commit 68d3496d377eb59d1dc339564c1f82c0ed35d7b7
parent b38aa589f2602d2e980a1ccd48f045bb4bad9f62
Author: Anders Damsgaard <>
Date: Sat, 13 May 2017 09:57:08 -0400
shorten and rename experiment
D | examples/nares_strait.jl | | | 185 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
A | examples/strait.jl | | | 185 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
2 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/nares_strait.jl b/examples/nares_strait.jl
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env julia
-import SeaIce
-sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="nares_strait")
-n = [10, 10, 2]
-#sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="nares_strait_coarse_elast")
-#n = [6, 6, 2]
-# Initialize ocean
-Lx = 50.e3
-Lx_constriction = 5e3
-L = [Lx, Lx*1.5, 1e3]
-Ly_constriction = 20e3
-sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid(n, L, name="poiseuille_flow")
-sim.ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = 1e-8*((sim.ocean.xq - Lx/2.).^2 - Lx^2./4.)
-# Initialize confining walls, which are ice floes that are fixed in space
-r = minimum(L[1:2]/n[1:2])/2.
-r_min = r/4.
-h = 1.
-## N-S segments
-r_walls = r_min
-for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
- Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
- Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [(Lx - Lx_constriction)/2., y], r_walls,
- h, fixed=true, verbose=false)
-for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
- Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
- Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim,
- [Lx_constriction + (L[1] - Lx_constriction)/2.,
- y], r_walls, h, fixed=true, verbose=false)
-dx = 2.*r_walls*sin(atan((Lx - Lx_constriction)/(L[2] - Ly_constriction)))
-## NW diagonal
-x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
-y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction +
- r_walls, length(x))
-for i in 1:length(x)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
- verbose=false)
-## NE diagonal
-x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
-y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction +
- r_walls, length(x))
-for i in 1:length(x)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
- verbose=false)
-## SW diagonal
-x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
-y = linspace(r, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
-for i in 1:length(x)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
- verbose=false)
-## SE diagonal
-x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
-y = linspace(r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
-for i in 1:length(x)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
- verbose=false)
-n_walls = length(sim.ice_floes)
-info("added $(n_walls) fixed ice floes as walls")
-# Initialize ice floes in wedge north of the constriction
-iy = 1
-dy = sqrt((2.*r_walls)^2. - dx^2.)
-spacing_to_boundaries = 4.*r
-floe_padding = .5*r
-noise_amplitude = floe_padding
-for y in (L[2] - r - noise_amplitude):(-(2.*r + floe_padding)):((L[2] -
- Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction)
- for x in (r + noise_amplitude):(2.*r + floe_padding):(Lx - r -
- noise_amplitude)
- if iy % 2 == 0
- x += 1.5*r
- end
- x_ = x + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
- y_ = y + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
- if y_ < -dy/dx*x_ + L[2] + spacing_to_boundaries
- continue
- end
- if y_ < dy/dx*x_ + (L[2] - dy/dx*Lx) + spacing_to_boundaries
- continue
- end
- r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x_, y_], r_rand, h, verbose=false)
- end
- iy += 1
-n = length(sim.ice_floes) - n_walls
-info("added $(n) ice floes")
-# Remove old simulation files
-k_n = 1e7 # N/m
-k_t = k_n
-#gamma_t = 1e7 # N/(m/s)
-gamma_t = 0.
-mu_d = 0.7
-rotating = true
-for i=1:length(sim.ice_floes)
- sim.ice_floes[i].contact_stiffness_normal = k_n
- sim.ice_floes[i].contact_stiffness_tangential = k_t
- sim.ice_floes[i].contact_viscosity_tangential = gamma_t
- sim.ice_floes[i].contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d
- sim.ice_floes[i].rotating = rotating
-# Set temporal parameters
-SeaIce.setTotalTime!(sim, 12.*60.*60.)
-SeaIce.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, 60.)
-# Run simulation for 10 time steps, then add new icefloes from the top
-while sim.time < sim.time_total
- for it=1:10
-!(sim, status_interval=1, single_step=true)
- end
- for i=1:size(sim.ocean.xh, 1)
- if sim.ocean.ice_floe_list[i, end] == []
- x, y = SeaIce.getCellCenterCoordinates(sim.ocean, i,
- size(sim.ocean.xh, 2))
- # Enable for high mass flux
- r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x-r, y-r], r_rand, h,
- verbose=false,
- contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
- contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
- contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
- contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
- rotating=rotating)
- r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x+r, y-r], r_rand, h,
- verbose=false,
- contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
- contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
- contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
- contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
- rotating=rotating)
- r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x+r, y+r], r_rand, h,
- verbose=false,
- contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
- contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
- contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
- contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
- rotating=rotating)
- r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
- SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x-r, y+r], r_rand, h,
- verbose=false,
- contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
- contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
- contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
- contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
- rotating=rotating)
- # Enable for low mass flux
- #x += noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
- #y += noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
- #SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x, y], r, h, verbose=false)
- end
- end
diff --git a/examples/strait.jl b/examples/strait.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env julia
+import SeaIce
+sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="strait")
+n = [10, 10, 2]
+#sim = SeaIce.createSimulation(id="nares_strait_coarse_elast")
+#n = [6, 6, 2]
+# Initialize ocean
+Lx = 50.e3
+Lx_constriction = 5e3
+L = [Lx, Lx*1.5, 1e3]
+Ly_constriction = 20e3
+sim.ocean = SeaIce.createRegularOceanGrid(n, L, name="poiseuille_flow")
+sim.ocean.v[:, :, 1, 1] = 1e-8*((sim.ocean.xq - Lx/2.).^2 - Lx^2./4.)
+# Initialize confining walls, which are ice floes that are fixed in space
+r = minimum(L[1:2]/n[1:2])/2.
+r_min = r/4.
+h = 1.
+## N-S segments
+r_walls = r_min
+for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
+ Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
+ Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [(Lx - Lx_constriction)/2., y], r_walls,
+ h, fixed=true, verbose=false)
+for y in linspace((L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
+ Ly_constriction + (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2.,
+ Int(round(Ly_constriction/(r_walls*2))))
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim,
+ [Lx_constriction + (L[1] - Lx_constriction)/2.,
+ y], r_walls, h, fixed=true, verbose=false)
+dx = 2.*r_walls*sin(atan((Lx - Lx_constriction)/(L[2] - Ly_constriction)))
+## NW diagonal
+x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
+y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction +
+ r_walls, length(x))
+for i in 1:length(x)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+## NE diagonal
+x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
+y = linspace(L[2] - r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction +
+ r_walls, length(x))
+for i in 1:length(x)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+## SW diagonal
+x = r_walls:dx:((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2.)
+y = linspace(r, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
+for i in 1:length(x)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+## SE diagonal
+x = (L[1] - r_walls):(-dx):((Lx - Lx_constriction)/2. + Lx_constriction)
+y = linspace(r_walls, (L[2] - Ly_constriction)/2. - r_walls, length(x))
+for i in 1:length(x)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x[i], y[i]], r_walls, h, fixed=true,
+ verbose=false)
+n_walls = length(sim.ice_floes)
+info("added $(n_walls) fixed ice floes as walls")
+# Initialize ice floes in wedge north of the constriction
+iy = 1
+dy = sqrt((2.*r_walls)^2. - dx^2.)
+spacing_to_boundaries = 4.*r
+floe_padding = .5*r
+noise_amplitude = floe_padding
+for y in (L[2] - r - noise_amplitude):(-(2.*r + floe_padding)):((L[2] -
+ Ly_constriction)/2. + Ly_constriction)
+ for x in (r + noise_amplitude):(2.*r + floe_padding):(Lx - r -
+ noise_amplitude)
+ if iy % 2 == 0
+ x += 1.5*r
+ end
+ x_ = x + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
+ y_ = y + noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
+ if y_ < -dy/dx*x_ + L[2] + spacing_to_boundaries
+ continue
+ end
+ if y_ < dy/dx*x_ + (L[2] - dy/dx*Lx) + spacing_to_boundaries
+ continue
+ end
+ r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x_, y_], r_rand, h, verbose=false)
+ end
+ iy += 1
+n = length(sim.ice_floes) - n_walls
+info("added $(n) ice floes")
+# Remove old simulation files
+k_n = 1e7 # N/m
+k_t = k_n
+#gamma_t = 1e7 # N/(m/s)
+gamma_t = 0.
+mu_d = 0.7
+rotating = true
+for i=1:length(sim.ice_floes)
+ sim.ice_floes[i].contact_stiffness_normal = k_n
+ sim.ice_floes[i].contact_stiffness_tangential = k_t
+ sim.ice_floes[i].contact_viscosity_tangential = gamma_t
+ sim.ice_floes[i].contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d
+ sim.ice_floes[i].rotating = rotating
+# Set temporal parameters
+SeaIce.setTotalTime!(sim, 6.*60.*60.)
+SeaIce.setOutputFileInterval!(sim, 60.)
+# Run simulation for 10 time steps, then add new icefloes from the top
+while sim.time < sim.time_total
+ for it=1:10
+!(sim, status_interval=1, single_step=true)
+ end
+ for i=1:size(sim.ocean.xh, 1)
+ if sim.ocean.ice_floe_list[i, end] == []
+ x, y = SeaIce.getCellCenterCoordinates(sim.ocean, i,
+ size(sim.ocean.xh, 2))
+ # Enable for high mass flux
+ r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x-r, y-r], r_rand, h,
+ verbose=false,
+ contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
+ contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
+ contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
+ contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
+ rotating=rotating)
+ r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x+r, y-r], r_rand, h,
+ verbose=false,
+ contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
+ contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
+ contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
+ contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
+ rotating=rotating)
+ r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x+r, y+r], r_rand, h,
+ verbose=false,
+ contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
+ contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
+ contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
+ contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
+ rotating=rotating)
+ r_rand = r_min + Base.Random.rand()*(r - r_min)
+ SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x-r, y+r], r_rand, h,
+ verbose=false,
+ contact_stiffness_normal=k_n,
+ contact_stiffness_tangential=k_t,
+ contact_viscosity_tangential=gamma_t,
+ contact_dynamic_friction = mu_d,
+ rotating=rotating)
+ # Enable for low mass flux
+ #x += noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
+ #y += noise_amplitude*(0.5 - Base.Random.rand())
+ #SeaIce.addIceFloeCylindrical(sim, [x, y], r, h, verbose=false)
+ end
+ end