commit f6af7728fcf842ad22da976b07d3cc67fc704240
parent 7fe6c041fbd322d068731a87e3962cc39c1d3db8
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:25:35 +0100
Expand tabs in html version
1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pages/004-screencasts.html b/pages/004-screencasts.html
@@ -20,37 +20,37 @@ and stopping recording:</p>
startrecording() {
- out="$HOME/screenrecord-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S').mkv"
- ffmpeg -y \
- -f x11grab \
- -framerate 60 \
- -s "$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2}')" \
- -i $DISPLAY \
- -f sndio -i default \
- -r 30 \
- -c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -preset ultrafast -c:a flac \
- "$out" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
- printf '%s' "$!" > "$lockfile"
- sleep 1
- if [ ! -f "$out" ]; then
- echo 'error: ffmpeg recording did not start' >&2
- notify-send -u CRITICAL "${0##*/}" 'ffmpeg recording did not start'
- rm -f "$lockfile"
- exit 1
- fi
+ out="$HOME/screenrecord-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S').mkv"
+ ffmpeg -y \
+ -f x11grab \
+ -framerate 60 \
+ -s "$(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2}')" \
+ -i $DISPLAY \
+ -f sndio -i default \
+ -r 30 \
+ -c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -preset ultrafast -c:a flac \
+ "$out" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ printf '%s' "$!" > "$lockfile"
+ sleep 1
+ if [ ! -f "$out" ]; then
+ echo 'error: ffmpeg recording did not start' >&2
+ notify-send -u CRITICAL "${0##*/}" 'ffmpeg recording did not start'
+ rm -f "$lockfile"
+ exit 1
+ fi
stoprecording() {
- kill "$(cat "$lockfile")"
- rm -f "$lockfile"
- notify-send "${0##*/}" 'recording ended'
+ kill "$(cat "$lockfile")"
+ rm -f "$lockfile"
+ notify-send "${0##*/}" 'recording ended'
if [ -f "$lockfile" ]; then
- stoprecording
+ stoprecording
- startrecording
+ startrecording
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ The following script toggles the video feed:<p>
# remember to `chown $USER /dev/video0`
if pgrep video >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- pkill video
+ pkill video
- nohup video -s 320 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ nohup video -s 320 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ concievable loss in quality:</p>
encode() {
- ffmpeg -y -i "$1" \
- -c:v libx264 -threads 0 -preset faster -pix_fmt yuv420p \
- -c:a aac -crf 10 \
- "${1%.*}_out.mp4"
+ ffmpeg -y -i "$1" \
+ -c:v libx264 -threads 0 -preset faster -pix_fmt yuv420p \
+ -c:a aac -crf 10 \
+ "${1%.*}_out.mp4"
for f in "$@"; do
- encode "$f"
+ encode "$f"
@@ -115,30 +115,30 @@ encounter when recording on my laptop:</p>
synchronize() {
- ffmpeg -y -i "$1" \
- -itsoffset 0.300 \
- -i "$1" \
- -map 0:v -map 1:a \
- -c copy \
- "${1%.*}_out.${1##*.}"
+ ffmpeg -y -i "$1" \
+ -itsoffset 0.300 \
+ -i "$1" \
+ -map 0:v -map 1:a \
+ -c copy \
+ "${1%.*}_out.${1##*.}"
for f in "$@"; do
- synchronize "$f"
+ synchronize "$f"
<figure class="pagefigure">
- <video poster="video/screencast.jpg" style="object-fit:fill;"
- controls preload="none" class="mediaframe">
- <source src="video/screencast.webm" type="video/webm">
- <source src="video/screencast.ogv" type="video/ogg">
- <source src="video/screencast.mp4" type="video/mp4">
- <a href="video/screencast.mp4">Link</a>
- </video>
- <figcaption>
- Example screen recording using ffmpeg(1) and video(1)
- with the above scripts.
- </figcaption>
+ <video poster="video/screencast.jpg" style="object-fit:fill;"
+ controls preload="none" class="mediaframe">
+ <source src="video/screencast.webm" type="video/webm">
+ <source src="video/screencast.ogv" type="video/ogg">
+ <source src="video/screencast.mp4" type="video/mp4">
+ <a href="video/screencast.mp4">Link</a>
+ </video>
+ <figcaption>
+ Example screen recording using ffmpeg(1) and video(1)
+ with the above scripts.
+ </figcaption>