
configuration files for shell, text editor, graphical environment, etc.
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commit 8d3c1018698f1cf0e9f8c794bfc60c3abc25c6ff
parent b9ebe5d58f38c58c1ea531323cdd332e40acac05
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date:   Wed, 30 May 2018 13:50:42 -0400

Update zsh configuration

Minit/ | 17+++++++++--------
Mlinks/.profile | 1+
Mlinks/.zshrc | 276++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------------
3 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

diff --git a/init/ b/init/ @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ #!/usr/bin/env bash # zsh plugin manager -(mkdir -p ~/code && cd ~/code && - # if [ ! -d zplug ]; then - # git clone - # fi - if [ ! -d zgen ]; then - git clone - fi -) +# (mkdir -p ~/code && cd ~/code && +# if [ ! -d zplug ]; then +# git clone +# fi +# ) + +if [ ! -d ~/.zgen ]; then + git clone ~/.zgen +fi diff --git a/links/.profile b/links/.profile @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +export EDITOR="vim" #### LOCALE export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 diff --git a/links/.zshrc b/links/.zshrc @@ -1,121 +1,44 @@ -#### ZSH PERFORMANCE DEBUG (enable all) +#### ZSH PERFORMANCE DEBUG debug_startup=false [ "$debug_startup" = true ] && zmodload zsh/zprof -#### GENERAL -export EDITOR="vim" -# Returns whether the given command is executable or aliased. -_has() { - return $( (( $+commands[$1] )) ) -} +#### ZSH OPTIONS -[ -f ~/.locale ] && . ~/.locale - -autoload -Uz compinit promptinit colors -compinit -d -promptinit -colors - -set -o noclobber # prevent overwriting files with > (override with 1>) -unsetopt autocd -setopt correct -setopt completealiases -setopt append_history -setopt share_history -setopt hist_verify -setopt hist_ignore_all_dups -setopt interactivecomments # allow in-line comments in zsh prompt -HISTFILE=~/.zsh-history -HISTSIZE=$((2 ** 16)) -SAVEHIST=$((2 ** 17)) +setopt autopushd extendedglob hist_ignore_dups interactivecomments prompt_subst sh_word_split share_history +unsetopt autocd beep notify nomatch banghist +autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook cdr chpwd_recent_dirs compinit select-bracketed select-quoted -#### ZSH APPEARANCE +compinit +add-zsh-hook chpwd chpwd_recent_dirs -# show execution time of previous command if more than 1 sec -function convertsecs() { - ((d=${1}/3600/24)) - ((h=${1}/3600%24)) - ((m=(${1}%3600)/60)) - ((s=${1}%60)) - if [ "$d" -gt "0" ]; then - printf " %dd%02dh%02dm%02ds" $d $h $m $s - elif [ "$h" -gt "0" ]; then - printf " %dh%02dm%02ds" $h $m $s - elif [ "$m" -gt "0" ]; then - printf " %dm%02ds" $m $s - elif [ "$s" -gt "0" ]; then - printf " %ds" $s - fi -} -function preexec() { - timer=${timer:-$SECONDS} -} -function precmd() { - if [ $timer ]; then - timer_show=$(convertsecs $(($SECONDS - $timer))) - export EXECTIME="${timer_show}" - unset timer - fi -} - -# show git information -function git_branch() { - branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) - if [ -n "$branch_name" ]; then - echo -n "$branch_name$(git_modified) " - fi -} - -function git_grep_modified_files() { - grep -e "^.M" -e "^M." -e "^A." -e "^D." -e "^.D" -} - -function git_modified() { - if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null | git_grep_modified_files)" ]; then - echo -n "*" - fi -} - -# check for background jobs -bg_jobs="%(1j.%{$fg[yellow]%}%jbg %{$reset_color%}.)" - -# show return status of previous command -return_status="%(?..%{$fg[red]%}%?%{$reset_color%})" +zstyle completion:*:*:cdr:*:* menu selection +zstyle :chpwd:* recent-dirs-insert fallback +zstyle :chpwd:* recent-dirs-pushd true -# change prompt according to su -prompt_root="%(!.%{$fg_bold[red]%}#.%{$fg[green]%}$)%{$reset_color%}" +zle -N select-bracketed +zle -N select-quoted -# define left prompt format -PROMPT=" -${bg_jobs}%{$fg[red]%}${prompt_root} %{$reset_color%}" - -# define right prompt format -RPROMPT="${return_status}\ -${EXECTIME}\ -%{$fg[green]%}${EXECTIME}%{$reset_color%} \ -%B%{$fg[cyan]%}%~%{$reset_color%} \ -%{$fg[cyan]%}$(git_branch)\ -%{$reset_color%}%n@%m" - -zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} -zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors 'reply=( "=(#b)(*$VAR)(?)*=00=$color[green]=$color[bg-green]" )' -zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:hosts' list-colors '=*=30;41' -zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:users' list-colors '=*=$color[green]=$color[red]' -zstyle ':completion:*' menu select +HISTFILE=~/.zhistory +HISTSIZE=$((2 ** 16)) +SAVEHIST=$((2 ** 17)) -#### ZSH KEYBINDS +#### BINDINGS set -o vi bindkey -v bindkey jk vi-cmd-mode +bindkey -a ? fzf-history-widget +bindkey -a k history-substring-search-up +bindkey -a j history-substring-search-down bindkey '^R' history-incremental-search-backward bindkey "^j" history-beginning-search-backward bindkey "^k" history-beginning-search-forward bindkey '^P' up-line-or-search bindkey '^N' down-line-or-search +bindkey '^ ' autosuggest-accept # accept suggestion with ctrl+space # use Ctrl-Z as fg _fzf-foreground () { @@ -163,11 +86,7 @@ zle -N _editor_fuzzy_grep bindkey '^g' _editor_fuzzy_grep -#### FUNCTIONS AND ALIASES -. ~/ - -# open files with certain suffix in $EDITOR when calling their name -for suffix in c cc cxx go h html jl js json md py rb rst vim yml +for suffix in c cc cxx go graphql h html js json jsx md py rb rs ts tsx vim yml do alias -s $suffix=$EDITOR done @@ -177,54 +96,135 @@ do alias -s $suffix=$PAGER done -#### ZSH PLUGINS -# zgen is faster than zplug -if [ -f ~/code/zgen/zgen.zsh ]; then - . ~/code/zgen/zgen.zsh +#### ZSH APPEARANCE - if ! zgen saved; then +# show execution time of previous command if more than 1 sec +function convertsecs() { + ((d=${1}/3600/24)) + ((h=${1}/3600%24)) + ((m=(${1}%3600)/60)) + ((s=${1}%60)) + if [ "$d" -gt "0" ]; then + printf " %dd%02dh%02dm%02ds" $d $h $m $s + elif [ "$h" -gt "0" ]; then + printf " %dh%02dm%02ds" $h $m $s + elif [ "$m" -gt "0" ]; then + printf " %dm%02ds" $m $s + elif [ "$s" -gt "0" ]; then + printf " %ds" $s + fi +} +function preexec() { + timer=${timer:-$SECONDS} +} +function precmd() { + if [ $timer ]; then + timer_show=$(convertsecs $(($SECONDS - $timer))) + export EXECTIME="${timer_show}" + unset timer + fi +} - echo "Creating a zgen save" +git_branch() { + branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) - zgen load "junegunn/fzf" - zgen load "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions" - zgen load "zsh-users/zsh-completions" - zgen load "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting" + if [ -n "$branch_name" ] + then + echo "$branch_name$(git_modified) " + fi +} - zgen save - fi -fi +git_grep_modified_files() { + grep -e "^.M" -e "^M." -e "^A." -e "^D." -e "^.D" +} + +git_modified() { + if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null | git_grep_modified_files)" ] + then + echo "*" + fi +} -#### AUTOCOMPLETE +prompt_with_vimode() { + echo -ne '\n' + echo -n '%(1j.%{$fg[yellow]%}%jbg %{$reset_color%}.)' # background jobs + echo -n "$1" # strong for insert/normal mode + echo -n '%(!.%{$fg_bold[red]%}#.%{$fg[green]%}$)%{$reset_color%}' # su or norm + echo -n '%{$reset_color%} ' +} -bindkey '^ ' autosuggest-accept # accept suggestion with ctrl+space +insert_mode='' +normal_mode='%{$fg[white]%}N' + +rprompt() { + echo -n "%(?..%{$fg[red]%}%?%{$reset_color%})" # return status + echo -n "%{$fg[green]%}${EXECTIME}%{$reset_color%} " # runtime of prev cmd + echo -n "%B%{$fg[cyan]%}%~%{$reset_color%} " # pwd + echo -n "%{$fg[cyan]%}$(git_branch)" # git branch + echo -n "%{$reset_color%}%n@%m" # user and hostname +} + +PROMPT=$(prompt_with_vimode $insert_mode) +RPROMPT=$(rprompt) -if _has fzf; then - # pass **<tab> - _fzf_complete_pass() { - _fzf_complete '+m' "$@" < <( - pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/} - stringsize="${#pwdir}" - find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print | - cut -c "$((stringsize + 1))"- | - sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/' - ) - } - # redefine git log alias - alias gl="git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all --color=always | - fzf --ansi +s --preview='git show --color=always {2}' \ - --bind='pgdn:preview-page-down' \ - --bind='pgup:preview-page-up' \ - --bind='enter:execute:git show --color=always {2} | less -R' \ - --bind='ctrl-x:execute:git checkout {2} .'" +function zle-line-init zle-keymap-select { + PROMPT=$(prompt_with_vimode ${${KEYMAP/vicmd/$normal_mode}/(main|viins)/$insert_mode}) + RPROMPT=$(rprompt) + zle reset-prompt +} + +zle -N zle-line-init +zle -N zle-keymap-select + + +# Plugins + +export ZPLUG_HOME=~/code/zplug +source $ZPLUG_HOME/init.zsh + +zplug junegunn/fzf, use:shell/*.zsh +zplug zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions +zplug zsh-users/zsh-completions, lazy:true +zplug zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting +zplug zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search + +if ! zplug check; then + zplug install fi +zplug load + + +#### EXTRA COMMANDS -#### Extra options +# start ssh-agent +if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then + eval `ssh-agent` && ssh-add +fi > /dev/null 2>&1 -# show directory listing when changing dir -function chpwd() { ls } +# pass **<tab> +_fzf_complete_pass() { + _fzf_complete '+m' "$@" < <( + pwdir=${PASSWORD_STORE_DIR-~/.password-store/} + stringsize="${#pwdir}" + find "$pwdir" -name "*.gpg" -print | + cut -c "$((stringsize + 1))"- | + sed -e 's/\(.*\)\.gpg/\1/' + ) +} +# redefine git log alias +alias gl="git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all --color=always | + fzf --ansi +s --preview='git show --color=always {2}' \ + --bind='pgdn:preview-page-down' \ + --bind='pgup:preview-page-up' \ + --bind='enter:execute:git show --color=always {2} | less -R' \ + --bind='ctrl-x:execute:git checkout {2} .'" + +. ~/ +. ~/.locale +function chpwd { ls } +# report startup diagnostics if requested [ "$debug_startup" = true ] && zprof || :