commit f475f59261a0ba6bb98f62b25282008e7d540b87
parent e4878bcb6a4eac1592e99bf1281adac63bbc874c
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 14:02:29 -0400
add example where text is simulated as ice floes
2 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/logo.jl b/examples/logo.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env julia
+import SeaIce
+const verbose = true
+const text = "SeaIce.jl"
+# Font created with `figlet` and the font 'pebbles'. If figlet is not installed
+# on your system, use the string below:
+#logo_string =
+#""".oOOOo. ooOoOOo o
+#o o O O O
+#O. o o
+# `OOoo. O O
+# `O .oOo. .oOoO' o .oOo .oOo. 'o o
+# o OooO' O o O O OooO' O O
+#O. .O O o O O o O oO o o
+# `oooO' `OoO' `OoO'o ooOOoOo `OoO' `OoO' Oo O Oo
+# o
+# oO' """
+logo_string = readstring(`figlet -f pebbles "$text"`)
+const dx = 1.
+const dy = dx
+const nx = search(logo_string, '\n') - 1 + 2
+const logo_string_split = split(logo_string, '\n')
+const ny = length(logo_string_split) + 1
+const Lx = nx*dx
+const Ly = ny*dy
+x = 0.
+y = 0.
+r = 0.
+c = ' '
+h = 1.
+sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="logo")
+info("nx = $nx, ny = $ny")
+for iy=1:length(logo_string_split)
+ for ix=1:length(logo_string_split[iy])
+ c = logo_string_split[iy][ix]
+ if c == ' '
+ continue
+ elseif c == 'O'
+ x = ix*dx - .5*dx
+ y = Ly - (iy*dy - .5*dy)
+ r = .5*dx
+ elseif c == 'o'
+ x = ix*dx - .5*dx
+ y = Ly - (iy*dy - .33*dy)
+ r = .33*dx
+ elseif c == 'o'
+ x = ix*dx - .5*dx
+ y = Ly - (iy*dy - .25*dy)
+ r = .25*dx
+ elseif c == '\''
+ x = ix*dx - .75*dx
+ y = Ly - (iy*dy - .75*dy)
+ r = .25*dx
+ elseif c == '`'
+ x = ix*dx - .25*dx
+ y = Ly - (iy*dy - .75*dy)
+ r = .25*dx
+ end
+ if r > 0.
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical!(sim, [x + dx, y - dy], r, h,
+ tensile_strength=200e3,
+ youngs_modulus=2e6,
+ verbose=verbose)
+ end
+ r = -1.
+ end
+# set ocean forcing
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid([nx, ny, 1], [Lx, Ly, 1.],
+ name="logo_ocean")
+epsilon = 0.25 # amplitude of periodic oscillations
+t = 0.
+a = epsilon*sin(2.*pi*t)
+b = 1. - 2.*epsilon*sin(2.*pi*t)
+for i=1:size(sim.ocean.u, 1)
+ for j=1:size(sim.ocean.u, 2)
+ x = sim.ocean.xq[i, j]/(Lx*.5) # x in [0;2]
+ y = sim.ocean.yq[i, j]/Ly # y in [0;1]
+ f = a*x^2. + b*x
+ df_dx = 2.*a*x + b
+ sim.ocean.u[i, j, 1, 1] = -pi/10.*sin(pi*f)*cos(pi*y) * 1e1
+ sim.ocean.v[i, j, 1, 1] = pi/10.*cos(pi*f)*sin(pi*y)*df_dx * 1e1
+ end
+# Initialize confining walls, which are ice floes that are fixed in space
+r = dx/4.
+## N-S wall segments
+for y in linspace(r, Ly-r, Int(round((Ly - 2.*r)/(r*2))))
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical!(sim, [r, y], r, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical!(sim, [Lx-r, y], r, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+## E-W wall segments
+for x in linspace(3.*r, Lx-3.*r, Int(round((Lx - 6.*r)/(r*2))))
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical!(sim, [x, r], r, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical!(sim, [x, Ly-r], r, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+# Finalize setup and start simulation
+SeaIce.setTimeStep!(sim, verbose=verbose)
+SeaIce.setTotalTime!(sim, 5.)
+SeaIce.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, .1)
+SeaIce.removeSimulationFiles(sim)!(sim, verbose=verbose)
diff --git a/src/interaction.jl b/src/interaction.jl
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ function interactIceFloes!(simulation::Simulation, i::Int, j::Int, ic::Int)
1e-12), 1.)*
# break bond
if abs(force_n) >= tensile_strength*A_ij