Anders' Repositories
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NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit (UTC)
Granular.jlJulia package for granular dynamics simulation Anders Damsgaard2024-05-05 17:29
adamsgaard.dkmy academic webpage Anders Damsgaard2023-05-03 06:12
andersdamsgaard.commy photography webpage Anders Damsgaard2021-05-05 08:12
aoc22advent of code 2022 solutions Anders Damsgaard2022-12-06 09:11
bitreich-memestatsmetrics and graphs for the bitreich meme collection Anders Damsgaard2023-12-27 10:41
brcon2020_adcmy presentation for brcon2020 Anders Damsgaard2020-06-02 09:09
canteen-infoscrape weekly menus from canteens surrounding Aarhus University Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:05
cngf-pf-exp1experiments for first paper with continuum granular model Anders Damsgaard2022-06-10 09:29
cngf-pf-exp2experiments for second paper with continuum granular model Anders Damsgaard2021-08-30 06:37
cngf-pfcontinuum model for granular flows with pore-pressure dynamics (renamed from 1d_fd_simple_shear) Anders Damsgaard2023-09-21 13:45
cosmofront and backend for Markov-Chain Monte Carlo inversion of cosmogenic nuclide concentrations Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:08
cross-stitchinteractively turn images into patterns for cross stitching Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:15
cuda-memscrubscrubs the global device memory of CUDA GPUs Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:14
cvcurriculum vitae Anders Damsgaard2024-03-06 20:55
cynthmodular musical synthesizer using POSIX streams Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:16
dwm[fork] customized build of dwm, the dynamic window manager Anders Damsgaard2024-03-06 14:07
ebeltoft-amsAMS results for channel deposit at Ebeltoft, Denmark Anders Damsgaard2022-07-07 14:13
exercise_timeannounce workout exercises with notifications and speech synth Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:17
fffsfast and simple shell plugin manager Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:18
filmtoolsvarious tools for photographic film development and darkroom printing Anders Damsgaard2022-07-22 08:12
flytrexlogread, manipulate, and plot flytrex logger data Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:19
frshfrench command language interpreter Anders Damsgaard2024-08-10 14:01
game-of-lifeConway's Game of Life Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:19
git-quick-startan introduction to Git version control Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:23
gph-polla dynamic poll for geomyidae(8) Anders Damsgaard2021-04-09 18:13
granular-basintectonic deformation experiments with Granular.jl Esben Palstrom2021-12-02 11:55
granular-channel-hydrosubglacial hydrology model for sedimentary channels Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:21
granulargranular dynamics simulation Anders Damsgaard2022-07-05 16:42
hansen-zoet-expcomparison of lab and model results of sediment advection Anders Damsgaard2022-12-12 00:53
imgtransinteractive BMP to txt converter Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:23
lbm-d3q193D lattice-Boltzmann code to approximate Navier-Stokes incompressible flow Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:24
lego_film_processorsoftware for rotary photographic film processor with Lego Mindstorms RCX Anders Damsgaard2022-10-01 07:06
neatvi[fork] simple vi-type editor with UTF-8 support Anders Damsgaard2022-05-21 04:45
ns2dfd2D finite difference Navier Stokes solver for fluid dynamics Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:27
numericC++ library with numerical algorithms Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:29
numtoolsperform numerical operations on vectors and matrices in unix pipes Anders Damsgaard2023-09-22 09:16
nws-forecast-mailerfetch and deliver the NWS 48-hour forecast by email Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 08:58
petsc-git-PKGBUILDbuild template for non-complex PETSC with petsc4py Anders Damsgaard2022-05-16 20:15
pism-exp-gswice stream and sediment transport experiments Anders Damsgaard2022-05-17 12:42
pism[fork] customized build of PISM, the parallel ice sheet model (tillflux branch) Anders Damsgaard2021-08-05 00:01
plan9port[fork] Plan 9 from user space Anders Damsgaard2020-10-07 03:22
polygengenerative drawing of polygonal patterns Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:31
recipesvarious cooking recipes Anders Damsgaard2024-10-12 06:53
rpgtoolsvarious tools for role-playing games Anders Damsgaard2020-11-05 10:23
sacc[fork] customized build of sacc, the simple console gopher client Anders Damsgaard2021-04-06 11:24
scholarreftools for DOI and BiBTeX reference extraction, fetching, and parsing Anders Damsgaard2022-01-14 11:43
scibeamerquickly create scientific presentations using LateX and Beamer Anders Damsgaard2024-08-25 10:18
seaice-exp-faultingsimulate faulting angles in sea ice under uniaxial compression Anders Damsgaard2021-08-04 08:40
seaice-experimentssea ice experiments using Granular.jl Anders Damsgaard2021-07-20 09:26
simple_DEMa simple 2D Discrete Element Method code for educational purposes Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:39
slidergridgrid of elastic sliders on a frictional surface Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:40
sphereGPU-based 3D discrete element method algorithm with optional fluid coupling Anders Damsgaard2024-08-19 14:27
spoon[fork] customized build of spoon, the dwm status utility Anders Damsgaard2022-09-01 06:18
st[fork] customized build of st, the simple terminal Anders Damsgaard2022-03-18 16:43
stagit[fork] customized build of stagit, the static git page generator Anders Damsgaard2021-11-16 17:17
stopwatchsimple timer for console or x root window Anders Damsgaard2022-07-05 16:48
surf[fork] customized build of surf, the suckless webkit browser Anders Damsgaard2022-04-08 09:21
vaccinewarsbe a doctor and try to vaccinate the world Anders Damsgaard2022-02-06 07:03
vea minimal text editor (work in progress) Anders Damsgaard2021-01-24 14:30
votesimple cgi voting system for web and gopher Anders Damsgaard2021-01-22 17:09
vsfm-linux-x86_64automated build of VisualSFM photogrammetry software and its dependencies Anders Damsgaard2020-01-02 09:46
watchminimalist watch program Anders Damsgaard2020-05-23 20:21
wernercellular automata simulation of wind-driven sand transport Anders Damsgaard2023-12-19 14:37