commit 096493f9edeeac3865b46f0f99699401ac4a3622
parent 03f252d361bad9d81b06ea1643a28f95835bb337
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 22:15:47 -0500
add zeroKinematics function
2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grain.jl b/src/grain.jl
@@ -568,6 +568,8 @@ end
export totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy
+ totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy(simulation)
Returns the sum of translational kinetic energies of all grains in a
@@ -587,6 +589,8 @@ end
export totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy
+ totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy(simulation)
Returns the sum of rotational kinetic energies of all grains in a simulation
function totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy(simulation::Simulation)
@@ -761,3 +765,65 @@ function plotGrainSizeDistribution(simulation::Simulation;
+export enableOceanDrag!
+ enableOceanDrag!(grain)
+Enable ocean-caused drag on the grain, with values by Hunke and Comeau (2011).
+function enableOceanDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
+ grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.85
+ grain.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = 5e-4
+export enableAtmosphereDrag!
+ enableAtmosphereDrag!(grain)
+Enable atmosphere-caused drag on the grain, with values by Hunke and Comeau
+function enableAtmosphereDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
+ grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert = 0.4
+ grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz = 2.5e-4
+export disableOceanDrag!
+ disableOceanDrag!(grain)
+Disable ocean-caused drag on the grain.
+function disableOceanDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
+ grain.ocean_drag_coeff_vert = 0.
+ grain.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz = 0.
+export disableAtmosphereDrag!
+ disableAtmosphereDrag!(grain)
+Disable atmosphere-caused drag on the grain.
+function disableAtmosphereDrag!(grain::GrainCylindrical)
+ grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert = 0.
+ grain.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz = 0.
+export zeroKinematics!
+ zeroKinematics!(simulation)
+Set all grain forces, torques, accelerations, and velocities (linear and
+rotational) to zero in order to get rid of all kinetic energy.
+function zeroKinematics!(sim::Simulation)
+ for grian in sim.grains
+ grain.lin_vel .= zeros(2)
+ grain.lin_acc .= zeros(2)
+ grain.force .= zeros(2)
+ grain.ang_vel .= zeros(2)
+ grain.ang_acc .= zeros(2)
+ grain.torque .= zeros(2)
+ end
diff --git a/test/grain.jl b/test/grain.jl
@@ -52,3 +52,14 @@ Granular.setBodyForce!(sim.grains[1], [1., 2.])
Test.@test sim.grains[1].external_body_force ≈ [1., 2.]
Granular.addBodyForce!(sim.grains[1], [1., 2.])
Test.@test sim.grains[1].external_body_force ≈ [2., 4.]
+info("Testing zeroKinematics!")
+sim.grains[1].force .= ones(2)
+sim.grains[1].lin_acc .= ones(2)
+sim.grains[1].lin_vel .= ones(2)
+sim.grains[1].torque .= ones(2)
+sim.grains[1].ang_acc .= ones(2)
+sim.grains[1].ang_vel .= ones(2)
+Test.@test Grain.totalGrainKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim) ≈ 0.
+Test.@test Grain.totalGrainKineticRotationalEnergy(sim) ≈ 0.