commit 6942faf25139645b324b47eea7b671e7dde7aba6
parent b9871a74c1289f2d04517636331f75e4432bc580
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 13:43:03 -0500
add method to scale grid according to granular assemblage
6 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/atmosphere.jl b/src/atmosphere.jl
@@ -110,12 +110,14 @@ function createRegularAtmosphereGrid(n::Vector{Int},
time::Array{Float64, 1} = zeros(1),
name::String = "unnamed")
- xq = repmat(linspace(origo[1], L[1], n[1] + 1), 1, n[2] + 1)
- yq = repmat(linspace(origo[2], L[2], n[2] + 1)', n[1] + 1, 1)
+ xq = repmat(linspace(origo[1], origo[1] + L[1], n[1] + 1), 1, n[2] + 1)
+ yq = repmat(linspace(origo[2], origo[2] + L[2], n[2] + 1)', n[1] + 1, 1)
dx = L./n
- xh = repmat(linspace(origo[1] + .5*dx[1], L[1] - .5*dx[1], n[1]), 1, n[2])
- yh = repmat(linspace(origo[2] + .5*dx[2], L[2] - .5*dx[2], n[2])', n[1], 1)
+ xh = repmat(linspace(origo[1] + .5*dx[1], origo[1] + L[1] - .5*dx[1],
+ n[1]), 1, n[2])
+ yh = repmat(linspace(origo[2] + .5*dx[2], origo[1] + L[2] - .5*dx[2],
+ n[2])', n[1], 1)
zl = -linspace(.5*dx[3], L[3] - .5*dx[3], n[3])
diff --git a/src/grain.jl b/src/grain.jl
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ are optional, and come with default values. The only required arguments are
* `atmosphere_drag_coeff_horiz::Float64 = 2.5e-4`: horizontal drag coefficient
for atmosphere against grain bottom [-].
* `pressure::Float64 = 0.`: current compressive stress on grain [Pa].
-* `fixed::Bool = false`: grain is fixed in space.
+* `fixed::Bool = false`: grain is fixed to a constant velocity (e.g. zero).
* `rotating::Bool = true`: grain is allowed to rotate.
* `enabled::Bool = true`: grain interacts with other grains.
* `verbose::Bool = true`: display diagnostic information during the function
diff --git a/src/grid.jl b/src/grid.jl
@@ -792,3 +792,84 @@ function moveGrainsAcrossPeriodicBoundaries!(sim::Simulation)
+export fitGridToGrains!
+ fitGridToGrains!(simulation, grid[, padding])
+Fit the ocean or atmosphere grid for a simulation to the current grains and
+their positions.
+function fitGridToGrains!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any;
+ padding::Float64 = 0., verbose::Bool = true)
+ if typeof(grid) != Ocean && typeof(grid) != Atmosphere
+ error("grid must be of Ocean or Atmosphere type")
+ end
+ min_x = Inf
+ min_y = Inf
+ max_x = -Inf
+ max_y = -Inf
+ max_radius = 0.
+ if length(simulation.grains) < 1
+ error("Grains need to be initialized before calling fitGridToGrains")
+ end
+ for grain in simulation.grains
+ if grain.lin_pos[1] - grain.contact_radius < min_x
+ min_x = grain.lin_pos[1] - grain.contact_radius
+ end
+ if grain.lin_pos[1] + grain.contact_radius > max_x
+ max_x = grain.lin_pos[1] + grain.contact_radius
+ end
+ if grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius < min_y
+ min_y = grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius
+ end
+ if grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius > max_y
+ max_y = grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius
+ end
+ if grain.contact_radius > max_radius
+ max_radius = grain.contact_radius
+ end
+ end
+ min_x -= padding
+ min_y -= padding
+ max_x += padding
+ max_y += padding
+ const L::Vector{Float64} = [max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y]
+ const dx::Float64 = 2.*max_radius
+ const n = convert(Vector{Int}, floor.(L./dx))
+ if 1 in n
+ error("Grid is too small compared to grain size (n = $n). " *
+ "Use all-to-all contact search instead.")
+ end
+ if typeof(grid) == Ocean
+ simulation.ocean = createRegularOceanGrid(vcat(n, 1), vcat(L, 1.),
+ origo=[min_x, min_y],
+ time=[0.], name="fitted")
+ elseif typeof(grid) == Atmosphere
+ simulation.atmosphere = createRegularAtmosphereGrid(vcat(n, 1),
+ vcat(L, 1.),
+ origo=[min_x,
+ min_y],
+ time=[0.],
+ name="fitted")
+ end
+ if verbose
+ info("Created regular $(typeof(grid)) grid from " *
+ "[$min_x, $min_y] to [$max_x, $max_y] " *
+ "with a cell size of $dx ($n).")
+ end
+ nothing
diff --git a/src/ocean.jl b/src/ocean.jl
@@ -220,12 +220,14 @@ function createRegularOceanGrid(n::Array{Int, 1},
time::Vector{Float64} = zeros(1),
name::String = "unnamed")
- xq = repmat(linspace(origo[1], L[1], n[1] + 1), 1, n[2] + 1)
- yq = repmat(linspace(origo[2], L[2], n[2] + 1)', n[1] + 1, 1)
+ xq = repmat(linspace(origo[1], origo[1] + L[1], n[1] + 1), 1, n[2] + 1)
+ yq = repmat(linspace(origo[2], origo[2] + L[2], n[2] + 1)', n[1] + 1, 1)
dx = L./n
- xh = repmat(linspace(origo[1] + .5*dx[1], L[1] - .5*dx[1], n[1]), 1, n[2])
- yh = repmat(linspace(origo[2] + .5*dx[2], L[2] - .5*dx[2], n[2])', n[1], 1)
+ xh = repmat(linspace(origo[1] + .5*dx[1], origo[1] + L[1] - .5*dx[1],
+ n[1]), 1, n[2])
+ yh = repmat(linspace(origo[2] + .5*dx[2], origo[2] + L[2] - .5*dx[2],
+ n[2])', n[1], 1)
zl = -linspace(.5*dx[3], L[3] - .5*dx[3], n[3])
zi = -linspace(0., L[3], n[3] + 1)
diff --git a/src/packing.jl b/src/packing.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
## Functions for creating grain packings
+export regularPacking!
+function regularPacking!(simulation::Simulation,
+ )
Return random point in spherical annulus between `(r_i + r_j)` and `2.*(r_i +
r_j)` around `x_i`. Note: there is slightly higher point density towards (r_i +
diff --git a/test/grid.jl b/test/grid.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# Check the grid interpolation and sorting functions
-verbose = true
+verbose = false
info("#### $(basename(@__FILE__)) ####")
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.6, 2.5], .1, 1., verbose=verbose)
Granular.sortGrainsInGrid!(sim, sim.ocean, verbose=verbose)
Granular.setTotalTime!(sim, 1.0)!(sim, single_step=true, verbose=verbose)!(sim, single_step=true, verbose=false)
Test.@test sim.atmosphere.collocated_with_ocean_grid == true
Test.@test sim.grains[1].ocean_grid_pos == [1, 1]
Test.@test sim.grains[2].ocean_grid_pos == [1, 1]
@@ -339,8 +339,63 @@ Test.@test sim.atmosphere.grain_list[1, 1] == [1, 2]
Test.@test sim.atmosphere.grain_list[2, 2] == []
Test.@test sim.atmosphere.grain_list[3, 3] == [3]
-info("Testing ocean drag")
+info("Testing automatic grid-size adjustment")
+# ocean grid
sim = Granular.createSimulation()
-sim.ocean.u[:,:,1,1] = 5.
-Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.5, 3.5], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
-Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.6, 2.5], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
+Test.@test_throws ErrorException Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.ocean)
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.0, 1.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.5, 5.5], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.ocean, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[1,1] ≈ -.5
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[1,1] ≈ 1.0
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.5
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[end,end] ≈ 6.5
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.5, 1.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.5, 4.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.ocean, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[1,1] ≈ 0.
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[1,1] ≈ 1.
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[end,end] ≈ 5.
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.5, 0.0], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.0, 4.0], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.ocean, padding=.5, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[1,1] ≈ -.5
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[1,1] ≈ -1.
+Test.@test sim.ocean.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.5
+Test.@test sim.ocean.yq[end,end] ≈ 5.5
+# atmosphere grid
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Test.@test_throws ErrorException Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.atmosphere)
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.0, 1.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.5, 5.5], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.atmosphere, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[1,1] ≈ -.5
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[1,1] ≈ 1.0
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.5
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[end,end] ≈ 6.5
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.5, 1.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.5, 4.5], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.atmosphere, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[1,1] ≈ 0.
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[1,1] ≈ 1.
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[end,end] ≈ 5.
+sim = Granular.createSimulation()
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [0.5, 0.0], .5, 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [2.0, 4.0], 1., 1., verbose=verbose)
+Granular.fitGridToGrains!(sim, sim.atmosphere, padding=.5, verbose=true)
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[1,1] ≈ -.5
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[1,1] ≈ -1.
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.xq[end,end] ≈ 3.5
+Test.@test sim.atmosphere.yq[end,end] ≈ 5.5