commit d680f2ce302adb83e2c4ef3048967c745f3083f3
parent 4c64982dd66f0baf2645d7cf248551df233616f7
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 16:47:54 +0100
Update xranges in fig 2
2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fig-stick_slip_rate_depth/ b/fig-stick_slip_rate_depth/
@@ -28,34 +28,39 @@ set palette
unset colorbox
set ylabel "{/:Normal Depth [m]}" offset 1.0
-set arrow from 0,skin_depth to 200,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 200,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+xmin = 0.0
+xmax = 200.0
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
set label "A" at screen 0.090,0.97 font ",12"
set xlabel "{/:Normal Eff. normal stress [kPa]}"
-set xrange [0:200]
plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($3/1e3):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset label
-#set label "{/:Bold d}" at graph 0.90,0.93
set label "B (rate controlled)" at screen 0.395,0.97 font ",12"
set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/a]}"
set ylabel ""
-set xrange [0.0:1.0]
unset ytics
unset arrow
-set arrow from 0,skin_depth to 1,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 1,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+xmin = -0.1
+xmax = 1.1
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24*365/1000):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset label
set label "C (rate controlled)" at screen 0.705,0.97 font ",12"
set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear strain rate [1/d]}"
set ylabel ""
-set xrange [0:20]
+xmin = -2.0
+xmax = 22.0
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
unset ytics
unset arrow
-set arrow from 0,skin_depth to 20,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 20,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($6*60*60*24):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset format x
diff --git a/fig-stick_slip_stress_depth/ b/fig-stick_slip_stress_depth/
@@ -26,21 +26,25 @@ unset colorbox
set label "D (stress controlled)" at screen 0.035,0.97 font ",12"
set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear speed [km/d]}"
set ylabel ""
-set xrange [0.0:10.0]
+xmin = -0.5
+xmax = 10.0
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
+set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
unset ytics
-set arrow from 0,skin_depth to 10,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 10,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($2*60*60*24/1000):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset label
set label "E (stress controlled)" at screen 0.515,0.97 font ",12"
set xlabel "{/:Normal Shear strain rate [1/m]}"
set ylabel ""
-set xrange [0:12]
+xmin = -0.8
+xmax = 12.0
+set xrange [xmin:xmax]
unset ytics
unset arrow
-set arrow from 0,skin_depth to 12,skin_depth nohead lc black front
-set arrow from 0,max_def_depth to 12,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
+set arrow from xmin,skin_depth to xmax,skin_depth nohead lc black front
+set arrow from xmin,max_def_depth to xmax,max_def_depth nohead front lc black dashtype 2
plot for [t = t0:tend:inc] filename(t) u ($6*60):(L_z - $1):(t-t0) w l lc palette lw 1 t ""
unset format x