commit ccd9921a7fd354df82bcfcfb115844cc26278beb
parent a9d41bf6abc198818ed79d3ff76f9be05bd9a80b
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2017 14:58:58 -0500
fix various errors during test and wall initialization
5 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/src/man/ b/docs/src/man/
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ The relevant functions are all contained in the `Granular` module, which can be
imported with `import Granular`. *Note:* As per Julia conventions, functions
that contain an exclamation mark (!) modify the values of the arguments.
-Any of the functions called below are documented in the source code, and their
+All of the functions called below are documented in the source code, and their
documentation can be found in the [Public API Index](@ref main-index) in the
online documentation, or simply from the Julia shell by typing `?<function
name>`. An example:
julia> ?Granular.createSimulation
- createSimulation([id::String="unnamed"])
+ createSimulation([id])
Create a simulation object to contain all relevant variables such as temporal
parameters, fluid grids, grains, and contacts. The parameter id is used to
diff --git a/src/simulation.jl b/src/simulation.jl
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
export createSimulation
- createSimulation([id::String="unnamed"])
+ createSimulation([id])
Create a simulation object to contain all relevant variables such as temporal
parameters, fluid grids, grains, and contacts. The parameter `id` is used to
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Add an `wall` to the `simulation` object. If `verbose` is true, a short
confirmation message will be printed to stdout.
function addWall!(simulation::Simulation,
- grain::WallLinearFrictionless,
+ wall::WallLinearFrictionless,
verbose::Bool = false)
push!(simulation.walls, wall)
diff --git a/src/wall.jl b/src/wall.jl
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function addWallLinearFrictionless!(simulation::Simulation,
# if not set, set wall mass to equal the mass of all grains.
if isnan(mass)
- if length(simulation.grains < 1)
+ if length(simulation.grains) < 1
error("If wall mass is not specified, walls should be added " *
"after grains have been added to the simulation.")
@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ function addWallLinearFrictionless!(simulation::Simulation,
# if not set, set wall thickness to equal largest grain thickness
if isnan(thickness)
- if length(simulation.grains < 1)
+ if length(simulation.grains) < 1
error("If wall thickness is not specified, walls should be added " *
"after grains have been added to the simulation.")
thickness = -Inf
for grain in simulation.grains
- if grain.thickess > thickness
+ if grain.thickness > thickness
thickness = grain.thickness
@@ -128,3 +128,58 @@ function addWallLinearFrictionless!(simulation::Simulation,
+export getWallSurfaceArea
+ getWallSurfaceArea(simulation, wall_index)
+Returns the surface area of the wall given the grid size and its index.
+# Arguments
+* `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object containing the wall.
+* `wall_index::Integer=1`: the wall number in the simulation object.
+function getWallSurfaceArea(sim::Simulation, wall_index::Integer)
+ if sim.walls[wall_index].normal ≈ [1., 0.]
+ return (sim.ocean.yq[end,end] - sim.ocean.yq[1,1]) *
+ sim.walls[wall_index].thickness
+ elseif sim.walls[wall_index].normal ≈ [0., 1.]
+ return (sim.ocean.xq[end,end] - sim.ocean.xq[1,1]) *
+ sim.walls[wall_index].thickness
+ else
+ error("Wall normal not understood")
+ end
+ nothing
+export getWallNormalStress
+ getWallNormalStress(simulation[, wall_index, stress_type])
+Returns the current "effective" or "defined" normal stress on the wall with
+index `wall_index` inside the `simulation` object. The returned value is given
+in Pascal.
+# Arguments
+* `simulation::Simulation`: the simulation object containing the wall.
+* `wall_index::Integer=1`: the wall number in the simulation object.
+* `stress_type::String="effective"`: the normal-stress type to return. The
+ defined value corresponds to the normal stress that the wall is asked to
+ uphold. The effective value is the actual current normal stress. Usually,
+ the magnitude of the effective normal stress fluctuates around the defined
+ normal stress.
+function getWallNormalStress(sim::Simulation;
+ wall_index::Integer=1,
+ stress_type::String="effective")
+ if stress_type == "defined"
+ return sim.walls[wall_index].normal_stress
+ elseif stress_type == "effective"
+ return sim.walls[wall_index].force / getWallSurfaceArea(sim, wall_index,
+ sim.ocean)
+ else
+ error("stress_type not understood, should be 'effective' or 'defined'" *
+ " but is '$stress_type'.")
+ end
diff --git a/test/memory-management.jl b/test/memory-management.jl
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ info("#### $(basename(@__FILE__)) ####")
info("Testing memory footprint of Granular types")
sim = Granular.createSimulation()
-empty_sim_size = 96
-empty_sim_size_recursive = 544
+empty_sim_size = 104
+empty_sim_size_recursive = 552
@test sizeof(sim) == empty_sim_size
@test Base.summarysize(sim) == empty_sim_size_recursive
diff --git a/test/wall.jl b/test/wall.jl
@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [ 0., 0.], 10., 2., verbose=false)
sim.grains[1].mass = 1.0
Granular.addWallLinearFrictionless!(sim, [1., 0.], 1., verbose=true)
@test length(sim.walls) == 1
-@test sim.walls.mass ≈ 1.0
-@test sim.walls.mass ≈ 2.0
+@test sim.walls[1].mass ≈ 1.0
+@test sim.walls[1].thickness ≈ 2.0
+info("Test wall surface area and defined normal stress")
+sim = Granular.createSimulation(id="test")
+sim.ocean = Granular.createRegularOceanGrid([1, 1, 1], [10., 20., 1.0])
+Granular.addGrainCylindrical!(sim, [ 0., 0.], 10., 2., verbose=false)
+sim.grains[1].mass = 1.0
+Granular.addWallLinearFrictionless!(sim, [1., 0.], 1., verbose=true)
+Granular.addWallLinearFrictionless!(sim, [0., 1.], 1., verbose=true)
+@test length(sim.walls) == 2
+@test sim.walls[1].mass ≈ 1.0
+@test sim.walls[1].thickness ≈ 2.0
+@test sim.walls[2].mass ≈ 1.0
+@test sim.walls[2].thickness ≈ 2.0
+@test Granular.getWallSurfaceArea(sim, 1) ≈ 20.0*2.0
+@test Granular.getWallSurfaceArea(sim, 2) ≈ 10.0*2.0