commit abeaa9bfc5a527df9a1bb1fbf63aa580a0139971
parent 30af4dcf37a6204bd9d127ffce9a0763a5d9d1b0
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 11:57:42 -0400
add functions for grid area and cell content
3 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grid.jl b/src/grid.jl
@@ -40,24 +40,82 @@ function sortIceFloesInOceanGrid!(simulation::Simulation, verbose=true)
for idx in 1:length(simulation.ice_floes)
- for i in 1:size(simulation.ocean.xh)[1]
- for j in 1:size(simulation.ocean.xh)[2]
+ if cellContainsIceFloe(simulation.ocean, i, j,
+ simulation.ice_floes[idx])
- if cellContainsIceFloe(simulation.ocean, i, j,
- simulation.ice_floes[idx])
+ # add cell to ice floe
+ simulation.ice_floes[idx].ocean_grid_pos = [i, j]
- # add cell to ice floe
- simulation.ice_floes[idx].ocean_grid_pos = [i, j]
- # add ice floe to cell
- push!(simulation.ice_floe_list[i, j], idx)
- end
- end
+ # add ice floe to cell
+ push!(simulation.ice_floe_list[i, j], idx)
-function cellContainsIceFloe(ocean::Ocean, i::Int, j::Int,
- icefloe::IceFloeCylindrical)
+Returns the `i`, `j` index of the ocean grid cell containing the `point`.
+function findCellContainingPoint(ocean::Ocean, i::Int, j::Int,
+ point::Array{float, 2})
+ return i, j
+Check if a 2d point is contained inside a cell from the ocean grid. Returns
+function isPointInCell(ocean::Ocean, i::Int, j::Int, point::Array{float, 1})
+ sw, nw, se, ne = getCellCornerCoordinates(ocean, i, j)
+ if areaOfQuadrilateral(sw, nw, se, ne) ≈
+ areaOfTriangle(point, sw, se) +
+ areaOfTriangle(point, se, ne) +
+ areaOfTriangle(point, ne, nw) +
+ areaOfTriangle(point, nw, sw)
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+Returns ocean-grid corner coordinates in the following order (south-west corner,
+north-west corner, south-east corner, north-east corner).
+function getCellCornerCoordinates(ocean::Ocean, i::Int, j::Int)
+ sw = [ocean.xq[i-1, j-1], ocean.yq[i-1, j-1]]
+ nw = [ocean.xq[i-1, j], ocean.yq[i-1, j]]
+ se = [ocean.xq[ i, j-1], ocean.yq[ i, j-1]]
+ ne = [ocean.xq[ i, j], ocean.yq[ i, j]]
+ return sw, nw, se, ne
+"Returns the area of an triangle with corner coordinates `a`, `b`, and `c`."
+function areaOfTriangle(a::Array{float, 1},
+ b::Array{float, 1},
+ c::Array{float, 1})
+ return abs(
+ (a[1]*(b[2] - c[2]) +
+ b[1]*(c[2] - a[2]) +
+ c[1]*(a[2] - b[2]))/2.
+ )
+Returns the area of a quadrilateral with corner coordinates `a`, `b`, `c`, and
+`d`. Corners `a` and `c` should be opposite of each other, the same must be
+true for `b` and `d`. This is true if the four corners are passed as arguments
+in a "clockwise" or "counter-clockwise" manner.
+function areaOfQuadrilateral(a::Array{float, 1},
+ b::Array{float, 1},
+ c::Array{float, 1},
+ d::Array{float, 1})
+ return areaOfTriangle(a, b, c) + areaOfTriangle(c, d, a)
diff --git a/test/grid.jl b/test/grid.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env julia
+# Check the contact search and geometry of a two-particle interaction
+info("#### $(basename(@__FILE__)) ####")
+ocean = SeaIce.readOceanNetCDF("Baltic/",
+ "Baltic/")
+@test SeaIce.areaOfTriangle([0., 0.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.]) ≈ .5
+@test SeaIce.areaOfTriangle([1., 0.], [0., 1.], [0., 0.]) ≈ .5
+@test SeaIce.areaOfQuadrilateral([1., 0.], [0., 1.], [0., 0.], [1., 1.]) ≈ 1.
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.5, 53.5]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.1, 53.5]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.0, 53.5]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.1, 53.7]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.1, 53.9]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [6.1, 53.99999]) == true
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [7.5, 53.5]) == false
+@test SeaIce.isPointInCell(ocean, 2, 2, [0.0, 53.5]) == false
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ include("contact-search-and-geometry.jl")