commit 4ed62a69d63596911dba86daa7272127ba54ab2d
parent 3d343ba1df2df9b297c8066fd88da57fc8dbe314
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2017 13:13:45 -0400
Merge branch 'master' of
3 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Status script which traverses the subdirectories of the current folder for
+# simulations. You may want to add this to your shell's PATH variable.
+set -e
+cmd='julia --color=yes -e "import SeaIce; SeaIce.status()"'
+if [[ "$1" == "loop" ]]; then
+ while true; do
+ date
+ eval $cmd
+ sleep 10
+ done
+ eval $cmd
diff --git a/src/io.jl b/src/io.jl
@@ -112,6 +112,78 @@ function readSimulationStatus(simulation_id::String;
return data[3]
+export status
+Shows the status of all simulations with output files written under the
+specified `folder`, which is the current working directory by default.
+function status(folder::String=".", colored_output::Bool=true,
+ write_header::Bool=true)
+ status_files = String[]
+ if colored_output
+ id_color_complete = :green
+ id_color_in_progress = :yellow
+ time_color = :white
+ percentage_color = :blue
+ lastfile_color = :cyan
+ else
+ id_color_complete = :default
+ id_color_in_progress = :default
+ time_color = :default
+ percentage_color = :default
+ lastfile_color = :default
+ end
+ for (root, dirs, files) in walkdir(folder, follow_symlinks=false)
+ for file in files
+ if contains(file, ".status.txt")
+ push!(status_files, joinpath(root, file))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if length(status_files) > 0
+ if write_header
+ println("--------------------------------------" *
+ "--------------------------------------")
+ print_with_color(:default, "simulation folder \t")
+ print_with_color(time_color, " time \t")
+ print_with_color(percentage_color, " completed ")
+ print_with_color(lastfile_color, "last file \n")
+ println("--------------------------------------" *
+ "--------------------------------------")
+ end
+ for file in status_files
+ data = readdlm(file)
+ id = replace(file, ".status.txt", "")
+ id = replace(id, "./", "")
+ id = replace(id, r".*/", "")
+ time_s = @sprintf "%6.2fs" data[1]
+ time_h = @sprintf "%5.1fh" data[1]/(60.*60.)
+ percentage = @sprintf "%3.0f%%" data[2]
+ lastfile = @sprintf "%5d" data[3]
+ if data[2] < 99.
+ print_with_color(id_color_in_progress, "$id \t")
+ else
+ print_with_color(id_color_complete, "$id \t")
+ end
+ print_with_color(time_color, "$time_s ($time_h) \t")
+ print_with_color(percentage_color, "$percentage \t")
+ print_with_color(lastfile_color, "$lastfile \n")
+ end
+ if write_header
+ println("--------------------------------------" *
+ "--------------------------------------")
+ end
+ else
+ warn("no simulations found in $(pwd())/$folder")
+ end
export writeVTK
Write a VTK file to disk containing all ice floes in the `simulation` in an
diff --git a/test/vtk.jl b/test/vtk.jl
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@!(sim, single_step=true)
SeaIce.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, 0.1)!(sim)
@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(icefloepath)$(cmd_post)`) == icefloechecksum
@test readstring(`$(cmd) $(icefloeinteractionpath)$(cmd_post)`) ==