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simulation_mohr-coulomb_plot.jl (4045B)

      1 #/usr/bin/env julia
      2 ENV["MPLBACKEND"] = "Agg"
      3 import PyPlot
      4 import LsqFit
      6 const id_prefix = "mohr_coulomb"
      7 const vel_shear = 1.0
      9 # Normal stresses for consolidation and shear [Pa]
     10 #const N_list = [20e3, 40e3, 80e3, 160e3]
     11 const N_list = [5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 30e3, 40e3, 80e3, 160e3]
     13 #time = Float64[]
     14 #shear_strain = Float64[]
     15 shear_stress = Float64[]
     16 #dilation = Float64[]
     17 tau_p = Float64[]
     18 tau_u = Float64[]
     19 sim_id = ""
     21 for kind in ["mu0.3_sigma_c0kPa", "mu0.0_sigma_c200kPa"]
     22     for N in N_list
     24         #mohr_coulomb_mu0.3_sigma_c0kPa.pdf-seed1-shear-N20000.0Pa-vel_shear1.0m-s-data
     25         sim_id = "$(id_prefix)_$(kind).pdf-seed1-shear-N$(N)Pa-vel_shear$(vel_shear)m-s"
     26         info(sim_id)
     27         data = readdlm(sim_id * "-data.txt")
     29         #time = data[1,:]
     30         #shear_strain = data[2,:]
     31         shear_stress = data[3,:]
     32         #dilation = data[4,:]
     34         append!(tau_p, maximum(shear_stress[1:100]))
     35         append!(tau_u, mean(shear_stress[end-100:end]))
     36     end
     37 end
     39 # Plot normal stress vs. peak shear friction
     40 PyPlot.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
     41 PyPlot.plot(N_list, tau_p[1:length(N_list)]./N_list,
     42             "xk",
     43             label="Frictional DEM")
     44 PyPlot.plot(N_list, tau_p[length(N_list)+1:end]./N_list,
     45             "+b",
     46             label="Cohesive DEM")
     47 PyPlot.ylabel("Peak shear friction \$\\mu_p\$ [-]")
     49 PyPlot.xlabel("Normal stress \$N\$ [Pa]")
     50 PyPlot.xlim(0., maximum(N_list)*1.1)
     51 PyPlot.legend()
     52 PyPlot.savefig(id_prefix * "-mu_p.pdf")
     53 PyPlot.clf()
     55 # Plot normal stress vs. effective shear friction
     56 PyPlot.plot(N_list./1e3, tau_u[1:length(N_list)]./N_list,
     57             "xk",
     58             label="Frictional DEM")
     59 PyPlot.plot(N_list./1e3, tau_u[length(N_list)+1:end]./N_list,
     60             "+b",
     61             label="Cohesive DEM")
     62 PyPlot.xlabel("Normal stress \$N\$ [kPa]")
     63 PyPlot.ylabel("Effective shear friction \$\\tau_u/N\$ [-]")
     64 #PyPlot.xlim(0., maximum(N_list)*1.1/1e3)
     65 #PyPlot.xlim(minimum(N_list)*0.9/1e3, maximum(N_list)*1.1/1e3)
     66 PyPlot.legend()
     67 PyPlot.title("(b)")
     68 PyPlot.savefig(id_prefix * "-mu_eff.pdf")
     69 PyPlot.clf()
     71 ### Plot normal stress vs. ultimate shear stress
     72 mohr_coulomb(N, param) = param[2] + param[1]*N
     74 # Frictional DEM
     75 fit = LsqFit.curve_fit(mohr_coulomb, N_list, tau_u[1:length(N_list)], [0.3, 0.0])
     76 println("### Frictional DEM ###")
     77 println("    μ_u = $(fit.param[1]), C = $(fit.param[2]/1e3) kPa")
     78 errors = LsqFit.estimate_errors(fit, 0.95)
     79 println("  95% CI errors:")
     80 println("    μ_u: ± $(errors[1])")
     81 println("    C:   ± $(errors[2]/1e3) kPa")
     82 label = @sprintf("\$\\tau_u\$(\$N\$, \$\\mu_u\$ = %.2g±%.2g, \$C\$ = %.2g±%.2g kPa)",
     83                  fit.param[1], errors[1],
     84                  fit.param[2]/1e3, errors[2]/1e3)
     85 PyPlot.plot(N_list./1e3, tau_u[1:length(N_list)]./1e3,
     86             "xk",
     87             label="Frictional DEM")
     88 PyPlot.plot(linspace(N_list[1], N_list[end])./1e3,
     89             mohr_coulomb(linspace(N_list[1], N_list[end]), fit.param)./1e3,
     90             "-k", alpha=0.5, label=label)
     92 # Cohesive DEM
     93 fit = LsqFit.curve_fit(mohr_coulomb, N_list, tau_u[length(N_list)+1:end], [0.3, 0.0])
     94 println("### Cohesive DEM ###")
     95 println("    μ_u = $(fit.param[1]), C = $(fit.param[2]/1e3) kPa")
     96 errors = LsqFit.estimate_errors(fit, 0.95)
     97 println("  95% CI errors:")
     98 println("    μ_u: ± $(errors[1])")
     99 println("    C:   ± $(errors[2]/1e3) kPa")
    100 label = @sprintf("\$\\tau_u\$(\$N\$, \$\\mu_u\$ = %.2g±%.2g, \$C\$ = %.1f±%.2g kPa)",
    101                  fit.param[1], errors[1],
    102                  fit.param[2]/1e3, errors[2]/1e3)
    103 PyPlot.plot(N_list./1e3, tau_u[length(N_list)+1:end]./1e3,
    104             "+b",
    105             label="Cohesive DEM")
    106 PyPlot.plot(linspace(N_list[1], N_list[end])./1e3,
    107             mohr_coulomb(linspace(N_list[1], N_list[end]), fit.param)./1e3,
    108             "--b", alpha=0.5, label=label)
    110 # Annotation
    111 PyPlot.xlabel("Normal stress \$N\$ [kPa]")
    112 PyPlot.ylabel("Shear stress \$\\tau_u\$ [kPa]")
    113 #PyPlot.xlim(minimum(N_list)*0.9/1e3, maximum(N_list)*1.1/1e3)
    114 PyPlot.legend()
    115 PyPlot.title("(a)")
    116 PyPlot.savefig(id_prefix * "-tau_u.pdf")
    117 PyPlot.clf()