commit 232b89a2cd3c1bc222bc1d550e2d1c00401deae6
parent 189480b980f81646d9d3161eb0b50c4ae44019a5
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2020 20:43:07 +0200
Add new figure 2
2 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fig-stick_slip_depth/Makefile b/fig-stick_slip_depth/Makefile
@@ -7,11 +7,30 @@ rate/sim.output00001.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_rate/sim.output00001.txt
mkdir -p rate
cp ../fig-stick_slip_rate/sim.output*.txt rate/
+rate/timeseries.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_rate/timeseries.txt
+ mkdir -p rate
+ cp ../fig-stick_slip_rate/timeseries.txt rate/
+rate/max_strainrate_depth.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_rate/max_strainrate_depth.txt
+ mkdir -p rate
+ cp ../fig-stick_slip_rate/max_strainrate_depth.txt rate/
stress/sim.output00001.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_stress/sim.output00001.txt
mkdir -p stress
- cp ../fig-stick_slip_stress/sim.output*.txt stress/
+ cp ../fig-stick_slip_stress/{sim.output*,timeseries}.txt stress/
+stress/timeseries.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_stress/timeseries.txt
+ mkdir -p stress
+ cp ../fig-stick_slip_stress/timeseries.txt stress/
+stress/max_strainrate_depth.txt: ../fig-stick_slip_stress/max_strainrate_depth.txt
+ mkdir -p stress
+ cp ../fig-stick_slip_stress/max_strainrate_depth.txt stress/
-../$(FIG).pdf: rate/sim.output00001.txt stress/sim.output00001.txt $(BIN) Makefile
+../$(FIG).pdf: \
+ rate/sim.output00001.txt rate/timeseries.txt rate/max_strainrate_depth.txt \
+ stress/sim.output00001.txt stress/timeseries.txt stress/max_strainrate_depth.txt \
+ $(BIN) Makefile
sh -c '\
out=$$($(BIN) \
-k 2.1e-15 \
diff --git a/fig-stick_slip_depth/ b/fig-stick_slip_depth/
@@ -1,25 +1,19 @@
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
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-#set terminal pdfcairo color size 13.35 cm, 4.45 cm font ",10"
-#set terminal pdfcairo color size 10.68 cm, 4.45 cm font ",10"
-#set terminal pdfcairo color size 11.87 cm, 4.45 cm font ",10"
-set terminal pdfcairo color size 17.8 cm, 4.0 cm font ",10"
-set multiplot layout 1,6 \
- margins 0.05,0.98,0.23,0.90 \
- spacing 0.02,0.02
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-set key bottom right #samplen 0.9
+set colorsequence podo
+set multiplot
-#set yrange [4.0:8.0]
set yrange [4.0:0.0]
+set ytics 1.0
-t0 = 47*inc
-tend = 71*inc
+t0 = 48*inc - 1
+tend = 72*inc - 1
filename(t) = sprintf('rate/sim.output%05d.txt', t)
@@ -27,81 +21,127 @@ set pm3d map
#set palette rgb 10,6,6
set palette
-unset colorbox
-set ylabel "{/:Normal Depth [m]}" offset 1.8
-xmin = 0.0
-xmax = 200.0
-set xrange [xmin:xmax]
-set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-set title "A" font ",11" offset -7,-0.6
-set xlabel "{/:Normal Water pressure [kPa]}"
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($4/1e3):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
+set ylabel "{/:Normal Depth [m]}" offset 0.5
-unset colorbox
-set ylabel ""
-unset ytics
+set origin 0.0, 0.50
+set size 0.33, 0.46
xmin = 0.0
xmax = 200.0
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-set title "B" font ",11" offset -7,-0.6
-set xlabel "{/:Normal Eff. normal stress [kPa]}"
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($3/1e3):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
-set title "C (speed controlled)" font ",11" offset 0,-0.6
-set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/a]}"
-set ylabel ""
-unset ytics
+#set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+set colorbox
+set cblabel "Time [d]"
+set cbrange [2:3]
+set cbtics 0.2
+set label "A" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
+set xlabel "{/:Normal Effective normal stress [kPa]}"
+plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($3/1e3):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 2 t ""
unset arrow
-xmin = -0.1
-xmax = 1.1
-set xtics 0.3
-set xrange [xmin:xmax]
-set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24*365/1000):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
+unset colorbox
-set title "D (speed controlled)" font ",11" offset 0,-0.6
-set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear strain rate [1/d]}"
-set ylabel ""
+set origin 0.33, 0.50
+set size 0.33, 0.46
+unset label
+set label "B (speed controlled)" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
+set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear strain rate [1/d]}" font ",10"
+#set ylabel ""
+#unset ytics
xmin = -2.0
-xmax = 22.0
+xmax = 50.0
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
-set xtics 5
-set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-unset ytics
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($6*60*60*24):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
+#set xtics 5
+#set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to 15,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($6*60*60*24):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 2 t ""
unset format x
+unset arrow
filename(t) = sprintf('stress/sim.output%05d.txt', t)
-set title "E (stress controlled)" font ",11" offset 0,-0.6
-set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/d]}"
-set ylabel ""
-unset ytics
-unset arrow
-xmin = -1
-xmax = 10
-set xrange [xmin:xmax]
-set xtics 2
-set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-#set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24/1000):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
-unset arrow
-set title "F (stress controlled)" font ",11" offset 0,-0.6
+set origin 0.67, 0.50
+set size 0.33, 0.46
+unset label
+set label "C (stress controlled)" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear strain rate [1/min]}"
-set ylabel ""
+#set ylabel ""
+#unset ytics
xmin = -1.0
xmax = 12.0
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
-set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+#set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
#set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
-unset ytics
-plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($6*60):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
+plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($6*60):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 2 t ""
unset format x
+set origin 0, 0
+set size 0.33, 0.46
+set key top right samplen 1.0 font ",10"
+set xrange [0:7]
+#set xtics format ""
+set yrange [0:250]
+set ylabel "{/:Normal [kPa]}" offset 0.5
+set xlabel "{/:Normal Time [d]}"
+set xtics 1
+set ytics 100
+unset label
+set label "D" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
+plot \
+"rate/timeseries.txt" u ($0/1008*7):($2/1000) w l lw 2 lc "black" t "effective normal stress", \
+"" u ($0/1008*7):($3/1000) w l lw 2 lt 3 dt "-" t "water pressure"
+set origin 0.33, 0.0
+set size 0.33, 0.46
+unset label
+set label "E (speed controlled)" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
+unset y2label
+unset y2tics
+set ytics 1.0
+set yrange [4.0:0.0]
+set ylabel "{/:Normal Depth of max. strain rate [m]}"
+set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 7,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+plot "rate/max_strainrate_depth.txt" u ($0/1008*7):(8.0 - $1) w l lw 2 t ""
+set origin 0.67, 0.0
+set size 0.33, 0.46
+unset arrow
+unset label
+set label "F (stress controlled)" font ",11" at graph 0.00,1.1
+unset y2label
+unset y2tics
+set yrange [4.0:0.0]
+set ylabel "{/:Normal Depth of max. strain rate [m]}"
+plot "stress/max_strainrate_depth.txt" u ($0/1008*7):(8.0 - $1) w l lw 2 t ""
+unset label
+filename(t) = sprintf('rate/sim.output%05d.txt', t)
+set origin 0.46, 0.60
+set size 0.17, 0.30
+set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/a]}" font ",8" offset 0,0.7
+set ylabel "Depth [m]" font ",8" offset 0.7,0.0
+set ytics 1 font ",8"
+set xtics 0.5 font ",8"
+unset arrow
+xmin = -0.1
+xmax = 1.1
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24*365/1000):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
+filename(t) = sprintf('stress/sim.output%05d.txt', t)
+set origin 0.80, 0.60
+set size 0.17, 0.30
+set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/d]}" font ",8"
+#set ylabel "Depth [m]" font ",8"
+unset arrow
+xmin = -1
+xmax = 10
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+set xtics 2
+plot for [t = t0:tend:inc*2] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24/1000):(L_z - $1):(t*file_interval/(24.*3600.)) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset multiplot