
sea ice experiments using Granular.jl
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thickness_distribution.jl (2026B)

      1 import PyPlot
      2 import ArgParse
      3 import DelimitedFiles
      4 import LsqFit
      6 let
      8 function parse_command_line()
      9 	s = ArgParse.ArgParseSettings()
     10 	ArgParse.@add_arg_table s begin
     11 		"--n"
     12 			help = "Number of bins"
     13 			arg_type = Int
     14 			default = 10
     15 		"tsvfile"
     16 			help = "input file to read"
     17 			required = true
     18 	end
     19 	return ArgParse.parse_args(s)
     20 end
     22 function plot_thickness_distribution(file, n)
     23 	data = DelimitedFiles.readdlm(file, '\t')
     24 	d = convert(Array{Float64, 1}, data[2:end, 1])
     25 	x = convert(Array{Float64, 1}, data[2:end, 2])
     26 	y = convert(Array{Float64, 1}, data[2:end, 3])
     27 	N = length(d)
     29 	x_min = minimum(x)
     30 	x_max = maximum(x)
     31 	supersampling = 10
     32 	dx = (x_max - x_min) / (n * supersampling)
     33 	thickness = zeros(n * supersampling)
     35 	for ix=1:(n * supersampling)
     36 		x0 = x_min + (ix - 1) * dx
     37 		x1 = x0 + dx
     38 		xu = -Inf
     39 		xd = +Inf
     40 		for i=1:N
     41 			if (x[i] >= x0 && x[i] < x1)
     42 				if (xd > y[i] - d[i])
     43 					xd = y[i] - d[i]
     44 				end
     45 				if (xu < y[i] + d[i])
     46 					xu = y[i] + d[i]
     47 				end
     48 			end
     49 		end
     50 		if (xu != -Inf && xd != Inf)
     51 			thickness[ix] = xu - xd
     52 		end
     53 	end
     55 	h = LinRange(0.0, maximum(thickness)*1.2, n + 1)
     56 	h_counts = zeros(n)
     57 	for i=1:n
     58 		for j=1:(n * supersampling)
     59 			if (h[i + 1] > thickness[j] && h[i] <= thickness[j])
     60 				h_counts[i] += 1
     61 			end
     62 		end
     63 	end
     64 	println(h)
     65 	println(h_counts)
     66 	g_h = h_counts / sum(h_counts)
     67 	println(g_h)
     68 	h_midpoints = (h[2:end] - h[1:end-1])*0.5 + h[1:end-1]
     70 	model(t, p) = p[1] * exp.(-t/p[2])
     71 	p0 = [0.5, 0.5]
     72 	fit = LsqFit.curve_fit(model, h_midpoints, g_h, p0)
     74 	h_range = LinRange(0.0, maximum(h), 100)
     75 	PyPlot.plot(h_midpoints, g_h, marker="o", linestyle="")
     76 	PyPlot.plot(h_range, model(h_range, fit.param), linestyle="-")
     77 	PyPlot.xlabel("Thickness \$h\$ [m]")
     78 	PyPlot.ylabel("Thickness distribution \$g(h)\$ [m\$^{-1}\$]")
     79 	PyPlot.tight_layout()
     80 	PyPlot.savefig(file * "-itd.pdf")
     81 	PyPlot.clf()
     82 end
     84 function main()
     85 	parsed_args = parse_command_line()
     86 	plot_thickness_distribution(parsed_args["tsvfile"],
     87 	                            parsed_args["n"])
     88 end
     90 main()
     91 end