commit 1d309104fabb6e82eeb413f8e04d5d2551ba89d0
parent a31406ece5e6cc44de7bbf15cdc4f45b19094039
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 15:06:13 -0400
add comparison functions for all custom data types
7 files changed, 253 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/atmosphere.jl b/src/atmosphere.jl
@@ -207,3 +207,30 @@ function applyAtmosphereVorticityToIceFloe!(ice_floe::IceFloeCylindrical,
abs(.5*atmosphere_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)*
(.5*atmosphere_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)
+export compareAtmospheres
+ compareAtmospheres(atmosphere1::atmosphere, atmosphere2::atmosphere)
+Compare values of two `atmosphere` objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
+function compareAtmospheres(atmosphere1::Atmosphere, atmosphere2::Atmosphere)
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.input_file == atmosphere2.input_file
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.time ≈ atmosphere2.time
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.xq ≈ atmosphere2.xq
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.yq ≈ atmosphere2.yq
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.xh ≈ atmosphere2.xh
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.yh ≈ atmosphere2.yh
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.zl ≈ atmosphere2.zl
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.u ≈ atmosphere2.u
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.v ≈ atmosphere2.v
+ if isdefined(atmosphere1.ice_floe_list, 1)
+ Base.Test.@test atmosphere1.ice_floe_list == atmosphere2.ice_floe_list
+ end
diff --git a/src/icefloe.jl b/src/icefloe.jl
@@ -416,3 +416,74 @@ function totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(simulation::Simulation)
return E_sum
+export compareIceFloes
+ compareIceFloes(if1::IceFloeCylindrical, if2::IceFloeCylindrical)
+Compare values of two ice floe objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
+function compareIceFloes(if1::IceFloeCylindrical, if2::IceFloeCylindrical)
+ Base.Test.@test if1.density ≈ if2.density
+ Base.Test.@test if1.thickness ≈ if2.thickness
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_radius ≈
+ if2.contact_radius
+ Base.Test.@test if1.areal_radius ≈ if2.areal_radius
+ Base.Test.@test if1.circumreference ≈
+ if2.circumreference
+ Base.Test.@test if1.horizontal_surface_area ≈ if2.horizontal_surface_area
+ Base.Test.@test if1.side_surface_area ≈ if2.side_surface_area
+ Base.Test.@test if1.volume ≈ if2.volume
+ Base.Test.@test if1.mass ≈ if2.mass
+ Base.Test.@test if1.moment_of_inertia ≈ if2.moment_of_inertia
+ Base.Test.@test if1.lin_pos ≈ if2.lin_pos
+ Base.Test.@test if1.lin_vel ≈ if2.lin_vel
+ Base.Test.@test if1.lin_acc ≈ if2.lin_acc
+ Base.Test.@test if1.force ≈ if2.force
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ang_pos ≈ if2.ang_pos
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ang_vel ≈ if2.ang_vel
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ang_acc ≈ if2.ang_acc
+ Base.Test.@test if1.torque ≈ if2.torque
+ Base.Test.@test if1.fixed == if2.fixed
+ Base.Test.@test if1.rotating == if2.rotating
+ Base.Test.@test if1.enabled == if2.enabled
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_stiffness_normal ≈ if2.contact_stiffness_normal
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_stiffness_tangential ≈
+ if2.contact_stiffness_tangential
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_viscosity_normal ≈ if2.contact_viscosity_normal
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_viscosity_tangential ≈
+ if2.contact_viscosity_tangential
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_static_friction ≈ if2.contact_static_friction
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_dynamic_friction ≈ if2.contact_dynamic_friction
+ Base.Test.@test if1.youngs_modulus ≈ if2.youngs_modulus
+ Base.Test.@test if1.poissons_ratio ≈ if2.poissons_ratio
+ Base.Test.@test if1.tensile_strength ≈ if2.tensile_strength
+ Base.Test.@test if1.tensile_heal_rate ≈ if2.tensile_heal_rate
+ Base.Test.@test if1.compressive_strength_prefactor ≈
+ if2.compressive_strength_prefactor
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ocean_drag_coeff_vert ≈ if2.ocean_drag_coeff_vert
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz ≈ if2.ocean_drag_coeff_horiz
+ Base.Test.@test if1.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert ≈
+ if2.atmosphere_drag_coeff_vert
+ Base.Test.@test if1.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz ≈
+ if2.atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz
+ Base.Test.@test if1.pressure ≈ if2.pressure
+ Base.Test.@test if1.n_contacts == if2.n_contacts
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ocean_grid_pos == if2.ocean_grid_pos
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contacts == if2.contacts
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_parallel_displacement ==
+ if2.contact_parallel_displacement
+ Base.Test.@test if1.contact_age ≈ if2.contact_age
+ Base.Test.@test if1.granular_stress ≈ if2.granular_stress
+ Base.Test.@test if1.ocean_stress ≈ if2.ocean_stress
+ Base.Test.@test if1.atmosphere_stress ≈ if2.atmosphere_stress
diff --git a/src/io.jl b/src/io.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,45 @@
import WriteVTK
import NetCDF
+import JLD
## IO functions
+ writeSimulation(simulation::Simulation;
+ filename::String="",
+ folder::String=".",
+ verbose::Bool=true)
+Write all content from `Simulation` to disk in HDF5 format. If the `filename`
+parameter is not specified, it will be saved to a subdirectory under the current
+directory named after the simulation identifier ``.
+function writeSimulation(simulation::Simulation;
+ filename::String="",
+ folder::String=".",
+ verbose::Bool=true)
+ if filename == ""
+ folder = folder * "/" *
+ mkpath(folder)
+ filename = string(folder, "/",, ".",
+ simulation.file_number, ".jld")
+ end
+, "simulation", simulation)
+ if verbose
+ info("simulation written to $filename")
+ end
+function readSimulation(filename::String="";
+ verbose::Bool=true)
+ if verbose
+ info("reading simulation from $filename")
+ end
+ return JLD.load(filename, "simulation")
export writeVTK
Write a VTK file to disk containing all ice floes in the `simulation` in an
diff --git a/src/ocean.jl b/src/ocean.jl
@@ -323,3 +323,33 @@ function applyOceanVorticityToIceFloe!(ice_floe::IceFloeCylindrical,
abs(.5*ocean_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)*(.5*ocean_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)
+export compareOceans
+ compareOceans(ocean1::Ocean, ocean2::Ocean)
+Compare values of two `Ocean` objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
+function compareOceans(ocean1::Ocean, ocean2::Ocean)
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.input_file == ocean2.input_file
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.time ≈ ocean2.time
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.xq ≈ ocean2.xq
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.yq ≈ ocean2.yq
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.xh ≈ ocean2.xh
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.yh ≈ ocean2.yh
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.zl ≈ ocean2.zl
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.zi ≈ ocean2.zi
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.u ≈ ocean2.u
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.v ≈ ocean2.v
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.h ≈ ocean2.h
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.e ≈ ocean2.e
+ if isdefined(ocean1.ice_floe_list, 1)
+ Base.Test.@test ocean1.ice_floe_list == ocean2.ice_floe_list
+ end
diff --git a/src/simulation.jl b/src/simulation.jl
@@ -196,3 +196,29 @@ function reportSimulationTimeToStdout(simulation::Simulation)
print("\r t = ", simulation.time, '/', simulation.time_total,
" s ")
+export compareSimulations
+ compareSimulations(sim1::Simulation, sim2::Simulation)
+Compare values of two `Simulation` objects using the `Base.Test` framework.
+function compareSimulations(sim1::Simulation, sim2::Simulation)
+ Base.Test.@test ==
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.time_iteration == sim2.time_iteration
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.time ≈ sim2.time
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.time_total ≈ sim2.time_total
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.time_step ≈ sim2.time_step
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.file_time_step ≈ sim2.file_time_step
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.file_number == sim2.file_number
+ Base.Test.@test sim1.file_time_since_output_file ≈
+ sim2.file_time_since_output_file
+ for i=1:length(sim1.ice_floes)
+ compareIceFloes(sim1.ice_floes[i], sim2.ice_floes[i])
+ end
+ compareOceans(sim1.ocean, sim2.ocean)
+ compareAtmospheres(sim1.atmosphere, sim2.atmosphere)
diff --git a/test/jdl.jl b/test/jdl.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env julia
+info("#### $(basename(@__FILE__)) ####")
+info("Writing simple simulation to JDL file")
+sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="test")
+SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [ 0., 0.], 10., 1., verbose=false)
+SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [18., 0.], 10., 1., verbose=false)
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([10, 20, 5], [10., 25., 2.])
+SeaIce.findContacts!(sim, method="all to all")
+SeaIce.writeVTK(sim, verbose=false)
+sim2 = SeaIce.readSimulation("./test/test.1.jld")
+SeaIce.compareSimulations(sim, sim2)
+cmd_post = ""
+if Base.is_linux()
+ cmd = "sha256sum"
+elseif Base.is_apple()
+ cmd = ["shasum", "-a", "256"]
+elseif Base.is_windows()
+ info("checksum verification not yet implemented on Windows")
+ exit()
+ cmd = ["powershell", "-Command", "\"Get-FileHash", "-Algorithm", "SHA256"]
+ cmd_post = "\""
+ error("checksum verification of VTK file not supported on this platform")
+icefloepath = "test/test.icefloes.1.vtu"
+icefloechecksum =
+"c75ffde29fbdd80161dafd524e690fbcbae2136d4f68c29f725d2d2454c6a162 " *
+icefloepath * "\n"
+oceanpath = "test/test.ocean.1.vts"
+oceanchecksum =
+"d56ffb109841a803f2b2b94c74c87f7a497237204841d557d2b1043694d51f0d " *
+oceanpath * "\n"
+@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(icefloepath)$(cmd_post)`) == icefloechecksum
+@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(oceanpath)$(cmd_post)`) == oceanchecksum
+info("Testing VTK write during run!()")
+SeaIce.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, 1e-9)
+SeaIce.setTotalTime!(sim, 1.5)
+sim.file_number = 0!(sim, single_step=true)
+@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(icefloepath)$(cmd_post)`) == icefloechecksum
+@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(oceanpath)$(cmd_post)`) == oceanchecksum
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include("collision-2floes-oblique.jl")