commit b346a38af7d1ceed4ca36d6b2253b34200ddd183
parent 1066430542dfb0b2ec929f5c712adc581e3d0c46
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 10:47:08 -0400
Allow for grid BC specification via coordinate system axes
2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grid.jl b/src/grid.jl
@@ -698,7 +698,8 @@ Grains can interact mechanically across the periodic boundary.
* `grid::Any`: `Ocean` or `Atmosphere` grid to apply the boundary condition to.
* `grid_face::String`: Grid face to apply the boundary condition to. Valid
values are any combination and sequence of `"west"` (-x), `"south"` (-y),
- `"east"` (+x), `"north"` (+y). The values may be delimited in any way.
+ `"east"` (+x), `"north"` (+y), or simply any combination of `"-x"`, `"+x"`,
+ `"-y"`, and `"+y"`. The specifiers may be delimited in any way.
Also, and by default, all boundaries can be selected with `"all"` (-x, -y,
+x, +y), which overrides any other face selection.
* `mode::String`: Boundary behavior, accepted values are `"inactive"`,
@@ -718,6 +719,11 @@ be periodic:
setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "south north")
setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "west east")
+or specify the conditions from the coordinate system axes:
+ setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "-y +y")
+ setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "-x +x")
function setGridBoundaryConditions!(grid::Any,
@@ -734,22 +740,22 @@ function setGridBoundaryConditions!(grid::Any,
error("Mode '$mode' not recognized as a valid boundary condition type")
- if Compat.occursin("west", grid_face)
+ if Compat.occursin("west", grid_face) || Compat.occursin("-x", grid_face)
grid.bc_west = grid_bc_flags[mode]
something_changed = true
- if Compat.occursin("south", grid_face)
+ if Compat.occursin("south", grid_face) || Compat.occursin("-y", grid_face)
grid.bc_south = grid_bc_flags[mode]
something_changed = true
- if Compat.occursin("east", grid_face)
+ if Compat.occursin("east", grid_face) || Compat.occursin("+x", grid_face)
grid.bc_east = grid_bc_flags[mode]
something_changed = true
- if Compat.occursin("north", grid_face)
+ if Compat.occursin("north", grid_face) || Compat.occursin("+y", grid_face)
grid.bc_north = grid_bc_flags[mode]
something_changed = true
@@ -764,7 +770,7 @@ function setGridBoundaryConditions!(grid::Any,
if !something_changed
error("grid_face string '$grid_face' not understood, " *
- "must be east, west, north, and/or south.")
+ "must be east, west, north, south, -x, +x, -y, and/or +y.")
if verbose
diff --git a/test/grid-boundaries.jl b/test/grid-boundaries.jl
@@ -44,6 +44,57 @@ if !Compat.Sys.iswindows()
@test ocean.bc_north == 1
@test ocean.bc_south == 2
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "all", verbose=false)
+ (out_r, out_w) = redirect_stdout()
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "-y, -x",
+ verbose=true)
+ close(out_w)
+ redirect_stdout(originalSTDOUT)
+ output = String(readavailable(out_r))
+ @test output == """West (-x): periodic\t(2)
+ East (+x): inactive\t(1)
+ South (-y): periodic\t(2)
+ North (+y): inactive\t(1)
+ """
+ @test ocean.bc_west == 2
+ @test ocean.bc_east == 1
+ @test ocean.bc_north == 1
+ @test ocean.bc_south == 2
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "all", verbose=false)
+ (out_r, out_w) = redirect_stdout()
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "north, east",
+ verbose=true)
+ close(out_w)
+ redirect_stdout(originalSTDOUT)
+ output = String(readavailable(out_r))
+ @test output == """West (-x): inactive\t(1)
+ East (+x): periodic\t(2)
+ South (-y): inactive\t(1)
+ North (+y): periodic\t(2)
+ """
+ @test ocean.bc_west == 1
+ @test ocean.bc_east == 2
+ @test ocean.bc_north == 2
+ @test ocean.bc_south == 1
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "all", verbose=false)
+ (out_r, out_w) = redirect_stdout()
+ Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "periodic", "+y, +x",
+ verbose=true)
+ close(out_w)
+ redirect_stdout(originalSTDOUT)
+ output = String(readavailable(out_r))
+ @test output == """West (-x): inactive\t(1)
+ East (+x): periodic\t(2)
+ South (-y): inactive\t(1)
+ North (+y): periodic\t(2)
+ """
+ @test ocean.bc_west == 1
+ @test ocean.bc_east == 2
+ @test ocean.bc_north == 2
+ @test ocean.bc_south == 1
(out_r, out_w) = redirect_stdout()
Granular.setGridBoundaryConditions!(ocean, "inactive", "all", verbose=false)