commit e6423e746bc3d5ee39a065427f18b4be7a8021b3
parent 6682dda64ebfab3793c6d916f258f5925892df6f
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 16:45:39 -0400
add angular drag from ocean vorticity
4 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/grid.jl b/src/grid.jl
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ south-west (-x, -y)-facing corner.
# Arguments
* `field::Array{Float64, 4}`: a scalar field to interpolate from
-* `p::float`: point position
+* `x_tilde::float`: x point position [0;1]
+* `y_tilde::float`: y point position [0;1]
* `i::Int`: i-index of cell containing point
* `j::Int`: j-index of scalar field to interpolate from
* `it::Int`: time step from scalar field to interpolate from
@@ -30,6 +31,42 @@ function bilinearInterpolation(field::Array{Float64, 4},
field[i, j, k, it]*(1. - x_tilde))*(1. - y_tilde)
+ curl(ocean, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, it)
+Use bilinear interpolation to interpolate curl value for a staggered velocity
+grid to an arbitrary position in a cell. Assumes south-west convention, i.e.
+(i,j) is located at the south-west (-x, -y)-facing corner.
+# Arguments
+* `ocean::Ocean`: grid for which to determine curl
+* `x_tilde::float`: x point position [0;1]
+* `y_tilde::float`: y point position [0;1]
+* `i::Int`: i-index of cell containing point
+* `j::Int`: j-index of scalar field to interpolate from
+* `it::Int`: time step from scalar field to interpolate from
+function curl(ocean::Ocean,
+ x_tilde::Float64,
+ y_tilde::Float64,
+ i::Int,
+ j::Int,
+ k::Int,
+ it::Int)
+ sw, se, ne, nw = getCellCornerCoordinates(ocean, i, j)
+ sw_se = norm(sw - se)
+ se_ne = norm(se - ne)
+ nw_ne = norm(nw - ne)
+ sw_nw = norm(sw - nw)
+ return (
+ ((ocean.v[i+1, j , k,it] - ocean.v[i , j , k,it])/sw_se*(1. - y_tilde) +
+ ((ocean.v[i+1, j+1, k,it] - ocean.v[i , j+1, k,it])/nw_ne)*y_tilde) -
+ ((ocean.u[i , j+1, k,it] - ocean.u[i , j , k,it])/sw_nw*(1. - x_tilde) +
+ ((ocean.u[i+1, j+1, k,it] - ocean.u[i+1, j , k,it])/se_ne)*x_tilde))
export sortIceFloesInOceanGrid!
Find ice-floe positions in ocean grid, based on their center positions.
diff --git a/src/ocean.jl b/src/ocean.jl
@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ end
export addOceanDrag!
-Add Stokes-type drag from velocity difference between ocean and all ice floes.
+Add drag from linear and angular velocity difference between ocean and all ice
function addOceanDrag!(simulation::Simulation)
if typeof(simulation.ocean.input_file) == Bool
@@ -276,8 +277,10 @@ function addOceanDrag!(simulation::Simulation)
u_local = bilinearInterpolation(u, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, 1)
v_local = bilinearInterpolation(v, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, 1)
+ vel_curl = curl(simulation.ocean, x_tilde, y_tilde, i, j, k, 1)
applyOceanDragToIceFloe!(ice_floe, u_local, v_local)
+ applyOceanVorticityToIceFloe!(ice_floe, vel_curl)
@@ -297,6 +300,26 @@ function applyOceanDragToIceFloe!(ice_floe::IceFloeCylindrical,
width = ice_floe.areal_radius*2.
ice_floe.force +=
- rho_o * (.5*c_o_v*width*draft*freeboard + c_o_h*length*width) *
+ rho_o * (.5*c_o_v*width*draft + c_o_h*length*width) *
([u, v] - ice_floe.lin_vel)*norm([u, v] - ice_floe.lin_vel)
+export applyOceanVorticityToIceFloe!
+Add Stokes-type torque from angular velocity difference between ocean and a
+single ice floe. See Eq. 9.28 in "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics" by Nakayama
+and Boucher, 1999.
+function applyOceanVorticityToIceFloe!(ice_floe::IceFloeCylindrical,
+ ocean_curl::float)
+ freeboard = .1*ice_floe.thickness # height above water
+ rho_o = 1000. # ocean density
+ draft = ice_floe.thickness - freeboard # height of submerged thickness
+ c_o_v = .85 # ocean drag coefficient, vertical, Hunke and Comeau 2011
+ c_o_h = 5e-4 # ocean drag coefficient, horizontal
+ ice_floe.torque +=
+ pi*ice_floe.areal_radius^4.*rho_o*
+ (ice_floe.areal_radius/5.*c_o_h + draft*c_o_h)*
+ abs(.5*ocean_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)*(.5*ocean_curl - ice_floe.ang_vel)
diff --git a/test/grid.jl b/test/grid.jl
@@ -137,3 +137,18 @@ SeaIce.addOceanDrag!(sim)
@test sim.ice_floes[1].force[2] > 0.
@test sim.ice_floes[2].force[1] < 0.
@test sim.ice_floes[2].force[2] > 0.
+info("Testing curl function")
+ocean.u[1, 1, 1, 1] = 1.0
+ocean.u[2, 1, 1, 1] = 1.0
+ocean.u[2, 2, 1, 1] = 0.0
+ocean.u[1, 2, 1, 1] = 0.0
+ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = 0.0
+@test SeaIce.curl(ocean, .5, .5, 1, 1, 1, 1) > 0.
+ocean.u[1, 1, 1, 1] = 0.0
+ocean.u[2, 1, 1, 1] = 0.0
+ocean.u[2, 2, 1, 1] = 1.0
+ocean.u[1, 2, 1, 1] = 1.0
+ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = 0.0
+@test SeaIce.curl(ocean, .5, .5, 1, 1, 1, 1) < 0.
diff --git a/test/ocean.jl b/test/ocean.jl
@@ -6,22 +6,126 @@
info("#### $(basename(@__FILE__)) ####")
info("Testing regular grid generation")
-ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([6, 6, 6], [1., 1., 1.])
-@test size(ocean.xq) == (7, 7)
-@test size(ocean.yq) == (7, 7)
-@test size(ocean.xh) == (6, 6)
-@test size(ocean.yh) == (6, 6)
-@test ocean.xq[1, :, 1] ≈ zeros(7)
-@test ocean.xq[4, :, 1] ≈ .5*ones(7)
-@test ocean.xq[end, :, 1] ≈ 1.*ones(7)
-@test ocean.yq[:, 1, 1] ≈ zeros(7)
-@test ocean.yq[:, 4, 1] ≈ .5*ones(7)
-@test ocean.yq[:, end, 1] ≈ 1.*ones(7)
-@test size(ocean.u) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test size(ocean.v) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test size(ocean.h) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test size(ocean.e) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test ocean.u ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test ocean.v ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test ocean.h ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
-@test ocean.e ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
+sim = SeaIce.createSimulation()
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([6, 6, 6], [1., 1., 1.])
+@test size(sim.ocean.xq) == (7, 7)
+@test size(sim.ocean.yq) == (7, 7)
+@test size(sim.ocean.xh) == (6, 6)
+@test size(sim.ocean.yh) == (6, 6)
+@test sim.ocean.xq[1, :, 1] ≈ zeros(7)
+@test sim.ocean.xq[4, :, 1] ≈ .5*ones(7)
+@test sim.ocean.xq[end, :, 1] ≈ 1.*ones(7)
+@test sim.ocean.yq[:, 1, 1] ≈ zeros(7)
+@test sim.ocean.yq[:, 4, 1] ≈ .5*ones(7)
+@test sim.ocean.yq[:, end, 1] ≈ 1.*ones(7)
+@test size(sim.ocean.u) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test size(sim.ocean.v) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test size(sim.ocean.h) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test size(sim.ocean.e) == (7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test sim.ocean.u ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test sim.ocean.v ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test sim.ocean.h ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
+@test sim.ocean.e ≈ zeros(7, 7, 6, 1)
+info("Testing velocity drag interaction (static ocean)")
+SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [.5, .5], .25, .1)
+SeaIce.setTotalTime!(sim, 5.)
+sim_init = deepcopy(sim)
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_vel[1] = 0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test E_kin_rot_init ≈ E_kin_rot_final # no rotation before or after
+@test E_kin_lin_init > E_kin_lin_final # linear velocity lost due to ocean drag
+info("Testing velocity drag interaction (static ice floe)")
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = 0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test E_kin_rot_init ≈ E_kin_rot_final # no rotation before or after
+@test E_kin_lin_init < E_kin_lin_final # linear vel. gained due to ocean drag
+info("Testing vortex interaction between (static ocean)")
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel = 0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test E_kin_rot_init > E_kin_rot_final # energy lost to ocean
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel > 0. # check angular velocity orientation
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_pos > 0. # check angular position orientation
+@test E_kin_lin_init ≈ E_kin_lin_final # no linear velocity gained
+info("Testing vortex interaction between (static ice floe)")
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([1, 1, 1], [1., 1., 1.])
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[1] = 0.5
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[2] = 0.5
+sim.ocean.v[1, :, 1, 1] = -0.1
+sim.ocean.v[2, :, 1, 1] = 0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel > 0. # check angular velocity orientation
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_pos > 0. # check angular position orientation
+@test E_kin_rot_init < E_kin_rot_final # rotation after due to ocean vortex
+@test E_kin_lin_init ≈ E_kin_lin_final # no linear velocity gained
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([1, 1, 1], [1., 1., 1.])
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[1] = 0.5
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[2] = 0.5
+sim.ocean.v[1, :, 1, 1] = 0.1
+sim.ocean.v[2, :, 1, 1] = -0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel < 0. # check angular velocity orientation
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_pos < 0. # check angular position orientation
+@test E_kin_rot_init < E_kin_rot_final # rotation after due to ocean vortex
+@test E_kin_lin_init ≈ E_kin_lin_final # no linear velocity gained
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([1, 1, 1], [1., 1., 1.])
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[1] = 0.5
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[2] = 0.5
+sim.ocean.u[:, 1, 1, 1] = -0.1
+sim.ocean.u[:, 2, 1, 1] = 0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel < 0. # check angular velocity orientation
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_pos < 0. # check angular position orientation
+@test E_kin_rot_init < E_kin_rot_final # rotation after due to ocean vortex
+@test E_kin_lin_init ≈ E_kin_lin_final # no linear velocity gained
+sim = deepcopy(sim_init)
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([1, 1, 1], [1., 1., 1.])
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[1] = 0.5
+sim.ice_floes[1].lin_pos[2] = 0.5
+sim.ocean.u[:, 1, 1, 1] = 0.1
+sim.ocean.u[:, 2, 1, 1] = -0.1
+E_kin_lin_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_init = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)!(sim, verbose=false)
+E_kin_lin_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticTranslationalEnergy(sim)
+E_kin_rot_final = SeaIce.totalIceFloeKineticRotationalEnergy(sim)
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_vel > 0. # check angular velocity orientation
+@test sim.ice_floes[1].ang_pos > 0. # check angular position orientation
+@test E_kin_rot_init < E_kin_rot_final # rotation after due to ocean vortex
+@test E_kin_lin_init ≈ E_kin_lin_final # no linear velocity gained