commit 0ca0e4abf901666fd3795f8b126be72e52645352
parent 026453ac365e0acd332634c91088f60639517aec
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 14:57:50 -0500
Put contact check into dedicated and reusable function
1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/contact_search.jl b/src/contact_search.jl
@@ -145,6 +145,61 @@ function findContactsInGrid!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any)
+export checkForContacts
+ checkForContacts(grid, position, radius)
+Perform an O(n*log(n)) cell-based contact search between a candidate grain with
+position `position` and `radius`, against all grains registered in the `grid`.
+Returns `true` if no contacts were found, and `false` if contacts were found.
+# Arguments
+* `grid::Any`: `Ocean` or `Atmosphere` grid containing sorted particles.
+* `position::Vector{Float64}`: Candidate center position to probe for contacts
+ with existing grains [m].
+* `radius::Float64`: Candidate radius [m].
+function checkForContacts(grid::Any, x_candidate::Vector{Float64},
+ r_candidate::Float64)
+ sw = zeros(2); se = zeros(2); ne = zeros(2); nw = zeros(2)
+ distance_modifier = zeros(2)
+ no_overlaps_found = true
+ # Inter-grain position vector and grain overlap
+ ix, iy = findCellContainingPoint(grid, x_candidate, sw, se, ne, nw)
+ # Check for overlap with existing grains
+ for ix_=(ix - 1):(ix + 1)
+ for iy_=(iy - 1):(iy + 1)
+ # correct indexes if necessary
+ ix_corrected, iy_corrected =
+ periodicBoundaryCorrection!(grid, ix_, iy_, distance_modifier)
+ # skip iteration if target still falls outside grid after
+ # periodicity correction
+ if ix_corrected < 1 || ix_corrected > nx ||
+ iy_corrected < 1 || iy_corrected > ny
+ continue
+ end
+ @inbounds for idx in grid.grain_list[ix_corrected, iy_corrected]
+ if norm(simulation.grains[idx].lin_pos - x_candidate +
+ distance_modifier) -
+ (simulation.grains[idx].contact_radius +
+ r_candidate) < 0.
+ no_overlaps_found = false
+ break # overlap: skip this candidate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return no_overlaps_found
periodicBoundaryCorrection!(grid::Any, i::Integer, j::Integer,
i_corrected::Integer, j_corrected::Integer,