commit 69b0d873e6ec27b9d3e9b95219640f742283445c
parent 452355e25ad6bd307882d6a60c0e2f1febfc5cb0
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 13:29:44 -0400
decrease memory allocation in grid function calls
M | src/grid.jl | | | 70 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------- |
1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grid.jl b/src/grid.jl
@@ -25,41 +25,37 @@ south-west (-x, -y)-facing corner.
#error("relative coordinates outside bounds ($(x_tilde), $(y_tilde))")
- x_tilde_inv = 1. - x_tilde
@views interp_val .=
- (field_x[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j+1]*x_tilde_inv)*y_tilde +
- (field_x[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j]*x_tilde_inv)*(1. - y_tilde),
- (field_y[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j+1]*x_tilde_inv)*y_tilde +
- (field_y[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j]*x_tilde_inv)*(1. - y_tilde)
+ (field_x[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j+1]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde +
+ (field_x[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_x[i, j]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde),
+ (field_y[i+1, j+1]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j+1]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde +
+ (field_y[i+1, j]*x_tilde + field_y[i, j]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde)
-@inline function bilinearInterpolation!(interp_val::Vector{Float64},
- field_x::Array{Float64, 4},
- field_y::Array{Float64, 4},
- x_tilde::Float64,
- y_tilde::Float64,
- i::Int,
- j::Int,
- k::Int,
- it::Int)
+@inbounds @inline function bilinearInterpolation!(interp_val::Vector{Float64},
+ field_x::Array{Float64, 4},
+ field_y::Array{Float64, 4},
+ x_tilde::Float64,
+ y_tilde::Float64,
+ i::Int,
+ j::Int,
+ k::Int,
+ it::Int)
#if x_tilde < 0. || x_tilde > 1. || y_tilde < 0. || y_tilde > 1.
#error("relative coordinates outside bounds ($(x_tilde), $(y_tilde))")
- x_tilde_inv = 1. - x_tilde
@views interp_val .=
(field_x[i+1, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde +
- field_x[i, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde_inv)*y_tilde +
+ field_x[i, j+1, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde +
(field_x[i+1, j, k, it]*x_tilde +
- field_x[i, j, k, it]*x_tilde_inv)*(1. - y_tilde),
+ field_x[i, j, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde),
(field_y[i+1, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde +
- field_y[i, j+1, k, it]*x_tilde_inv)*y_tilde +
+ field_y[i, j+1, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*y_tilde +
(field_y[i+1, j, k, it]*x_tilde +
- field_y[i, j, k, it]*x_tilde_inv)*(1. - y_tilde)
+ field_y[i, j, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde)
@@ -194,7 +190,8 @@ function sortIceFloesInGrid!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any; verbose=true)
if !found
i, j = findCellContainingPoint(grid,
- lin_pos)
+ lin_pos,
+ sw, se, ne, nw)
# remove ice floe if it is outside of the grid
@@ -209,9 +206,9 @@ function sortIceFloesInGrid!(simulation::Simulation, grid::Any; verbose=true)
# add cell to ice floe
if typeof(grid) == Ocean
- @inbounds simulation.ice_floes[idx].ocean_grid_pos = [i, j]
+ @inbounds simulation.ice_floes[idx].ocean_grid_pos .= i, j
elseif typeof(grid) == Atmosphere
- @inbounds simulation.ice_floes[idx].atmosphere_grid_pos = [i, j]
+ @inbounds simulation.ice_floes[idx].atmosphere_grid_pos .= i, j
error("grid type not understood.")
@@ -239,14 +236,12 @@ found the function returns `(0,0)`.
* `method::String`: approach to use for determining if point is inside cell or
not, can be "Conformal" (default) or "Areal".
-function findCellContainingPoint(grid::Any, point::Vector{Float64};
+function findCellContainingPoint(grid::Any, point::Vector{Float64},
+ sw = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ se = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ ne = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ nw = Vector{Float64}(2);
- sw = Vector{Float64}(2)
- se = Vector{Float64}(2)
- ne = Vector{Float64}(2)
- nw = Vector{Float64}(2)
for i=1:size(grid.xh, 1)
for j=1:size(grid.yh, 2)
if isPointInCell(grid, i, j, point,
@@ -282,14 +277,13 @@ conformal mapping approach (`method = "Conformal"`). The area-based approach is
more robust. This function returns `true` or `false`.
function isPointInCell(grid::Any, i::Int, j::Int,
- point::Vector{Float64},
- sw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
- se::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
- ne::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
- nw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2);
- method::String="Conformal")
+ point::Vector{Float64},
+ sw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ se::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ ne::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2),
+ nw::Vector{Float64} = Vector{Float64}(2);
+ method::String="Conformal")
- #sw, se, ne, nw = getCellCornerCoordinates(grid.xq, grid.yq, i, j)
@views sw .= grid.xq[ i, j], grid.yq[ i, j]
@views se .= grid.xq[ i+1, j], grid.yq[ i+1, j]
@views ne .= grid.xq[ i+1, j+1], grid.yq[ i+1, j+1]