
configuration files for shell, text editor, graphical environment, etc.
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commit 269005cbb45c20ddd324577d53421dc03f183b72
parent 4930f89145c910399d4c909046d8ea0c78d34f9e
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date:   Wed, 15 Nov 2017 21:54:28 -0500

fix status bar issues

Mlinks/.tmux.conf | 15+++++++--------
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/links/.tmux.conf b/links/.tmux.conf @@ -20,21 +20,20 @@ setw -g automatic-rename on # rename window after process set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # use 256 colors setw -g aggressive-resize on # resize window to smallest client +set -g pane-border-fg colour238 # border color for inactive panes +set -g pane-active-border-fg colour247 # border color for active panes + # Status bar colors and format setw -g window-status-bell-attr blink setw -g window-status-format '#[fg=#999999]#I #[bg=default]#[fg=$666666]#W |' setw -g window-status-current-format \ - '(#[fg=white]#[bg=default]#I #W#[fg=white]) #[fg=#999999]|' - -set -g pane-border-fg colour238 # border color for inactive panes -set -g pane-active-border-fg colour247 # border color for active panes - -# Status bar + '#[fg=white]#[bg=default](#I #W#[fg=white]) #[fg=#999999]|' +set -g status-bg default # background color for status bar set -g status-position top # put status bar on top or bottom set -g status-interval 5 # interval in s to update status set -g status-justify left # horizontal alignment -set -g message-style fg=white,bg=black # appearance of messages -set -g message-command-style fg=white # appearance of message cmds +set -g message-style fg=white,bg=black # appearance of status messages +set -g message-command-style fg=white # appearance of status message cmds # Left section of status bar set -g status-left ""