commit cd32b191b93ebb5d1c54be67aeec99786859a276
parent 17b81e04e6254eb55cd4bd301b3195443d211114
Author: esbenpalmstrom <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 09:59:43 +0100
adding compaction
A | compaction.jl | | | 95 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compaction.jl b/compaction.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import Granular
+import JLD2
+import PyPlot
+import Dates
+sim = Granular.readSimulation("stacked60k.jld2")
+SimSettings = JLD2.load("SimSettings.jld2")
+N = 20e3
+SimSettings["N"] = N
+"SimSettings.jld2", SimSettings)
+t_comp = 10.0 #compaction max duration [s]
+ = "compaction-N$(N)Pa"
+y_top = -Inf
+for grain in sim.grains
+ grain.contact_viscosity_normal = 0
+ if y_top < grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius
+ global y_top = grain.lin_pos[2] + grain.contact_radius
+ end
+Granular.addWallLinearFrictionless!(sim, [0., 1.],y_top,
+ bc="normal stress",
+ normal_stress=-N,
+ contact_viscosity_normal=1e3)
+y_bot = Inf
+for grain in sim.grains
+ if y_bot > grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius
+ global y_bot = grain.lin_pos[2] - grain.contact_radius
+ end
+fixed_thickness = 2. * SimSettings["r_max"]
+for grain in sim.grains
+ if grain.lin_pos[2] <= fixed_thickness
+ grain.fixed = true # set x and y acceleration to zero
+ end
+time = Float64[]
+compaction = Float64[]
+effective_normal_stress = Float64[]
+filen = 1
+t_start =
+while sim.time < sim.time_total
+ for i = 1:100 #run for a while before measuring the state of the top wall
+!(sim, single_step=true)
+ end
+ #Granular.writeSimulation(sim,filename = "compaction-N$(N)Pa/comp$(filen).jld2")
+ filen = filen+1
+ append!(time, sim.time)
+ append!(compaction, sim.walls[1].pos)
+ append!(effective_normal_stress, Granular.getWallNormalStress(sim))
+ t_now =
+ dur = Dates.canonicalize(t_now-t_start)
+ print("Time elapsed: ",dur)
+defined_normal_stress = ones(length(effective_normal_stress)) *
+ Granular.getWallNormalStress(sim, stress_type="effective")
+ax1 = PyPlot.gca()
+PyPlot.setp(ax1[:get_xticklabels](),visible=false) # Disable x tick labels
+PyPlot.plot(time, compaction)
+PyPlot.ylabel("Top wall height [m]")
+PyPlot.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
+PyPlot.plot(time, defined_normal_stress)
+PyPlot.plot(time, effective_normal_stress)
+PyPlot.xlabel("Time [s]")
+PyPlot.ylabel("Normal stress [Pa]")
+PyPlot.savefig( * "-time_vs_compaction-stress.pdf")
+Granular.writeSimulation(sim,filename = "comp.jld2")