
configuration files for shell, text editor, graphical environment, etc.
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commit fb173649de7f7863075a98720e1097b6c6053fca
parent 315afaa3a1837685e58b86c444f7d7b058f96aac
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date:   Sat,  5 Dec 2015 22:12:38 +0100

use same config files for vim and neovim

D.config/nvim/init.vim | 567------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 9++++++++-
2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 568 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.config/nvim/init.vim b/.config/nvim/init.vim @@ -1,567 +0,0 @@ -filetype off - -" terminal colors -"set t_Co=16 -set t_Co=256 - -if has('vim_starting') - set nocompatible " Disable vi-compatibility - set runtimepath+=~/.nvim/bundle/neobundle.vim/ -endif - -call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.nvim/bundle/')) - -""" NeoBundle plugins -" By default fom github. -" Install and update with :NeoBundleInstall(!), see :h NeoBundle - -" let NeoBundle manage Vundle. Required! -NeoBundle 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' - -" more functional statusline -"NeoBundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline' -"NeoBundle 'Lokaltog/powerline' -NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline' - -" file system browser -NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' - -" syntax checking plugin -NeoBundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' - -" fuzzy file, buffer, and tag finder -"NeoBundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim' -NeoBundle 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim' - -" colorschemes -NeoBundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' -NeoBundle 'chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme' - -" modify surrounding characters in pairs -NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-surround' - -" git wrapper. Reset changes with :Gread, stage changes with :Gwrite -NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' - -" Show which line changed since last git commit -NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' - -" dispatch.vim for :Make -NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-dispatch' - -" browse buffers (, \be, \bs, \bv -NeoBundle '' - -" Vim-LaTeX suite -"NeoBundle 'git://' -NeoBundle 'LaTeX-Box-Team/LaTeX-Box' - -" Use <Tab> to autocomplete in insert mode -NeoBundle 'ervandew/supertab' - -" Ack is a grep replacement. Debian pkg: ack-grep. Run from Vim: -" usage: :Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}] -NeoBundle 'mileszs/ack.vim' - -" Rainbow parantheses -NeoBundle 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim' - -" Calendar -"NeoBundle 'itchyny/calendar.vim' -"let g:calendar_google_calendar = 1 -"let g:calendar_google_task = 1 - -" ctags list (:TlistOpen) -NeoBundle 'taglist.vim' - -" vim-OrgMode -NeoBundle 'jceb/vim-orgmode' - -" increment dates and times with Ctrl-a and Ctrl-x -NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-speeddating' - -" support for Julia -NeoBundle 'JuliaLang/julia-vim' - -" SnipMate for boilerplate code -NeoBundle 'msanders/snipmate.vim' - -" vim motion on speed -NeoBundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' - -" navigate between vim and tmux panes seamlessly -NeoBundle 'christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator' - -" Take notes in rst -"NeoBundle 'Rykka/clickable.vim' -"NeoBundle 'Rykka/riv.vim' -"NeoBundle 'Rykka/InstantRst' - -" add/remove bookmark: mm -" add/edit/remove annotation: mi -" next bookmark: mn -" previous bookmark: mn -" list of all bookmarks: ma -" clear all bookmarks in current buffer: mc -" clear all bookmarks in all buffers: mx -NeoBundle 'MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks' - -" QC, QX, QV to copy, cut and paste from system clipboard -NeoBundle 'NLKNguyen/copy-cut-paste.vim' - -" Python mode -NeoBundle 'klen/python-mode' - -" vimproc for asynchronous processes -NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { - \ 'build' : { - \ 'wimdows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', - \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', - \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', - \ 'unix' : 'make -f make_unix.mak', - \ }, - \ } -" Unite for search, uses ag (Debian package silversearch-ag) -NeoBundle 'Shougo/unite.vim' - -" insert unicode characters with latex code -NeoBundle 'joom/latex-unicoder.vim' - -" search for text in files -NeoBundle 'rking/ag.vim' - -" Align things in columns (select, type Return then Space) -NeoBundle 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' - -" open file manager (gof) or tmux pane (got) at current dir -NeoBundle 'justinmk/vim-gtfo' - -" <C-y>, -" -" -NeoBundle 'mattn/emmet-vim' - -call neobundle#end() - -filetype plugin indent on - -" If there are uninstalled bundles found on startup, this will prompt you to -" install them -NeoBundleCheck - -" Enable syntax highligting -syntax on - -" Select non-default syntax colorscheme. Found in /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/ -set background=dark " adjust colors for better contrast -"colorscheme desert -colorscheme solarized -"colorscheme Tomorrow-Night-Eighties -call togglebg#map("<F3>") -"let g:solarized_termtrans = 1 -"let g:airline_theme = 'ubaryd' -let g:airline_theme = 'solarized' -"let g:airline_theme = 'tomorrow' -highlight Search cterm=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=2 -highlight MatchParen cterm=NONE ctermfg=255 ctermbg=199 -highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=250 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE -highlight NonText ctermfg=250 ctermbg=NONE - -" hilight column 80 -set textwidth=80 -set colorcolumn=+1 - -set autoindent -set autoread " reload files when changed on disk -set backspace=2 " fix broken backspace in some setups -set backupcopy=yes " see :help crontab -"set clipboard=unnamed " yank and paste with the system clipboard -set cursorline " highlight current line -set encoding=utf-8 " Necessary to show unicode glyphs -set expandtab " convert tab char to spaces -set hlsearch " highlight search matches -set ignorecase " case-insensitive search -set incsearch " search as you type -set laststatus=2 " always show the statusline -set list " enable rendering of invisible characters -set listchars=tab:▸\ ,eol:¬ " Use symbols for tab and end-of-line -set number " set linenumbering ON as default -"set relativenumber " set relative linenumbering ON as default -set pastetoggle=<F2> " toggle paste mode -set ruler " Enable bottom ruler -set scrolloff=3 " show context above-below cursorline -set shiftwidth=4 " width for autoindents -"set showcmd -set smartcase " case-sensitive search if any caps -set softtabstop=4 " makes the tab key indent by four spaces -set splitright " new vertical splits on the right side -set tabstop=4 " a tab is 4 characters wide -set wildmenu " show a navigable menu for tab completion -set wildmode=longest,list,full - -" enable basic mouse behavior -set mouse=a -"if exists('$TMUX') " support resizing in tmux - "set ttymouse=xterm2 -"endif - -" fix cursor in tmux -if exists('$TMUX') - let &t_SI = "\<Esc>Ptmux;\<Esc>\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7\<Esc>\\" - let &t_EI = "\<Esc>Ptmux;\<Esc>\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7\<Esc>\\" -else - let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" - let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7" -endif - -" vim-airline symbols -if !exists('g:airline_symbols') - let g:airline_symbols = {} -endif - -" unicode symbols -"let g:airline_left_sep = '»' -"let g:airline_left_sep = '▶' -"let g:airline_right_sep = '«' -"let g:airline_right_sep = '◀' -"let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '␊' -"let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '␤' -"let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '¶' -"let g:airline_symbols.branch = '⎇' -"let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'ρ' -"let g:airline_symbols.paste = 'Þ' -"let g:airline_symbols.paste = '∥' -"let g:airline_symbols.whitespace = 'Ξ' - -" powerline symbols -let g:airline_left_sep = '' -let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '' -let g:airline_right_sep = '' -let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '' -let g:airline_symbols.branch = '' -let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '' -let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '' - -" Powerline symbols, fancy needs a patched/edited font -"let g:Powerline_symbols = 'unicode' -"let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' - -" use airline decorations for tab line -let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 -let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = '' -let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '' -let g:airline#extensions#tabline#tab_min_count = 2 -let g:airline#extensions#tabline#buffer_min_count = 2 - -" Rainbow parantheses always on -au VimEnter * RainbowParenthesesToggle -au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadRound -au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadSquare -au Syntax * RainbowParenthesesLoadBraces - -" Dictionary word completion using Ctrl-x Ctrl-k -" File from wordlist- (debian) or word- (arch) package -set dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words - -" Define other file types -autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.pde setlocal ft=arduino -autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.ino setlocal ft=arduino -autocmd! BufNewFile,BufRead *.cuh setlocal ft=cuda - -" Invisible character colors -" chose ctermfg=10 if Tab and EOL characters should be brighter -" chose ctermfg=0 if Tab and EOL characters should be darker -highlight NonText ctermfg=10 guifg=DarkGray -highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=10 guifg=DarkGray -"highlight NonText ctermfg=0 guifg=DarkGray -"highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=0 guifg=DarkGray - - -""" Keyboard shortcuts - -" Save with ZX -nmap ZX :w<CR> - -" use , instead of \ as leader -"let mapleader="," -" use space instead of \ as leader -let mapleader="\<Space>" - -" Shortcut to reload .vimrc -nmap <leader>r :source $MYVIMRC<CR> - -" Shortcut to switch background color -"nmap <leader>w :ToggleBG<CR> - -" Save file -nmap <Leader>w :w<CR> -nmap <Leader>fs :w<CR> - -" Quit -nmap <Leader>q :q<CR> - -" Save and quit -nmap <Leader>x :x<CR> - -" Jump to previous buffer -nmap <leader><tab> <C-^> - -" Explore buffers -nmap <leader>b :BufExplorer<CR> - -" toggle spelling -nmap <leader>s :set spell!<CR> - -" toggle line numbering -nmap <leader>n :set number!<CR> - -" toggle relative line numbering -nmap <leader>N :set relativenumber!<CR> - -" NERD Tree short cut -nmap <leader>d :NERDTreeToggle<CR> - -" Toggle TAB and EOL symbols -nmap <leader>l :set list!<CR> - -nmap <leader>e :e -nmap <leader>% :vsplit -nmap <leader>" :split - -" shortcuts to commonly used files -nmap <leader>C :e $MYVIMRC<CR> -nmap <leader>T :e ~/doc/<CR> -nmap <leader>B :e ~/articles/own/BIBnew.bib<CR> -nmap <leader>A :e ~/articles/articles.rst<CR> - -" insert date and time -nmap <leader>D :read !date<CR> - -" job execution -nmap <leader>m :Make -nmap <leader>E :VimProcRead -nmap <leader>! :Start! - - -" Switch split focus with leader+hjkl -nmap <leader>h <C-w>h -nmap <leader>j <C-w>j -nmap <leader>k <C-w>k -nmap <leader>l <C-w>l - -" equal split size -nmap <leader>= <C-w>= - -" Commit all changes -"nmap <leader>g :Gcommit<CR> -nmap <leader>g :Start git commit -a -v<CR> -nmap <leader>G :Start git commit -a -v && git push<CR> - -" Toggle fold -nmap <leader>f za -" Toggle all folds -nmap <leader>F zA -nmap <leader>Fa zR -nmap <leader>FA zM -" zc: close a fold -" zo: open a fold -" za: toggle a fold -" zM: close all folds -" zR: open all folds - -" Switch split focus with <C-h>, <C-j>, <C-k> and <C-l> -"map <C-h> <C-w>h -"map <C-j> <C-w>j -"map <C-k> <C-w>k -"map <C-l> <C-w>l - -" Use home row keys as Esc -inoremap jk <Esc> - -" Disable arrow keys -map <Left> <Nop> -map <Right> <Nop> -map <Up> <Nop> -map <Down> <Nop> -imap <Left> <Nop> -imap <Right> <Nop> -imap <Up> <Nop> -imap <Down> <Nop> - -" check current folder and all parent folders for tags files -set tags=tags;/ - -" Update ctags -nmap <leader>c :Start ctags -R --python-kinds=-i,c++:.cuh .<CR> -" useful tags commands: -" :tag or :ta <function> Go to definition of the function -" :ts or :tselect Show the list of tags -" When the cursor is on a function call, press <Ctrl-[> to go to its definition. -" Press <Ctrl-t> to go back -" Use the Ctrl-P plugin to search the tags -nmap <leader>t :CtrlPTag<CR> -nmap <leader>p :CtrlPBuffer<CR> -nmap <leader>O :CtrlPMRUFiles<CR> -nmap <leader>o :CtrlP<CR> - -" use git or silver searcher (ag) for CtrlP autocompletion -let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 0 -if executable('ag') - set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor - - let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""' -else - let g:ctrlp_user_command = ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files . -co --exclude-standard', 'find %s -type f'] - let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings = { - \ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['<space>', '<cr>', '<2-LeftMouse>'], - \ } -endif - -" Copy and paste to system clipboard with <Space>v and <Space>y -vmap <Leader>y "+y -vmap <Leader>d "+d -nmap <Leader>v "+p -nmap <Leader>V "+P -vmap <Leader>v "+p -vmap <Leader>V "+P - -" Launch Ack -"nmap <leader>a :Ack - -" reStructuredText bindings -augroup filetypedetect_rst - au! - " Headings - " Use <C-e>s1 to <C-e>s4 in insert mode - " Use <C-e>hs to view document sections - " Use <C-e>cc to insert table of contents - "au FileType rst nnoremap <leader>h1 ^yypv$r=o<cr><esc> - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>h1 <esc>^yypv$r=o<cr> - "au FileType rst nnoremap <leader>h2 ^yypv$r-o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkk - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>h2 <esc>^yypv$r-o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkki - "au FileType rst nnoremap <leader>h3 ^yypv$r+o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkk - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>h3 <esc>^yypv$r+o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkki - "au FileType rst nnoremap <leader>h4 ^yypv$r~o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkk - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>h4 <esc>^yypv$r~o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkki - "au FileType rst nnoremap <leader>h5 ^yypv$r*o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkk - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>h5 <esc>^yypv$r*o<cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><cr><esc>kkkki - - " On list lines, press <C-e>ee to toggle state - - """Make Link (ml) - " Use <C-e>ck to make a link - " Highlight a word or phrase and it creates a link and opens a split so - " you can edit the url separately. Once you are done editing the link, - " simply close that split. - "au FileType rst vnoremap <leader>ml yi`<esc>gvvlli`_<esc>:vsplit<cr><C-W>l:$<cr>o<cr>.. _<esc>pA: http://TODO<esc>vb - - """Make footnote (ml) - "au FileType rst iabbrev mfn [#]_<esc>:vsplit<cr><C-W>l:$<cr>o<cr>.. [#] TODO - " Enable spelling by default - "au FileType rst set spell - - "Create image - "au FileType rst iabbrev iii .. image:: TODO.png<cr> :scale: 100<cr>:align: center<cr><esc>kkkeel - - "Create figure - "au FileType rst iabbrev iif .. figure:: TODO.png<cr> :scale: 100<cr>:align: center<cr>:alt: TODO<cr><cr><cr>Some brief description<esc>kkkeel - - "Create note - au FileType rst iabbrev nnn .. note:: - - "Start or end bold text inline - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>bb ** - - "Start or end italicized text inline - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>ii * - - "Start or end preformatted text inline - "au FileType rst inoremap <leader>pf `` - - " Fold settings - "au FileType rst set foldmethod=marker - " - " Admonitions - au FileType rst iabbrev adw .. warning:: - au FileType rst iabbrev adn .. note:: - -augroup END - -" adjust signcolumn appearance -let g:syntastic_error_symbol = 'e' -let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = 'w' -highlight clear SignColumn - -" LaTeX unicode symbols -let g:unicoder_cancel_normal = 1 -let g:unicoder_cancel_insert = 1 -let g:unicoder_cancel_visual = 1 -nnoremap <C-l> :call unicoder#start(0)<CR> -inoremap <C-l> <Esc>:call unicoder#start(1)<CR> -vnoremap <C-l> :<C-u>call unicoder#selection()<CR> - -" Search -let g:unite_source_history_yank_enable = 1 -try - let g:unite_source_rec_async_command='ag --nocolor --nogroup -g ""' - call unite#filters#matcher_default#use(['matcher_fuzzy']) -catch -endtry -" search a file in the filetree -nnoremap <leader>a :split<cr> :<C-u>Unite -start-insert file_rec/async<cr> -" reset not it is <C-l> normally -:nnoremap <leader>R <Plug>(unite_restart) - -" search for text in many files -nmap <leader>A :Ag <c-r>=expand("<cword>")<cr><cr> -" search for text in project files -nnoremap <space>/ :Ag - -" align things into columns interactively -vnoremap <silent> <Enter> :EasyAlign<cr> - -" Python mode -" Activate rope -" Keys: -" K Show python docs -" <Ctrl-Space> Rope autocomplete -" <Ctrl-c>g Rope goto definition -" <Ctrl-c>d Rope show documentation -" <Ctrl-c>f Rope find occurrences -" <Leader>b Set, unset breakpoint (g:pymode_breakpoint enabled) -" [[ Jump on previous class or function (normal, visual, operator modes) -" ]] Jump on next class or function (normal, visual, operator modes) -" [M Jump on previous class or method (normal, visual, operator modes) -" ]M Jump on next class or method (normal, visual, operator modes) -let g:pymode_rope = 1 - -" Documentation -let g:pymode_doc = 1 -let g:pymode_doc_key = 'K' - -"Linting -let g:pymode_lint = 1 -let g:pymode_lint_checker = "pyflakes,pep8" -" Auto check on save -let g:pymode_lint_write = 1 - -" Support virtualenv -let g:pymode_virtualenv = 1 - -" Enable breakpoints plugin -let g:pymode_breakpoint = 1 -let g:pymode_breakpoint_bind = '<leader>B' - -" syntax highlighting -let g:pymode_syntax = 1 -let g:pymode_syntax_all = 1 -let g:pymode_syntax_indent_errors = g:pymode_syntax_all -let g:pymode_syntax_space_errors = g:pymode_syntax_all - -" Don't autofold code -let g:pymode_folding = 0 - -" Enable emmet in all modes -let g:user_emmet_mode='n' -let g:user_emmet_mode='inv' -let g:user_emmet_mode='a' diff --git a/ b/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ for F in .bashrc .vimrc .inputrc .tmux.conf .xpdfrc .signature .Xresources \ done # Home folder dotfolders -for F in .colors .config/uzbl .config/nvim .config/awesome .config/dwb .config/bspwm .config/sxhkd .config/luakit .config/openbox .config/zathura .tmuxinator .i3 .mutt .ncmpcpp .vim .vimperrator .w3m wallpapers; do +for F in .colors .config/uzbl .config/awesome .config/dwb .config/bspwm .config/sxhkd .config/luakit .config/openbox .config/zathura .tmuxinator .i3 .mutt .ncmpcpp .vim .vimperrator .w3m wallpapers; do SOURCE=$PWD/$F TARGET=~/$F @@ -46,3 +46,10 @@ done if [[ "$UNAMESTR" == 'Darwin' ]]; then rm ~/.xinitrc fi + +# Neovim configuration symlinks +cd $HOME +mkdir -p ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=$HOME/.config} +ln -s ~/.vim $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim +ln -s ~/.vimrc $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim +cd -