["id"])
    426     Plots.closeall()
    428     jam_fraction = zeros(length(t))
    429     for it=1:length(t)
    430         for i=1:nruns
    431             if t_jam[i] <= t[it]
    432                 jam_fraction[it] += 1./float(nruns)
    433             end
    434         end
    435     end
    436     Plots.plot(t/(60.*60.), jam_fraction)
    437     Plots.title!(parsed_args["id"] * ", N = " * string(nruns))
    438     Plots.xaxis!("Time [h]")
    439     Plots.yaxis!("Fraction of runs jammed [-]")
    440     Plots.savefig(parsed_args["id"] * "-jam_fraction.pdf")
    441 end
    443 main()