
sea ice experiments using Granular.jl
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ridging_simulation.jl (14405B)

      1 #/usr/bin/env julia
      2 ENV["MPLBACKEND"] = "Agg"
      3 import Granular
      4 import PyPlot
      5 import ArgParse
      6 import DelimitedFiles
      7 using Random
      9 let
     10 render = false
     12 function parse_command_line()
     13     s = ArgParse.ArgParseSettings()
     14     ArgParse.@add_arg_table s begin
     15         "--E"
     16             help = "Young's modulus [Pa]"
     17             arg_type = Float64
     18             default = 2e7
     19         "--nu"
     20             help = "Poisson's ratio [-]"
     21             arg_type = Float64
     22             default = 0.285
     23         "--mu_d"
     24             help = "dynamic friction coefficient [-]"
     25             arg_type = Float64
     26             default = 0.3
     27         "--tensile_strength"
     28             help = "the maximum tensile strength [Pa]"
     29             arg_type = Float64
     30             default = 400e3
     31         "--tensile_strength_std_dev"
     32             help = "standard deviation of the maximum tensile strength [Pa]"
     33             arg_type = Float64
     34             default = 0.0
     35         "--shear_strength"
     36             help = "the maximum shear strength [Pa]"
     37             arg_type = Float64
     38             default = 200e3
     39         "--r"
     40             help = "grain radius [m]"
     41             arg_type = Float64
     42             default = 0.01
     43         "--size_scaling"
     44             help = "scale factor for r,nx1,nx2,ny1,ny2 [-]"
     45             arg_type = Float64
     46             default = 1.0
     47         "--heal_rate"
     48             help = "healing rate for new bonds [Pa/s]"
     49             arg_type = Float64
     50             default = 1.0
     51         "--thickness"
     52             help = "grain thickness [m]"
     53             arg_type = Float64
     54             default = 1.
     55         "--rotating"
     56             help = "allow the grains to rotate"
     57             arg_type = Bool
     58             default = true
     59         "--compressive_velocity"
     60             help = "compressive velocity [m/s]"
     61             arg_type = Float64
     62             default = 0.1
     63         "--ny1"
     64             help = "thickness in number of grains for left ice floe"
     65             arg_type = Int
     66             default = 10
     67         "--ny2"
     68             help = "thickness in number of grains for right ice floe"
     69             arg_type = Int
     70             default = 11
     71         "--nx1"
     72             help = "width in number of grains for left ice floe"
     73             arg_type = Int
     74             default = 100
     75         "--nx2"
     76             help = "width in number of grains for right ice floe"
     77             arg_type = Int
     78             default = 100
     79         "--seed"
     80             help = "seed for the pseudo RNG"
     81             arg_type = Int
     82             default = 1
     83         "--one_floe"
     84             help = "generate a single floe instead of two separate ones"
     85             arg_type = Bool
     86             default = false
     87         "--many_floes"
     88             help = "generate many floes instead of two separate ones"
     89             arg_type = Bool
     90             default = false
     91         "id"
     92             help = "simulation id"
     93             required = true
     94     end
     95     return ArgParse.parse_args(s)
     96 end
     98 function report_args(parsed_args)
     99     println("Parsed args:")
    100     for (arg,val) in parsed_args
    101         println("  $arg  =>  $val")
    102     end
    103 end
    105 function run_simulation(id::String,
    106                         E::Float64,
    107                         nu::Float64,
    108                         mu_d::Float64,
    109                         tensile_strength::Float64,
    110                         tensile_strength_std_dev::Float64,
    111                         shear_strength::Float64,
    112                         r::Float64,
    113                         size_scaling::Float64,
    114                         heal_rate::Float64,
    115                         thickness::Float64,
    116                         rotating::Bool,
    117                         compressive_velocity::Float64,
    118                         ny1::Int,
    119                         ny2::Int,
    120                         nx1::Int,
    121                         nx2::Int,
    122                         seed::Int,
    123                         one_floe::Bool=false,
    124                         many_floes::Bool=false)
    126     ############################################################################
    128     ############################################################################
    130     # Common simulation identifier
    131     id_prefix = id
    133     # Grain mechanical properties
    134     youngs_modulus = E              # Elastic modulus [Pa]
    135     poissons_ratio = nu             # Shear-stiffness ratio [-]
    136     contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d # Coulomb-frictional coefficient [-]
    138     # Simulation duration [s]
    139     t_total  = (nx1 + nx2)/2*r*2/compressive_velocity
    141     # Temporal interval between output files
    142     file_dt = t_total/200
    144     # Misc parameters
    145     water_density = 1000.
    146     g = 9.8
    147     #g = 0.0
    148     y_water_surface = 0.0
    150     r = r/size_scaling
    151     nx1 = Int(round(nx1*size_scaling))
    152     nx2 = Int(round(nx2*size_scaling))
    153     ny1 = Int(round(ny1*size_scaling))
    154     ny2 = Int(round(ny2*size_scaling))
    156     Random.seed!(seed)
    158     ############################################################################
    159     #### Create ice floes
    160     ############################################################################
    161     sim = Granular.createSimulation("$(id_prefix)")
    162     Granular.removeSimulationFiles(sim)
    164     if one_floe
    165         ny2 = ny1
    166         Granular.regularPacking!(sim, [nx1+nx2, ny1], r, r, padding_factor=0.,
    167                                  tiling="triangular",
    168                                  origo=[0.0, -0.66*ny1*r*2]
    169                                 )
    170         # Add linear gradient in compressive velocity
    171         max_x = (nx1+nx2)*r*2
    172         for grain in sim.grains
    173             grain.lin_vel[1] = (1.0 - grain.lin_pos[1]/max_x) * compressive_velocity
    174         end
    176     elseif many_floes
    178         N_floes = 6
    179         x = 0.0
    180         for i=1:N_floes
    182             t_total = nx1*N_floes*r/compressive_velocity
    184             nx = nx1 + Int(round(nx1*0.5*rand()))
    185             ny = ny1 + Int(round(ny1*0.5*rand()))
    187             # Left ice floe
    188             Granular.regularPacking!(sim, [nx, ny], r, r, padding_factor=0.,
    189                                      tiling="triangular",
    190                                      origo=[x, -0.66*ny1*r*2]
    191                                     )
    193             if i == 1  # impose velocity onty first ice floe
    194                 for grain in sim.grains
    195                     grain.lin_vel[1] = compressive_velocity
    196                 end
    197             end
    199             x += nx * 2.0*r + 4.0*r
    200         end
    202     else   # two ice floes
    203         # Left ice floe
    204         Granular.regularPacking!(sim, [nx1, ny1], r, r, padding_factor=0.,
    205                                  tiling="triangular",
    206                                  origo=[0.0, -0.66*ny1*r*2]
    207                                 )
    208         for grain in sim.grains
    209             grain.lin_vel[1] = compressive_velocity
    210         end
    212         # Right ice floe
    213         Granular.regularPacking!(sim, [nx2, ny2], r, r, padding_factor=0.,
    214                                  tiling="triangular",
    215                                  origo=[nx1*2*r + 10*r*size_scaling,
    216                                         -0.66*ny2*r*2]
    217                                 )
    218     end
    220     for grain in sim.grains
    221         grain.contact_radius *= 1.0 + 1e-6
    222         grain.areal_radius *= 1.0 + 1e-6
    223     end
    225     if many_floes
    226         Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.ocean, padding=r*100, verbose=true)
    228     else
    229         # Create a grid for contact searching spanning the extent of the grains
    230         sim.ocean = Granular.createRegularOceanGrid([(nx1+nx2) - 10,
    231                                                      max(ny1,ny2)*10 - 2, 1],
    232                                                     [(nx1+nx2)*r*2 + 11*r,
    233                                                      max(ny1,ny2)*2*r*10,
    234                                                      2*r],
    235                                                     origo=[0., -max(ny1,ny2)*2*r*8*0.75])
    236     end
    238     # Make the top and bottom boundaries impermeable, and the side boundaries
    239     # periodic, which will come in handy during shear
    240     Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(sim.ocean, "impermeable")
    242     # Set grain mechanical properties
    243     for grain in sim.grains
    244         grain.youngs_modulus = youngs_modulus
    245         grain.poissons_ratio = poissons_ratio
    246         grain.tensile_strength = abs(tensile_strength + randn()*tensile_strength_std_dev)
    247         grain.shear_strength = abs(shear_strength + randn()*tensile_strength_std_dev)
    248         grain.contact_static_friction = contact_dynamic_friction  # mu_s = mu_d
    249         grain.contact_dynamic_friction = contact_dynamic_friction
    250         grain.rotating = rotating
    251         grain.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = 0.0 # don't include drag on ends
    252     end
    254     Granular.setTimeStep!(sim)
    255     Granular.setTotalTime!(sim, t_total)
    256     Granular.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, file_dt)
    257     if render
    258         Granular.plotGrains(sim, verbose=true)
    259     end
    261     grainArrays = Granular.convertGrainDataToArrays(sim)
    262     x_max = maximum(grainArrays.lin_pos[1,:])
    264     # fix velocities of outermost parts of the ice floes
    265     if many_floes
    266         fix_dist = nx1*r*2
    267     else
    268         fix_dist = r*10
    269     end
    271     for grain in sim.grains
    272         if grain.lin_pos[1] < fix_dist
    273             grain.fixed = true
    274             grain.allow_y_acc = true
    276         elseif grain.lin_pos[1] > x_max - fix_dist
    277             grain.fixed = true
    278             grain.allow_y_acc = true
    279         end
    280     end
    282     ############################################################################
    283     #### RUN THE SIMULATION
    284     ############################################################################
    285     theta = 0.0; submerged_volume = 0.0
    286     time = Float64[]
    287     N = Float64[]  # normal stress on leftmost fixed particles
    288     τ = Float64[]  # shear stress on leftmost fixed particles
    289     A = sim.grains[1].thickness * ny1*r*2
    290     while sim.time < sim.time_total
    292         append!(time, sim.time)
    294         # Record cumulative force on leftmost fixed particles
    295         normal_force = 0.0
    296         tangential_force = 0.0
    297         for grain in sim.grains
    298             if grain.fixed && grain.lin_pos[1] < 0.7*x_max
    299                 normal_force += grain.force[1]
    300                 tangential_force += grain.force[2]
    301             end
    302         end
    303         append!(N, -normal_force/A) # compressive = positive
    304         append!(τ, tangential_force/A)
    306         # Run for 100 time steps before measuring bulk forces
    307         for i=1:100
    309             if sim.time_iteration < 3
    310                 # Age (and strengthen) all existing bonds
    311                 for grain in sim.grains
    312                     for ic=1:length(grain.contact_age)
    313                         grain.contact_age[ic] = 1e16
    314                     end
    315                 end
    316             elseif sim.time_iteration == 3
    317                 # weaken any new bonding
    318                 for grain in sim.grains
    319                     grain.strength_heal_rate = heal_rate # new bond stengthening
    320                 end
    321             end
    323             # Adjust body forces, assuming water surface at y=0
    324             for grain in sim.grains
    326                 # Gravitational force
    327                 Granular.setBodyForce!(grain, [0.0, -grain.mass*g])
    330                 if grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.areal_radius < y_water_surface
    331                     # Add buoyant force, fully submerged
    332                     Granular.addBodyForce!(grain, [0.0,
    333                                                    water_density*grain.volume*g])
    334                     # set ocean drag coefficient
    335                     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.85
    338                 elseif grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.areal_radius < y_water_surface
    339                     # Add buoyant force, partially submerged
    341                     theta = 2*acos(abs(grain.lin_pos[2])/grain.areal_radius)
    342                     if grain.lin_pos[2] < y_water_surface
    343                         submerged_volume = grain.volume - 
    344                             (grain.areal_radius^2/2*
    345                              (theta - sin(theta))*grain.thickness)
    346                     else
    347                         theta = 2*acos(abs(grain.lin_pos[2])/grain.areal_radius)
    348                         submerged_volume = grain.areal_radius^2/2*
    349                              (theta - sin(theta))*grain.thickness
    350                     end
    352                     Granular.addBodyForce!(grain,
    353                                            [0.0, water_density*submerged_volume*g])
    354                     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.85
    355                 else
    356                     # above water
    357                     grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.0
    358                 end
    359                 grain.color = Int(round(grain.external_body_force[2]*1000))
    360             end
    361   !(sim, single_step=true)
    362         end
    364     end
    366     # Plot normal stress and shear stress vs time
    367     DelimitedFiles.writedlm(id_prefix * "-data.txt", [time, N, τ])
    368     PyPlot.subplot(211)
    369     PyPlot.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.0)
    370     ax1 = PyPlot.gca()
    371     PyPlot.setp(ax1[:get_xticklabels](),visible=false) # Disable x labels
    372     PyPlot.plot(time, N/1e3)
    373     PyPlot.ylabel("Compressive stress [kPa]")
    374     PyPlot.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
    375     PyPlot.plot(time, τ/1e3)
    376     PyPlot.xlabel("Time [s]")
    377     PyPlot.ylabel("Shear stress [kPa]")
    378     PyPlot.tight_layout()
    379     PyPlot.savefig( * "-time_vs_stress.pdf")
    380     PyPlot.clf()
    382     # Create GSD plot to signify that simulation is complete
    383     #Granular.writeSimulation(sim)
    384     #if render
    385     #    Granular.plotGrainSizeDistribution(sim)
    386     #end
    387 end
    389 function main()
    390     parsed_args = parse_command_line()
    391     report_args(parsed_args)
    393     seed = parsed_args["seed"]
    394     run_simulation(parsed_args["id"] * "-seed" * string(seed),
    395                    parsed_args["E"],
    396                    parsed_args["nu"],
    397                    parsed_args["mu_d"],
    398                    parsed_args["tensile_strength"],
    399                    parsed_args["tensile_strength_std_dev"],
    400                    parsed_args["shear_strength"],
    401                    parsed_args["r"],
    402                    parsed_args["size_scaling"],
    403                    parsed_args["heal_rate"],
    404                    parsed_args["thickness"],
    405                    parsed_args["rotating"],
    406                    parsed_args["compressive_velocity"],
    407                    parsed_args["ny1"],
    408                    parsed_args["ny2"],
    409                    parsed_args["nx1"],
    410                    parsed_args["nx2"],
    411                    seed,
    412                    parsed_args["one_floe"],
    413                    parsed_args["many_floes"])
    414 end
    416 main()
    417 end